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SaintCast #146, Servant of God Professor Jerome Lejeune

The SaintCast - Catholic Saints on Call

Release Date: 01/27/2015

SaintCast #147, Soundseeing in Molokai, in the footsteps of Father Damien show art SaintCast #147, Soundseeing in Molokai, in the footsteps of Father Damien

The SaintCast - Catholic Saints on Call

This week, Paul travels to the island paradise of Molokai, Hawaii. From 1866 to 1969 thousands of men, women, and children diagnosed with leprosy were forcibly exiled to this island to die here in anonymity.  Two Catholic saints, Fr. Damien de Veuster and St. Marianne Cope ministered to them, built their houses, soothed their wounds, and helped them live lives of meaning and worth. ...

SaintCast #146, Servant of God Professor Jerome Lejeune show art SaintCast #146, Servant of God Professor Jerome Lejeune

The SaintCast - Catholic Saints on Call

In the wake of the 42nd annual March for Life, we revisit the life and work of Servant of God Jerome Lejeune, French geneticist and pediatrician.  The first to discover the genetic basis of a disease, Trisomy 21 or Down syndrome. Lejeune was a tireless defender of human life in its most vulnerable form, and after his incredible discovery, was vilified for his position in defense of human life. ...

SC 145 'The Pope who Quit' St. Celestine V show art SC 145 'The Pope who Quit' St. Celestine V

The SaintCast - Catholic Saints on Call

Prior to Pope Benedict XVI, over 700 years ago, one man resigned the papacy at age 84 and was canonized a saint a short while later. Peter Angelerio, otherwise known as Pope Celestine V was a saintly monk who was chosen pope in 1294, only to resign a short 5 months later, dying a prisoner of the next man to hold the Chair of Peter in a prison at Fumone.  On this SaintCast we interview author and historian Jon Sweeney, who authored a biography of Celestine V, "The Pope Who Quit," in 2012.  He describes the difficult political and ecclesial situation in the late 13th century, the...

SaintCast #144, Seven New Saints! show art SaintCast #144, Seven New Saints!

The SaintCast - Catholic Saints on Call

Paul travels to Rome for the canonization of 7 new saints, including the North American Saints Kateri Tekakwitha and Mother Marianne Cope. Hear the excitement in the crowd of tens of thousands of pilgrims who have traveled to witness the special ceremony on the steps of St. Peter's Basilica....

SaintCast #143, The Holy Chalice of Valencia. Is this the Holy Grail? show art SaintCast #143, The Holy Chalice of Valencia. Is this the Holy Grail?

The SaintCast - Catholic Saints on Call

From the Cenaculum, to St. Lawrence in Rome, to Spain. . . this small stone cup has been tenaciously protected and revered for centuries. This week on the SaintCast we interview Janice Bennett, author of "St. Laurence and the Holy Grail," a book that traces the history of the Holy Chalice of Valencia, the reputed Holy Grail that Christ used at the Last Supper.  Mrs. Bennett describes her search for the Holy Grail that brought her from libraries in Madrid, across the Pyrenees to the small agate cup guarded and preserved as the sacred chalice Christ used in Jerusalem at the Last Supper....

SaintCast #142, Soundseeing in Athens, St. Paul and the Areopagus show art SaintCast #142, Soundseeing in Athens, St. Paul and the Areopagus

The SaintCast - Catholic Saints on Call

Paul takes SaintCast listeners on a tour of ancient Athens, touring the Acropolis, and especially the Areopagus hill, where St. Paul preached his sermon on the unknown god, found in the Acts of the Apostles.

SaintCast #141, Be My Methodius? and Profile of Bl. Niels Stensen show art SaintCast #141, Be My Methodius? and Profile of Bl. Niels Stensen

The SaintCast - Catholic Saints on Call

Be my Cyril or Methodius? We naturally think of today as St. Valentine's Day. In today's SaintCast we learn of the alternate feast day patrons, Cyril and Methodius, as well as the other Saints celebrated on the liturgical calendar this week.

SaintCast Extra #140 - Philmont Bound show art SaintCast Extra #140 - Philmont Bound

The SaintCast - Catholic Saints on Call

Back from an extended SaintCast break, Paul embarks on a trip into the New Mexico wilderness under the patronage of St. George, the patron Saint of scouting. Back with all new episodes, including stories from the back country, in 12 days.

SaintCast #139, Auschwitz Diaries, Last Days of St. Maximilian Kolbe show art SaintCast #139, Auschwitz Diaries, Last Days of St. Maximilian Kolbe

The SaintCast - Catholic Saints on Call

SaintCast listener Peter Wiberg interviews Auschwitz survivor Tadeusz Raznikiewicz, from Uppsala, Sweden, eyewitness to the last days of St. Maximilian Kolbe. You won't want to miss this chilling first-hand account of life in Auschwitz, and the story of how 'Pater Kolbe' gave up his life to save a doomed young man. News on the canonization cause of the first U.S. priest of African descent from the Archdiocese of Chicago.

SaintCast #138, St. John Fisher, and canonization 101 show art SaintCast #138, St. John Fisher, and canonization 101

The SaintCast - Catholic Saints on Call

Does the Catholic Church 'make' a saint? Of course not, but in this episode of the SaintCast, learn the intricate details of the canonization process from square one. Also, a profile of the great English martyr, St. John Fisher.

More Episodes

In the wake of the 42nd annual March for Life, we revisit the life and work of Servant of God Jerome Lejeune, French geneticist and pediatrician.  The first to discover the genetic basis of a disease, Trisomy 21 or Down syndrome. Lejeune was a tireless defender of human life in its most vulnerable form, and after his incredible discovery, was vilified for his position in defense of human life.

On today's SaintCast we profile his life, and speak with the Postulator for his Cause for canonization, Aude Dugast. We learn of how he lived the virtues to a heroic degree, learn of his family life, and review his biography written by his daughter, Clara Gaymard.

Also on the SaintCast a new (old) Saint Jeopardy quiz, canonization news, and more.


Life is a Blessing, Biography of Jerome Lejeune, by Clara Gaymard

The Jerome Lejeune Foundation USA

Friends of Lejeune

Jerome Lejeune interview on YouTube, from American Life League

Siempre Adelante, newsletter of canonization cause of Jerome Lejeune