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RC V2.0 Ep 27

Runner Chats podcast

Release Date: 10/07/2020

Episode 100! show art Episode 100!

Runner Chats podcast

We took our time but we finally made it...

RC V2.0 Ep31 show art RC V2.0 Ep31

Runner Chats podcast

Oh deary me, there's not much running going on now, is there?!

RC V2.0 Ep30 show art RC V2.0 Ep30

Runner Chats podcast

"Just two guys having a picnic in the park..."

RC V2.0 Ep29 show art RC V2.0 Ep29

Runner Chats podcast

Jam packed episode this week as we catch up on the big events that are starting to emerge out of a locked down world.  We also talk drinking clubs with a running problem, 100km indoor rows, and we start looking towards beer advent calendars!

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Runner Chats podcast

Maybe the last episode we do remotely... (maybe?!)

RC V2.0 Ep 27 show art RC V2.0 Ep 27

Runner Chats podcast

This week we talk London Marathon, event updates, a 10,000m world record attempt and- as usual- Stewy and Jess get a mention!

RC V2.0 Ep26 show art RC V2.0 Ep26

Runner Chats podcast

Hey... guess what?  Stewy McSweyn and Jess Hull set new Australian records last week!  Again!  We talk Aussie records on the track and also over the marathon, as London Marathon is going ahead and there 3 Australians are heading over and on fire!

RC 2.0 Ep25 show art RC 2.0 Ep25

Runner Chats podcast

Adelaide Mara went ahead!  And so will Berlin Mara... but the virtual version...  We chat worst running memories, an Australian 50km track record, and discuss whether Runner Chats should become a crime stories podcast. 

RC V2.0 Ep24 show art RC V2.0 Ep24

Runner Chats podcast

It's a laidback episode this one; with running chitter chatter and some story time!  We play Beginning/ Middle/ End, discuss Melbourne Marathon's Virtual run, the new Australian 1500m record, and our favourite runs of all time.

RC V2.0 Ep23 show art RC V2.0 Ep23

Runner Chats podcast

Lots of running chit chat to get through in this episode: new men's and women's 1 hour records, a recap of The Speed Project from our Sydney Correspondent, and guess what?  Melbourne Mara finally cancelled!

More Episodes

This week we talk London Marathon, event updates, a 10,000m world record attempt and- as usual- Stewy and Jess get a mention!

Let us know what you do while you listen to Runner Chats!