Salon Futura
Cheryl talks to Helen L Brady, one of the newer additions to the Wizard's Tower stable. Helen talks about her career in screenwriting, why she has turned to novels instead, and her background in theatre and historical re-enactment.
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A new Green Man book is always a major event these days. As the launch at BristolCon was going to be quite busy, with Fight Like A Girl 2 being showcased as well, Juliet sat down over Zoom to chat with Cheryl about The Green Man's War. Along they way they talk about possible future plans for the series. And, rather unusually, Juliet explains where she got (one of) her ideas from.
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Cheryl talks to Lyda Morehouse about the new edition of the final AngeLINK book, Resurrection Code. Along the way they discuss how the ability to get mainstream publishers to accept queer content has changed over the years. There is also discussion of how Lyda's new book, Welcome to, relates to the AngeLINK universe.
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Dr. Maria Gerolemou is a Classicist based at the University of Exeter. One of her interests is in ancient automota. Here she talskto Cheryl about their joint fascination with the early origins of robots.
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Cheryl talks to Anne Corlett and Kevlin Henney about the new, online convention, WiFi SciFi. How did it come to be? Has it worked for audiences? What problems have theyfound with online conferencing software?
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In this interview Cheryl talks to Tate Hallaway, the mysterious, night-dwelling alter-ego of mild-mannered novelist, Lyda Morehouse. The conversation touches on Lyda's AngeLINK novels, Tate's work, and of course the newly released Unjust Cause.
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In this interview Cheryl talks to Juliet E. McKenna about the re-issue of her Tales of Einarinn series, back in print for the first time in years. Other topics discussed include free fiction for lockdown reading, book three in the Green Man series, and a potential River Kingdom novel.
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Kate Macdonald is the founder of , an innovative British small press specialising in recovering forgotten works by women writers. In this interview, first broadcast on Chery's Women's Outlook show on Ujima Radio, Kate talks about why she founded the company and some of her more successful projects.
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This interview was originally broadcast on the Women's Outlook show on Ujima Radio in August 2018. It mainly concerns the novella, The Deep, based on the clipping song of the same name.
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Ellen Datlow is a multi-award winning editor and is generally regarded as the top editor in horror short fiction. This interview was recorded at the 2019 Eurocon, TitanCon, in Belfast. Cheryl talks to Ellen about a range of topics including how she got her start in the business, how the industry has changed since she started, what "best of the year" anthologies mean, and who is the only horror writer ever to have scared her.
info_outlineThis interview was originally broadcast on the Women's Outlook show on Ujima Radio in August 2018. It mainly concerns the novella, The Deep, based on the clipping song of the same name.