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(💸06/40) The 7 Telltale Signs Your Budget Is Broken (And How to Fix It Before It's Too Late)

Seed Time Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

Release Date: 05/11/2024

(💸09/40) The Surprising Science Behind Celebrating Small Wins (and How It Can Make Your Financial Dreams a Reality) show art (💸09/40) The Surprising Science Behind Celebrating Small Wins (and How It Can Make Your Financial Dreams a Reality)

Seed Time Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

Today, Linda and I dive into a game-changing strategy for staying motivated on your financial journey—celebrating small wins! If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the enormity of your financial goals or wondered how to keep the momentum going, this episode is for you. We'll unpack why these small victories are crucial and how they can transform your financial journey from a tedious marathon into an enjoyable adventure with God.   🔍 Key Highlights:  The Power of Small Wins: Why celebrating small victories can significantly enhance motivation and enjoyment on your financial...

How to END fear in your finances (with Jamie & Donna Winship) show art How to END fear in your finances (with Jamie & Donna Winship)

Seed Time Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

Today we have Jamie Winship (author of Living Fearless) and his amazing wife Donna on! We go a lot of directions in this one, but summing it up I would say that if you want to END fear in your finances and be inspired in your faith you have to check out this episode.   🔍 Key Highlights:  Discover how fear not only influences, but often controls, our financial decisions and what we can do to break free from its grip. Learn how understanding your true identity can transform your approach to finances and life. The impact of fear on financial decision-making and how it limits...

(💸08/40) The one rule that turned a janitor into a multimillionaire (and how you can use it to secure your financial future) show art (💸08/40) The one rule that turned a janitor into a multimillionaire (and how you can use it to secure your financial future)

Seed Time Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

Today, we're diving deep into a powerful concept that might seem counterintuitive at first—focusing on what NOT to do to achieve financial success. This episode is packed with stories, biblical insights, and practical steps you can apply right away.   🔍 Key Highlights:  The Power of What Not to Do: Discover how avoiding certain financial mistakes can be more impactful than any active financial strategy. From janitors to boxers, learn how individuals from all walks of life have succeeded or failed financially, often contrary to expectations. Linda and I share our personal...

(💸07/40) 10 financial prayer points you should be praying about (& the power of prayer in your finances) 🎉 FREE Download 🎉 show art (💸07/40) 10 financial prayer points you should be praying about (& the power of prayer in your finances) 🎉 FREE Download 🎉

Seed Time Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

What if the key to unlocking true financial freedom isn't found in getting a raise, the latest financial hacks, or paying off all your debt? What if, instead, the answer was simply learning how to pray over your financial life?  Today, we are unpacking 10 areas of your finances (or prayer points) that should be on your prayer list.  🔍 Key Highlights:  The importance of praying for your finances and why it's often neglected. Insights into our personal story of job loss and financial recovery through faith. How to pray effectively for your financial life. Discussion on...

(💸06/40) The 7 Telltale Signs Your Budget Is Broken (And How to Fix It Before It's Too Late) show art (💸06/40) The 7 Telltale Signs Your Budget Is Broken (And How to Fix It Before It's Too Late)

Seed Time Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

In this episode, we dive deep into the world of budgeting—not just any budget, but a healthy budget that works for you. Whether you're a budget skeptic or a spreadsheet enthusiast, this episode has something for everyone. Here's what we're unpacking today:   🔍 Key Highlights:  8 Questions To Ask To Determine If You Have A Broken Budget Why Most Budgets Fail Within The First 30 Days (And The Simple Tweaks To Make Yours Stick) The Counterintuitive Reason Why Budgeting Often Doesn't Work (And What To Do Instead)     Resources Mentioned: Our Book : Dive into...

(💸05/40) Why Most People Fail to Reach Their Financial Goals and How You Can Beat the Odds by Understanding the 2 phases of financial progress show art (💸05/40) Why Most People Fail to Reach Their Financial Goals and How You Can Beat the Odds by Understanding the 2 phases of financial progress

Seed Time Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

Today’s episode dives deep into the transformative understanding of the two crucial phases of financial progress. This isn't just about money—it's about changing your life perspective and aligning your financial actions with God’s promises.   🔍 Key Highlights:  Discover The Two Phases of Financial Progress That Can Make or Break Your Success How Understanding This Simple Truth Drastically Increased Our Chances of Reaching Our Million-Dollar Giving Goal The Surprising Key to Accelerating Your Financial Progress, Even When You Feel Like You're Going Nowhere The Vision...

(💸04/40) The 10-Minute Money Hack (& free app) That Helped Us Reach Our 7-Figure Giving Goal show art (💸04/40) The 10-Minute Money Hack (& free app) That Helped Us Reach Our 7-Figure Giving Goal

Seed Time Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

This free app is going to be a game-changer for a lot of you listening. Some of you are nerdy and already do this, but a lot of you don't. And if you don't this might just be the easiest way to save hundreds this next month - so don't miss this one!   🔍 Key Highlights:  How this little known app Can Put Hundreds Back in Your Bank Account Every Month How One Couple Discovered They Were Spending 4X More on Eating Out Than They Thought How to spend less without even trying (and take an 80/20 approach to financial tracking) Why Tracking Your Spending Is the Key to Financial...

5 common investing mistakes almost all new investors make (and what to do instead) show art 5 common investing mistakes almost all new investors make (and what to do instead)

Seed Time Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

Hey friend!  Yesterday we hosted an investing workshop and it was really well received, so I thought I would share it with you on the podcast.   This workshop is actually day 5 of a series that we did and if you'd like to get lifetime access to the entire 5-day series you can get that here:   And if you would like to get the discount on the 10x PLUS Investing course, you can grab that here:  

(💸03/40) 5 Money Lies We Believed That Nearly Sabotaged Our Financial Future show art (💸03/40) 5 Money Lies We Believed That Nearly Sabotaged Our Financial Future

Seed Time Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

Today we're diving deep into the mindsets that may be holding you back from your financial potential. There are invisible chains can significantly hinder our financial progress and spiritual growth and today we are going to begin tearing some down!   🔍 Key Highlights:  How Limiting Beliefs About Money Are Holding You Back From Your God-Given Potential The Simple Mindset Shifts That Allowed Us to Go From Broke to 7-Figure Givers Why Your Biggest Financial Obstacle Might Be Your Own Beliefs (and How to Change Them) How We Overcame Poverty Thinking to Achieve True Financial...

(💸02/40) Find your starting point by calculating your “Assets Under Management” show art (💸02/40) Find your starting point by calculating your “Assets Under Management”

Seed Time Money (Christian living & Personal Finances)

Today, we're embarking on a journey to unlock the first of two crucial numbers every Christian should track to lead a thriving financial life that honors God. Whether you're aiming to be debt-free or dream of being more generous without living like a pauper, this episode is your first step towards realizing those goals. Here's what we're diving into today: Understanding Assets Under Management (AUM): Why is AUM the second most important number for Christians to track? We'll explore how rethinking 'net worth' as 'assets under management' can change your perspective on stewardship and align...

More Episodes

In this episode, we dive deep into the world of budgeting—not just any budget, but a healthy budget that works for you. Whether you're a budget skeptic or a spreadsheet enthusiast, this episode has something for everyone. Here's what we're unpacking today:


🔍 Key Highlights: 

  • 8 Questions To Ask To Determine If You Have A Broken Budget

  • Why Most Budgets Fail Within The First 30 Days (And The Simple Tweaks To Make Yours Stick)

  • The Counterintuitive Reason Why Budgeting Often Doesn't Work (And What To Do Instead)



Emoji Resources Mentioned:


BONUS: Ever dreamt of hanging out with us for 6 weeks in your small group or church? Head to seedtime.com/true for details or shoot us a DM on Instagram @seedtime. Let’s get into it! 🎧

Watch this episode on our SeedTime Money Podcast YouTube channel!