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109: The Rat Park: The Addiction Antidote

SayTheThings's podcast

Release Date: 12/28/2023

131: Finding Your Balance: Embracing Global Wisdom for Work-Life Cohesion show art 131: Finding Your Balance: Embracing Global Wisdom for Work-Life Cohesion

SayTheThings's podcast

Today’s episode explores cultural concepts from Japan, Norway, Denmark, and Finland that offer new perspectives on achieving work-life harmony or "cohesion." It introduces the Japanese concept of ikigai,  the Swedish principle of lagom, the Norwegian/Swedish appreciation for nature called friluftsliv, and the Danish idea of hygge. I encourage listeners to reflect on how adopting elements of these philosophies could bring more clarity, balance, and fulfillment to their lives. Learning from other cultures and making small, sustainable changes aligned with one's values, it's possible to...

130: The Myth of Perfect Balance: 7 Strategies for Harmonizing Work and Life show art 130: The Myth of Perfect Balance: 7 Strategies for Harmonizing Work and Life

SayTheThings's podcast

Today’s episode explores the concept of "work-life balance" or what I prefer to call "work-life cohesion." It starts by questioning if true balance really exists, given the complexities and ever-changing forces in our lives. The episode then provides seven areas to focus on to improve cohesion without adding more to one's schedule. It also addresses common misconceptions about work-life balance. The key is making small, consistent changes to create sustainable harmony between work and personal life for improved wellbeing and productivity.

129: 129: "Do You Have 8 Minutes?": A Simple Way to Ask for Support from Friends

SayTheThings's podcast

This episode discusses the importance of having a coded way to reach out to close friends when going through struggles or needing support, without having to explicitly state it. It is inspired by an anecdote about using the phrase "Do you have 8 minutes?" to signal the need for a supportive conversation. Listeners are encouraged to come up with similar codes with their friends to differentiate casual chat from a cry for help. Some practical tips are provided on how to be a good listener and support system, including active listening, asking open-ended questions, knowing one's limits, and using...

128: Celebrating Her:  A Mother's Day Reminder for Women to Nourish Mind, Body, and Soul show art 128: Celebrating Her: A Mother's Day Reminder for Women to Nourish Mind, Body, and Soul

SayTheThings's podcast

The podcast episode celebrates Mother's Day by focusing on the importance of self-care for women, whether they are mothers or not. It starts with a poem that encourages listeners to listen to their bodies' needs. We then discuss seven simple ways to prioritize self-care without adding more to the to-do list. Small, sustainable habits in these areas can lead to significant improvements in well-being. It concludes with another poem about feeling connected and loved just as one is.  

127: Navigating Disappointment: Strategies for Resilience and Growth show art 127: Navigating Disappointment: Strategies for Resilience and Growth

SayTheThings's podcast

The podcast concludes the series on disappointment in relationships by exploring the remaining three areas where disappointment can lodge itself - comparison, unresolved conflict, and lack of self-care/boundaries. It then provides practical strategies to deal with disappointment, including communicating expectations, focusing on personal growth, modeling desired behavior, and allowing space to leave toxic situations if needed. The key takeaway is that while disappointment is inevitable, its depth can be influenced by addressing root causes and adopting healthier perspectives and actions....

126: The Disappointment Dilemma: Navigating Unmet Expectations and Broken Communication show art 126: The Disappointment Dilemma: Navigating Unmet Expectations and Broken Communication

SayTheThings's podcast

This episode discusses the role of unmet expectations and communication breakdowns in causing disappointments in relationships. It highlights the importance of setting realistic expectations based on the other person's behavior and clearly communicating needs. The concept of radical acceptance for people with antagonistic personalities is also introduced. Strategies for minimizing disappointment through self-reflection, communication, and boundary-setting are explored. https://www.instagram.com/nicole_bachle/

125: Disappointment Got You Down?  You're Not Alone show art 125: Disappointment Got You Down? You're Not Alone

SayTheThings's podcast

In today's episode, I'm discussing the universal experience of disappointment. I kicked things off with a quote about weathering life's storms, then dive into the prevalence of disappointment, especially in high-stakes events like the NCAA basketball tournament. I explained how disappointment often accompanies other intense emotions like anger and hurt, particularly in interpersonal conflicts, failed achievements, and situations where we feel a lack of control. I also touched on the challenges of communicating disappointment, especially with antagonistic personalities. I concluded by...

124: Communication Fatigue: Escape the Exhaustion show art 124: Communication Fatigue: Escape the Exhaustion

SayTheThings's podcast

This podcast explores communication fatigue, also known as information overload, which is a state of mental exhaustion that diminishes our ability to process more input. Contributing factors are endless digital inputs, meetings, data, multitasking, messaging, and being perpetually “on call.” Implementing boundaries, assessing communication value, scheduling focused work, practicing mindfulness, and taking device breaks can help manage this fatigue. Unplugging from devices brings back rhythms of quiet and stillness that allow us to truly connect.

123: When Breezy Banter Isn’t Enough: Let Vanilla Ice Be The Way show art 123: When Breezy Banter Isn’t Enough: Let Vanilla Ice Be The Way

SayTheThings's podcast

This podcast discusses implementing focused communication tactics when you have a specific goal or issue to address. I walk through steps like identifying the core issue, naming your goal, knowing your audience, planning a clear and concise message, deciding on delivery method, addressing one issue at a time, and collaborating on solutions. Focused communication distinguishes supplemental versus essential information to have constructive conversations. There’s time for free flowing dialogue and time to “Vanilla Ice” a situation with direct communication.

122: Questions to Quiet the Overthinking Mind show art 122: Questions to Quiet the Overthinking Mind

SayTheThings's podcast

This podcast continues the discussion on overthinking and introduces using targeted questions to change engrained thought patterns. I suggest asking if the issue is within your control, if you're relying on facts versus emotions, if it’s a recurring unproductive thought, and if the rumination aligns with your values. This self-questioning can disrupt negative cycles, reduce anxiety, and quiet mental chatter. I encourage listeners to implement “yes or no” self-questioning to gather insights on mental habits and create space for mindfulness.

More Episodes

As we wrap up 2023, join me in reflecting on the profound impact of connections in our lives. Inspired by a powerful analogy about rats in cages, we explore the root of addiction—our environment. Dive into the world of "Rat Park" and discover the transformative power of meaningful relationships. From the challenges of parenting in a tech-savvy age to the societal shift towards isolation, we discuss the importance of fostering connections in our lives. Let's build our own Rat Park and combat addiction with genuine, fulfilling relationships.
