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Annette Burke - Living with type 2 diabetes

100 Years of Insulin

Release Date: 08/25/2021

Annette Burke, shares her rollercoaster journey living with type 2 diabetes and how the condition has impacted so many members of her family. Above all, Annette describes the measures she now takes to maintain blood sugar levels and reduce the risks of complications from diabetes.

This podcast is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor, and listeners should direct any queries they have about diabetes, diabetes management and treatments to their doctor.

The views and opinions expressed in the podcast series should not be attributed to any organisation with which the speakers are employed or affiliated and are not necessarily the views of Sanofi Australia. Honoraria were provided to Annette Burke.

Sanofi‐Aventis Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 31 008 558 807. Talavera Corporate Centre, Building D, 12‐24 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113. MAT-AU-2101380. Date of preparation July 2021.