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How to parent powerfully when you're a sensitive mum with ‘sensitive’ or ‘challenging’ (or ‘neurodivergent’) children

The Secret Witch Show

Release Date: 02/13/2024

How to heal your 'inner healer's' fear of  judgement and rejection so you can share your gifts authentically show art How to heal your 'inner healer's' fear of judgement and rejection so you can share your gifts authentically

The Secret Witch Show

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole explores the juicy topic of one of the most common fears of becoming a healer, teacher or guide: the fear of ‘judgement’ and ‘rejection - and how to heal it so you can share your gifts authentically.  She explores the Archetypal Remedy that you can harness to begin to unconditionally love and approve of yourself enough to not need approval, sharing a vulnerable story about her own experience of rejection and how going *into* the experience of rejection helped her heal her fear.    In this episode we explore the 3 stages of reclamation...

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The Secret Witch Show

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is exploring the sense of ‘overwhelm’ that can often be felt in knowing ‘where to start’ in the journey of opening to becoming a healer - especially with the amount of ‘quick fix’ false promises on offer, that can leave us disheartened.  She explores how you might know you are feeling the call to be a healer (even amidst the fears) - and how to get clarity on your next tender steps in your journey, helping you answering the question: “where do I begin?” In this episode Nicole explores the most potent ‘Archetypal Apothecary’...

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The Secret Witch Show

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The Secret Witch Show

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The Secret Witch Show

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How to step off the Drama Triangle to embody your power as a healer show art How to step off the Drama Triangle to embody your power as a healer

The Secret Witch Show

In this unique, ‘experiential’ episode, Nicole mixes up the format, sharing the signs we are being called into our power as a healer, hosting a little bit of a ‘workshop’ around the ‘Drama Triangle’ to help you illuminate the 3 ways you might be leaking your power (because Secret Witches often innocently misuse their power to create drama).  She explores how Archetypal Aurum (the essence of ‘Gold’, and universal symbol of ‘power’) can help, guiding you in a ritualistic and ceremonial journey with Aurum’s Archetypal Remedy to help you begin to activate and reclaim...

How to parent powerfully when you're a sensitive mum with ‘sensitive’ or ‘challenging’ (or ‘neurodivergent’) children show art How to parent powerfully when you're a sensitive mum with ‘sensitive’ or ‘challenging’ (or ‘neurodivergent’) children

The Secret Witch Show

On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Lian Brook-Tyler. Lian is one of my own long-standing, trusted guides - she’s a shamanic healer, teacher of wild magic, podcaster and co-founder of Waking The Wild. Her mythical journey truly began when she was ruptured open to Spirit with the sudden death of her father – which led to her mysteriously recovering from 15 years of chronic pain, panic attacks and anxiety. That inexplicable transformation inspired her to leave a leadership role in the corporate world to immerse herself in discovering what creates pain and struggle, and conversely,...

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The Secret Witch Show

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is speaking to one of the common patterns of the many sensitive souls who were born here with healing gifts: people-pleasing.  Exploring how people-pleasing is almost a ‘sign’ of being a healer, she dives into the fears and patterns beyond people-pleasing, and how self-illumination is a powerful tool to help women begin to heal themselves of this wound.   In this episode Nicole explores how and why our culture has had us learn to run around looking after everyone else first, along with the importance of self-healing inner work around...

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The Secret Witch Show

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The Secret Witch Show

On the Secret Witch Show today, Nicole is exploring the commonly missed initiation into ‘womanhood’ that so many sensitive women, who were born to be ‘healers,’ often experience - and how this can leave them feeling ‘powerless’ and ‘unconfident’, and fearing that the path of becoming a healer isn’t for them (when in fact it is).   In this episode Nicole dives into the rites of passage into adulthood that we often miss in today’s busy, chaotic culture - which often sees the true heart-led ‘softpower’ of the Feminine as ‘weak,’ ‘lazy’ and ‘shameful’, and...

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On the Secret Witch Show today our guest is Lian Brook-Tyler. Lian is one of my own long-standing, trusted guides - she’s a shamanic healer, teacher of wild magic, podcaster and co-founder of Waking The Wild. Her mythical journey truly began when she was ruptured open to Spirit with the sudden death of her father – which led to her mysteriously recovering from 15 years of chronic pain, panic attacks and anxiety. That inexplicable transformation inspired her to leave a leadership role in the corporate world to immerse herself in discovering what creates pain and struggle, and conversely, how to create a life overflowing with love, magic, beauty and truth.


In this episode we explore the crucial work of soul and sovereignty through the lens of ‘parenting.’  We dive into the common challenges that many women face around parenting children who can be often be experienced and labelled as ‘sensitive’, ‘different’ or ‘challenging’ in some way - perhaps also labelled as ‘neurodivergent - and how we can navigate this when we ourselves are sensitive (and possibly neurodivergent) ourselves.  We explored how parents of the ‘sensitive young souls’ of the world often heartbreakingly feel like ‘bad mums’, and what we really mean by ‘sensitivity’, how it is actually a superpower rather than a disadvantage - and how we can begin to parent from our power, meeting everyone’s needs and modelling a new way of love and understanding.

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:


  • We can often judge ourselves as “bad mothers”, yet what this really means is we are feeling “my children are not behaving in a way that my family, culture or school deems is an okay way to behave” - we are actually making ourselves and our children wrong for something that is a neutral difference (or ‘divergence’) to the cultural norm

  • If we look at indigenous cultures, we can see we are all innately wired to be sensitive. Humans weren’t born for the modern world and its bright lights, smells, chemicals, electricity, devices - and so we learn to close down, to even just function

  • If we have been raised in a culture that has us try and fit nicely into a system where we follow the rules, we will value ‘fitting in,’ and it will require us to heal those wounds and free ourselves from the conditioning to welcome these sensitive aspects of ourselves and our children, and free ourselves from judgement

  • The things we think are our ‘problems’ are actually literal gifts.  Those wounds and gifts will be different for everyone, depending on what our soul is here for, but, for example, Lian’s sensitivity to what’s going on and her heightened awareness to spirit, was a gift as she was here to be a shaman.  Sensitivity is a gift if we are here to be healers

  • To parent powerfully, we need to know and honour our boundaries - without that we won’t be able to parent - at least not in a conducive and sustainable way. Yet, that’s been made culturally wrong, too.  We’re told we should be “access all areas” to our children and not have time to ourselves - that we shouldn’t have needs - and it takes deep healing to recognise we need boundaries in place

  • Powerful parenting requires leadership - which needs us to look sovereignly at what’s right for us as parents, and what’s right for our children, and make powerful aligned choices.

Resources and Things that We Spoke About:


Thank you for listening, we’d love to know what comes alive for you in this week’s episode, so please let us know.


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Thank you,

Nicole and Team Secret Witch xox