Rules School
(Effective January 2023) Rule 25 provides modifications to certain Rules of Golf to allow players with specific disabilities to play fairly with players who have no disabilities, the same disability or a different type of disability.
info_outline Rule 24 - Team Competitions (2023)Rules School
(Effective January 2023) Rule 24 covers team competitions (played in either match play or stroke play), where multiple players or sides compete as a team with the results of their rounds or matches combined to produce an overall team score.
info_outline Rule 23 - Four-Ball (2023)Rules School
(Effective January 2023) Rule 23 covers Four-Ball (played either in match play or stroke play), where partners compete as a side with each playing a separate ball. The side's score for a hole is the lower score of the partners on that hole.
info_outline Rule 22 - Foursomes (Also Known as Alternate Shot) (2023)Rules School
(Effective January 2023) Rule 22 covers Foursomes (played either in match play or stroke play), where two partners compete together as a side by alternating in making strokes at a single ball. The Rules for this form of play are essentially the same as for individual play, except for requiring the partners to alternate in teeing off to start a hole and to play out each hole with alternate shots.
info_outline Rule 21 - Other Forms of Individual Stroke Play and Match Play (2023)Rules School
(Effective January 2023) Rule 21 covers four other forms of individual play, including three forms of stroke play where scoring is different than in regular stroke play: Stableford (scoring by points awareded on each hole); Maximum Score (the score for each hole is capped at a maximum); and Par/Bogey (match play scoring used on a hole-by-hole basis).
info_outline Rule 20 - Resolving Rules Issues During Round; Rulings by Referee and Committee (2023)Rules School
(Effective January 2023) Rule 20 covers what players should do when they have questions about the Rules during a round, including the procedures (which differ in match play and stroke play) allowing a player to protect the right to get a ruling at a later time. The Rule also covers the role of referees who are authorized to decide questions of fact and apply the Rules. Rulings from a referee or the Committee are binding on all players.
info_outline Rule 19 - Unplayable Ball (2023)Rules School
(Effective January 2023) Rule 19 covers the player's several relief options for an unplayable ball. This allows the player to choose which option to use - normally with one penalty stroke - to get out of a difficult situation anywhere on the course (except in a penalty area).
info_outline Rule 18 - Stroke-and-Distance Relief; Ball Lost or Out of Bounds; Provisional Ball (2023)Rules School
(Effective January 2023) Rule 18 covers taking relief under penalty of stroke and distance. When a ball is lost outside a penalty area or comes to rest out of bounds, the required progression of playing from the teeing area to the hole is broken; the player must resume that progression by playing again from where the previous stroke was made. This Rule also covers how and when a provisional ball may be played to save time when the ball in play might have gone out of bounds or be lost outside a penalty area.
info_outline Rule 17 - Penalty Areas (2023)Rules School
(Effective January 2023) Rule 17 is a specific Rule for penalty areas, which are bodies of water or other areas defined by the Committee where a ball is often lost or unable to be played. For one penalty stroke, players may use specific relief options to play a ball from outside the penalty area.
info_outline Rule 16 - Relief from Abnormal Course Conditions (Including Immovable Obstructions), Dangerous Animal Condition, Embedded Ball (2023)Rules School
(Effective January 2023) Rule 16 covers when and how the player may take free relief by playing a ball from a different place, such as when there is interference by an abnormal course condition or a dangerous animal condition. These conditions are not treated as part of the challenge of playing the course, and free relief is generally allowed except in a penalty area. The player normally takes relief by dropping a ball in a relief area based on the nearest point of complete relief. This Rule also covers free relief when a player's ball is embedded in its own pitch-mark in the general area.
info_outline(Effective January 2023) Rule 19 covers the player's several relief options for an unplayable ball. This allows the player to choose which option to use - normally with one penalty stroke - to get out of a difficult situation anywhere on the course (except in a penalty area).