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How to reclaim the magic in our sensitivity and neurodivergence

The Secret Witch Show

Release Date: 11/20/2023

How to heal your 'inner healer's' fear of  judgement and rejection so you can share your gifts authentically show art How to heal your 'inner healer's' fear of judgement and rejection so you can share your gifts authentically

The Secret Witch Show

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole explores the juicy topic of one of the most common fears of becoming a healer, teacher or guide: the fear of ‘judgement’ and ‘rejection - and how to heal it so you can share your gifts authentically.  She explores the Archetypal Remedy that you can harness to begin to unconditionally love and approve of yourself enough to not need approval, sharing a vulnerable story about her own experience of rejection and how going *into* the experience of rejection helped her heal her fear.    In this episode we explore the 3 stages of reclamation...

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On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is exploring the sense of ‘overwhelm’ that can often be felt in knowing ‘where to start’ in the journey of opening to becoming a healer - especially with the amount of ‘quick fix’ false promises on offer, that can leave us disheartened.  She explores how you might know you are feeling the call to be a healer (even amidst the fears) - and how to get clarity on your next tender steps in your journey, helping you answering the question: “where do I begin?” In this episode Nicole explores the most potent ‘Archetypal Apothecary’...

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The Secret Witch Show

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The Secret Witch Show

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The Secret Witch Show

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The Secret Witch Show

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The Secret Witch Show

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On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Lucy Pearce. Lucy is the author of multiple life-changing non-fiction books, including Nautilus Award silver winners Medicine Woman, Burning Woman, and Creatrix. Her writing focuses on women’s healing through archetypal psychology, embodiment, historical awareness and creativity. An award-winning graduate in History of Ideas with English Literature from Kingston University, and a PGCE from Cambridge University, Lucy founded Womancraft Publishing, creating paradigm-shifting books by women for women, in 2014. The mother of three children, she lives in East Cork, Ireland


In this episode we explore how to reclaim the magic in our sensitivity - and in particular, neurodivergence.  We dive into what “neurodivergence” is, and means, and what signs might help sensitive souls illuminate that they are neuro-diverse - as well as why and how women who resonate with this label must meet their sensitive needs, rather than try to mask and fit into a culture that doesn’t suit them.  Most importantly, we shared our important worldview on how neurodivergence can actually be a gift - and especially a super-power that allows magical women to be powerful healers, teachers and guides.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


  • Highly sensitive women are often also ‘neurodivergent’ - a word which is commonly understood by labels such as autism, ADHD or things like dyslexia or dyscalculia - and mean that we have different from ‘typical’ brains

  • Neurodivergence (ND) can show up in lots of different ways, but the main way it can present itself is having a sensitive nervous system that is over-primed - as well as feeling burned out, touched out and overwhelmed by our senses (we have a deep sensitivity to noise, scents, clothes on our skin, lights, electricity, and other things)

  • The label of neurodivergence can be really helpful in aiding us to see that there’s actually nothing wrong with us as a sensitive soul - and that we are just wired differently, and struggling to fit into a world that wasn’t built for us; owning it this way can help us learn to navigate the world in an aligned way

  • As sensitive women, and ND women, we must learn to honour and meet our own needs, so that we aren’t constantly overwhelmed and our nervous systems don’t reach meltdown.  As we do meet our needs, we can reclaim the gifts in our sensitivity

  • And there are many gifts - creativity, brilliant minds, the capacity to spot patterns, entrepreneurial skills, deep passion for things, high empathy and sensitivity to other worlds (in other words, all the ‘clairs’ - e.g. clairvoyance), a capacity for lucid dreaming, a high importance for truthful expression, hyper-focus and a real affinity with nature

  • It is common for these gifts to make sensitive souls excellent ‘healers’ - as long as we can reclaim the gifts in our sensitivity.


Resources and Things that We Spoke About:



Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


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Thank you,


Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox