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SC EP:1030 The Ozark Visitor

Sasquatch Chronicles

Release Date: 02/11/2024

SC EP:1097 The Michigan Dogman And Lights In The Woods show art SC EP:1097 The Michigan Dogman And Lights In The Woods

Sasquatch Chronicles

Ty writes "Hey Wes I wanted to update you on something… so the first encounter was at my parents house now I’m older and moved out living about 30ish minutes west of them… anyways when we had the first encounter the DNR as I stated we’re searching for a cougar…never found anything. The problem kind of faded and would come back every so often… now that I’m living where I’m at yesterday this would be September 30th DNR is around looking for in their words a “dominant predator” and my mother called me this morning and said that the DNR said the same thing to her… police are...

SC EP:1095 Police Officer And The Hairy Man show art SC EP:1095 Police Officer And The Hairy Man

Sasquatch Chronicles

Karl writes "Wes. I listened to the show #847. The subject was Matt in CT. I am from Sandy Hook CT. Part of Newtown. From Matt’s description of the area he and his father saw the Bigfoot, I’m guessing it’s Bridgewater, in Litchfield County along the Housatonic River . I live about 20 minutes from there and back in 1976 when I was 14. I’m 62 now and a former Newtown Police Officer and Retired State of CT Corrections Officer, I had an encounter with a Bigfoot on the RR tracks on the Monroe - Newtown Town line. I reported this sighting to the BFRO website Report #77112. I also have had a...

SC EP:1093 I Peed On Sasquatch show art SC EP:1093 I Peed On Sasquatch

Sasquatch Chronicles

Kevin writes "Lets jump to my first possible encounter. Age 16 roughly 1999, my buddy gets his first vehicle ( a Chevy S10 ). That summer we decided we're going to take our first trip to the boundary waters. Another buddy decided he was going to join us as well. Here we are three 16yr old boys, our gear, and a canoe packed into this tiny truck. We entered the BWCA through the Larch Creek access point on the Gunflint Trail. We spent the next couple days portaging deeper into the wilderness. I don't remember exactly which night of the trip this happened, but it was towards the middle. It was...

SC EP:1091 Dogman And A Strange Encounter show art SC EP:1091 Dogman And A Strange Encounter

Sasquatch Chronicles

Axton writes "Hey Wes, I’m writing you because years back when my brother and I were in our teens hunting rabbits in the desert in Utah. We had a wild encounter with a creature that definitely wasn’t a Sasquatch or any known wolf. I remember him and I walking a line and I was over a slight hill to where I couldn’t see him, he started calling my name frantically and I ran up the hill to see what was going on, I honestly thought he came across a big snake or something judging by his voice. When I came up over the hill I asked him what the hell was going on and he pointed in the direction...

SC EP:1089 They Were All Around Us show art SC EP:1089 They Were All Around Us

Sasquatch Chronicles

Lacey writes "Hey Wes! I started listening to your show after my encounter that happened in the fall of 2020 in Willow Creek, CA. Since then I have tried to make sense of what happened and your show has given me insight and validation, but has also left me with more questions than answers. Takes a lot for me to do this but here it goes.. During the fall of 2020 I was trimming for a medical marijuana farm and staying with friends in willow creek, ca. I currently live in my home state in the Midwest but lived in Humboldt County for 7 years during my twenties. So when the pandemic started, I lost...

SC EP:1087 The Creature Waved At Me show art SC EP:1087 The Creature Waved At Me

Sasquatch Chronicles

Sean writes "Originally I wrote this a few years back when I first started listening to your show after my brother introduced it to me. Though I decided what I encountered at the time wasn’t big foot cause it didn’t really match my understanding of Bigfoot was, so I chalked it up to a weird encounter. More recently I’ve come across episodes talking about Sasquatch throwing rocks and mimicking people speaking that made me reconsider. My strange encounter was brief but memorable, I was working on a campsite in a valley back behind my moms house, this is a suburb next to a protected forest...

SC EP:1085 Boy Scouts And Sasquatch show art SC EP:1085 Boy Scouts And Sasquatch

Sasquatch Chronicles

Tonight we will be speaking to John. Over 41 years ago John had an encounter in Indiana while he was in the Boy Scouts. In 2018 John was driving when he noticed a large Orangutan like creature 40 feet from him. As John and I spoke he had a lot of strange things happen to him and has agreed to discuss events in his life.

SC EP:1084 I Thought I Was Dead show art SC EP:1084 I Thought I Was Dead

Sasquatch Chronicles

I will be speaking to David and Scott tonight. Scott writes "I just recently listened to episode 916 ( butter street monster) due to me living down the road from that area since I was 13 years old. Now I’m 36 and I live in Germantown right off butter street, I take that road everyday to and from work. I transferred schools to Carlisle Ohio, in the 7th grade and lived off of Martz Paulin at the time of my sighting on morning star road. I bring up my story because butter street and morning star are extremely close together and are surrounded by the same wooded areas and metro parks. Around...

SC EP:1082 Guest Host Brent Thomas - Paranormal Portal show art SC EP:1082 Guest Host Brent Thomas - Paranormal Portal

Sasquatch Chronicles

As I mentioned to the members I had dental surgery on Wednesday and I am still recovering. My mouth is swollen and it hurts to speak. I will return next week and shows will return to normal. This weeks show will be hosted by Brent Thomas from the Paranormal Portal. Check out the Paranormal Portal Podcast on your podcast player you can also find him on YouTube:

SC EP:1080 Georgia Property And Sasquatch show art SC EP:1080 Georgia Property And Sasquatch

Sasquatch Chronicles

Dakota grew up on a large property in Georgia. Over the years strange things have happened on this property but it wasn't until Dakota and his friend from college saw one of the creatures that Dakota realized the strange things he experienced growing up on this property might have been these creatures. Ill let Dakota go into it tonight. Dakota writes "I grew up on a property in Georgia and I’m convinced a family lives there. I’m not sure if it could be a portal or not I’m still learning about that but I have had all types of encounters with them. I have seen several, multiple different...

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Tonight I will speaking with Ryan and Doug. Doug shares an encounter that happened in 1976 in Ohio. Doug was fishing with his cousin when this encounter happened.

Ryan writes "In the Spring of 2014, I took my son turkey hunting for the youth turkey hunt. Where we camped was a designated campsite, however, it was more of a “cleared spot”. There is no electric or concrete pad. Just looks like maybe a couple times a year, the campsites are “scraped” to keep them from getting overgrown. This campsite is 3-4 miles uphill from any paved road. The gravel off the pavement turns into dirt a couple miles in.

The sun had set and we were sitting around the campfire after eating dinner. I told my son (who was 12) we needed to turn in since we were getting up early in the morning.

We had not been in the tent for 5 minutes, then we both heard footsteps. They sounded like bi-pedal steps. It walks into our camp and walks non-stop around our tent and fire for almost an hour. Now, after we have heard these steps for a few minutes, my son asks what is outside. I told him it was just a deer or raccoon and he should go to sleep – which he did in no time. At this point, I was getting scared. I wanted to look out the tent, but if by some chance it was a sow black bear with cubs nearby, and she saw me or smelled me, she could be on top of us before I could do anything. Besides our shotguns, I had a .40 SW on me, but my adrenaline was going crazy at this point and I knew my shot placement would be anything but accurate. I laid down and put the pistol across my chest, should I need to use it. My heart was absolutely racing. After almost an hour, the footsteps left the camp and headed back in the direction it came from. I laid there for the next 2-3 hours before I finally fell asleep.

The next night, same thing – dinner, campfire, bed. I pulled the tent closer to the fire tonight. Just like the night before, bipedal footsteps came our way. My son was asleep in less than 10 minutes. The steps came into camp and again started walking circles non-stop around the camp. This time I was listening closely. I know it wasn’t a raccoon. I know it wasn’t a deer. I know it wasn’t a black bear. My heart was racing, and I can say, I felt fear like I’ve never known. This time it left after about 30 minutes, back the way it came.

Now, just to be clear, where we were, there are no houses for at least 5 miles. No one lives there. You can hear trucks/cars coming up the road 10 minutes before they get to where you’re at – it’s a very winding road with steep drop offs, so, you go slow. We had driven around – we were the only ones up there.

The next week, I was telling some guys at work about it. No one made fun, but one guy motioned me back to his desk. I walked over. He asked me if I thought it might have been a sasquatch. I didn’t know what to say to that. He told me there are lots of reports up there and make no mistake, they exist.

He used to live in Alaska when he was younger. Long story short, he had gone fishing with his dad and brother (who was 17) while in AK. They were going down the road and it was dark. His dad pulled over and told him brother to check on the trailer because he couldn’t see the taillights. His brother got out, I’m assuming hooking the wiring back up to the truck. He said after maybe a minute, his brother came running back to the truck, screaming and crying “GO GO GO GO”. His dad took off. They stopped a couple miles down the road. They finally got his brother to calm down and talk. He said when he hooked up the wires and the taillights came back on, maybe 10 ft away, it lit up a sasquatch – he said it was 9 or 10’ tall. When all was said and done, he had lost all control of his bladder and bowels.

Fast forward a couple month later, my family and I were at a cookout. My wife was a teacher’s assistant. The teacher and her husband were there. They were both from just north of the Buffalo, in Harrison, AR.

I started talking to her husband and asked if he ever spent much time on the Buffalo. He said he did when he was younger, but not in awhile. I asked him if he ever saw a sasquatch up there. His eyes got big and I’d swear the color left his face – he looked scared (he was in the Army at the time).

He pulled me aside and asked why? I told him my story. He asked if I was near the cemetery – the cemetery is where we turned off the paved road and it was just past a bridge that crossed the river. He said he and his brother was headed up there (basically the same area) to deer hunt. According to him they went there all the time to hunt. They were coming across the bridge around 4AM. Something totally black walked across the road in front of them. He said it was huge and made it across the road in 2 or 3 steps. He brother slammed on the brakes and was screaming “what is that”. They turned around and took off. He said a couple days later, they went back in the daytime. When they got to the bridge again, he noticed the yellow/black striped signs on the guard rails to warn people the road ended and the guardrails began. He said whatever it was they say was every bit as tall as the signs. But when they got out of the truck to look around, he noticed how the signs were at least 9-10’ tall. He is 6’3 and said he couldn’t reach the top of the signs flat footed. After that, he and his brother never hunted the Buffalo again.

Fast forward 6 months. I was at a farm supply store. Outside, they had a big deer blind – it was made to look like a big tree stump. I was looking inside it. An older man walked up and said “those deer will never see you coming in that”. I said I wasn’t worried about the deer, just the sasquatches – I meant it as a joke. He gets a very serious look and said “What do you know about that?”. I told him my son and I had a weird experience on the Buffalo turkey hunting a few months back. He said “I’ve never told anyone this” (I knew the story was gonna be good), but several years earlier he had been bear hunting on the Buffalo – he went every year – and was sitting in his tree stand. I asked where on the Buffalo he was at (the Buffalo is pretty big). He literally asked me if I know where the cemetery is off the highway. I said I did. He told me he was a few miles up the road from the cemetery (again, basically the same area my son and I were hunting). In his stand, he heard something coming his way. He could hear footsteps and limbs breaking. He wasn’t sure if it was a bear or not, but the sounds got louder and closer. He said he heard whatever it was walk up to his stand – it was breathing hard and making a “huffing sound”, almost like when a deer smells you and blows. He said it was right below me – he could hear it grunting – but nothing was there. He couldn’t see anything. After a little while, it walked around his tree a few times, grunting. Then walked off. He said he was so scared, he wet himself, but was afraid to leave the stand, so he stayed the night in it – except he didn’t sleep. He said at first light, he mustered the courage to get down and ran all the way back to his truck (he said it was a mile or so away). He quit hunting after that.

After my initial conversation with my coworker, I started doing some research/investigating on the internet. I had no idea about the sightings in Arkansas or in nearby Oklahoma/Missouri. I had seen Boggy Creek, but sasquatch was not something I was really into. I’m interested now.”