Sasquatch Chronicles
Ernest writes "This encounter takes place in 2001 in Ottawa County, Oklahoma. I was 16 years old. I am 40 now. My three younger sisters and I were coming back from visiting our baby cousin who was recently born. It was about 10 pm driving down the road and headed back home. We see a figure walking down the side of the road, just casually. I mentioned to my sister in the front seat it was awful late to be walking down a dark road without any type of lights. I slow down as I come up behind him. He stood about 9 to 10 feet tall with almost a dark fur coat. He slowly turned his head, and he had...
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I will be welcoming Ron to the show. He had an encounter back in the early 1990's. Ron said "We were on vacation, staying in this cabin in U.P. Michigan. The family was down swimming and fishing. I came back to the cabin and I thought someone was in there. I got to the room I thought an intruder or a thief was in there but something told me not to go in there. Sasquatch never crossed my mind. As I grabbed my shotgun it ran out. I followed it out but lost sight of it. As I walked into the forest looking, the intruder got up and ran for the water and jumped in. It wasn't human, it reminded me of...
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Rick writes "When I was younger I lived in Mississippi in a very little town called Poplar Creek. Its very remote and there is nothing there but open farm land. I now live in Asheville, NC I sometimes go back to MS to see family from time to time. When I do go back I always drive past where I use to live and where I first saw a creature. My family had about 80 acres of land most of it was woodland and swamp area. I never saw the creature until I was older at the age of 15. All of my life my Grandfather use to tell me and my brothers about a wild man and woman that lived in the area and was...
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Brian writes "I do not believe in bigfoot 100% but I absolutely believe your witnesses. So, on the fence.... However, my friend Gravy and I were backpacking in WNC somewhere south of Boone but north of Ashville. (Switz?) We have crawled all over these mountains for about 20 or 30 years. 10 to 20 mile backpacking weekends. Typically easy to moderate but we weren't afraid of elevations. Anyway it's fall, we ascend to camp on a ciff face just above treetops with more trees above us We camp in the tree line to escape wind but walk back out to clearing before bed to stargaze and smoke a bowl after...
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Gene writes “I was around 13 or 14. It was about the third weekend of November. I know this because I was deer hunting. We were on land belonging to Peabody coal company in Muhlenberg county. At that time was 62,000 acres of reclaimed coal land. It was around 4 pm. I was standing in a field looking north, my father had went down a holler to the west of me. I heard my father shoot three times. This was strange because he always shot once and a deer was down. I then moved to the mouth of the holler to see if any deer would be running my direction. I then started to hear people talking, I could...
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The witness had an encounter in Alabama in August 2024. She was serving papers to the homeowner when the encounter happened. Celena writes "Hello Wes, you were a referral by several individuals, they seem to think you would want to know what happened to me on the job. I was surrounded by a Clan of Bigfoot while attempting to serve court documents. Pictures provided."
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Paul writes “Hi Wes. I’ve been listening to your show for quite some time now. I’ve had two sightings in different locations here in Louisiana but have been reluctant to share with anyone for a few reasons. I’m born and raised in South Louisiana and also spent a lot of time in East and NE Texas. I’ve spent a good amount of time outdoors and in the woods hunting, camping and fishing. I’m a Police officer which is one of my reasons for being reluctant to share. The First event took place on June 1st 2019 I say event because I didn’t physically see anything. My son (he was 6 1/2 at...
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Early release, I will return on Sunday for the members. A listener writes “As a little girl my family would go camping at a place called “Flaming Gorge” it’s in Eastern Utah. It’s divided by a pretty huge Gorge (for Utah anyway) and has mountains all around it. I was somewhere between the age 4/5 when my family went down to the cliffs to Cliff Jump all day. This was back in the late 80’s early 90’s. Since I was so little I didn’t do the cliff jumping with my siblings. I was allowed to play around the cliffs as long as I stayed in eyesight. This was a really safe place with...
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Blake writes "Hey Wes, I listen to your show with my pops a lot we're both huge fans. I just wanted to share a encounter I had 2 years ago. I can't really type well so I would love to talk about it over the phone maybe but I'll give you a brief summary. Me and my dad love nature I mean the mountains, hiking, camping anything with outdoors. One day me and my dad decided to do "bushcraft" for a day. Not clear about the time but I know it was reaching sunset so somewhere around 8 to 9 since it was summer. We shot up to Ashford WA which is known for bigfoot encounters. After doing our little...
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Tonight I will be welcoming Waylon and Reno from Albert, Canada. I will also be speaking to Angel from GA. Reno writes "Hey Wes, been a listener of your show for a while now and I had a strange encounter on Thanksgiving (Canadian thanksgiving Oct 14th). Been hesitant to contact you about it but I thought you might want to hear it. I’m located in Northern Alberta. I’ll start from the absolute start, my brother and a family friend went hunting around two years ago a few miles from my family friends house down an overgrown cut line that turns very swampy. My brother and him are avid hunters....
info_outlineGarrett writes "So I’ll just start from the beginning, I moved to Tennessee with my mom around the age of 8-9 we’ve lived here ever since. I began a fascination with Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, a few years later after me and my Mamaw would watch finding Bigfoot on Tv almost every night.
Being a kid and growing up watching the show, of course my first instinct was to go and try the things they did and of course that didn’t really get much of anything. A few years later me and my buddy got back into the show and we decided to give it a try again. We went to the woods and did the wood knocks and the howls and eventually we got something that sounded like a knock. That was it for that day so we really couldn’t say what it really was, but we continued this for weeks and everyday we’d get a knock. Now keep in mind, this area is now huge and while there are big patches of woods a lot of them are getting torn down and developed into schools/houses/neighborhoods. But at the time of this first incident it was still fairly new development with plenty of deep woods.
The knocks eventually escalated into whoops and howls as responses and we thought it was the coolest thing ever when we got that first whoop that kinda confirmed to us that we had a Bigfoot in the area. This again continued for weeks until one night we were out there doing the whoops and the knocks and we got this one loud knock that sounded closer than usual, we took a second and did a whoop of our own before we heard thundering footsteps and branches crashing down toward us, we booked it out of the wood line and back to the cul-de-sac that the wood line connected to and made it about 20 yards from the wood line before turning back around to face it. There is a house in that sits directly next to the woods and it had to be around 9-10pm so they had their outdoor flood lights on, we continued to stare until we saw a hand reach around one side of a tree and it stepped out into the flood light revealing itself kinda leaning out from behind the tree.
I would estimate it would have to be around 7-9 feet tall but it had a very strong facial resemblance to Patty, I believe it was female I couldn’t tell exact hair color as it was dark and I wouldn’t have been able to see it at all if not for that flood light, the thing that sticks with me most was I could feel the eyes even though I couldn’t see them because they were sunken in its brow. It felt as if they almost burnt a hole in me and that’s the one thing I can always remember from that.
Fast forward a few years and me and my dad are fishing a spill way in Taylorsville Kentucky, it’s a pretty remote spillway that comes directly from a large dam so it maybe had 2-3 other people there that day. It was probably around 5-6pm when we started hearing knocks up in the woods and my dad was never a bigfoot believer but I pointed them out to him and we listened as it continued to this, we then could hear it walking around just out of eye sight in the wood line very large heavy methodical footsteps but you could tell it was on 2 legs, it was pacing for maybe 5-10 minutes before a Red Bull can came flying out of the woods and landed behind another fisherman that was fishing directly in front of the woodline; but after it did that, that’s was all for that day.
Cut to next day and we went back to the spillway but this time we hiked down stream up in the woods to a launch ramp where we found a crappie hole. We had been catching them cast after cast for maybe half a hour when around the bend of the creek where we couldn’t see, we heard what sounded like something jump in the water and cross the creek. We didn’t think much of it as there are deer and other animals out there since it is very far out in the middle of no where. After that, a very large oak tree up the hill of the other bank that I would say was probably 6-10 feet around starts shaking and not just like the wind because no other trees are moving, this thing is just rocking back and forth violently and I told my dad “that’s the Sasquatch they do that as an intimidation display”.
It did it for a few minutes before it stopped and then we could hear it pacing back and forth inside the woodline on the other bank, it then started growling/grunting and threw a few rocks before my dad decided we needed to get out of there. We both came to the conclusion that it wanted our fish we were catching as that place is full of invasive Asian carp and you aren’t allowed to put them back after catch so most people leave them on the bank to die. Fast forward to about a month ago, I’m 21 and just had my first baby and me and fiancée had just moved into our house in March of this year. The house we live in now is about 10 driving minutes away from where I came face to face with the first Sasquatch for context. We have a 1 year old German Shepherd and as you know they are highly alert and protective dogs.
Our property backs up to one other house and a farm followed by woods and the farmer has birds of all kinds- turkeys, chickens, ducks, etc. Well about a month ago my fiancée took the dog out while I was at the gym and she said she got this really uneasy feeling like she was being watched and that our German Shepherd (Bear) wouldn’t stop staring at the woodline. After I came home from the gym it was probably 1:30am, not my usual time as I was off schedule and running behind. Most of the time the latest the dog would go out was around 10-11pm. After I got home and got settled I took the dog out, he was in the yard when he froze and normally with him being a German Shepard he’d bark first and think later, but this time he froze and all of his hair slowly stood up before he went into this crazed angry barking toward the woods where I had to pull him back inside, stuff like this continued for about a week until I went to gym and got home late again. This time it was around 2am and I took him out again and to paint the picture for you a little better there’s a barbed wire fence separating our property and the farmers property, but as we got outside I heard those same crashing footsteps as I had heard years earlier this one was much bigger probably 8-10 feet tall but so much wider I couldn’t get any details other than that and the long hair hanging off the arms because of the light in the yard from the house behind us.
But anyway this thing ran up to the fence line and slammed its fist into a tree and let out this deep grunt/growl. I was petrified and I didn’t know what to do in the moment and my “guard dog” was frozen in place not barking or making a single sound my first thought was it was going to kill us. My dog wouldn’t come to me after I got to the point of maybe I should go inside so I had to go out in the yard with this thing still standing there staring at us and grab my dog and drag him inside. I have more details about that exact encounter and some other stuff that happened leading up to and after that.
Last thing I will share is I believe I have a video of the Sasquatch banging on the side of the farmers barn trying to get to where he stores the birds I’ll attach it below but you can hear deep thuds followed by the birds freaking out and that video was taken around 1am also so I can confidently say it wasn’t someone using heavy machinery or anything like that. Anyway thank you for listening and if your interested I’d love to share more."