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Episode 5: Mental Illness and Writing

The Sensitivity Reader Podcast

Release Date: 04/09/2020

S02 Episode 03 The Business of Sensitivity Reading with Erin Servais show art S02 Episode 03 The Business of Sensitivity Reading with Erin Servais

The Sensitivity Reader Podcast

On this episode, Erin Servais of Dot and Dash LLC and I compare and contrast beta and sensitivity reading, and discuss their work with Dot and Dash LLC and the Minneapolis writing community. We focus on some of the nuances of being a sensitivity reader, self-advocacy, and use make a case for sensitivity readers to increase their rates.

S02 E02 Representation in Speculative Fiction With Author, Courtney Morgan show art S02 E02 Representation in Speculative Fiction With Author, Courtney Morgan

The Sensitivity Reader Podcast

Speculative Fiction includes anything and everything that pushes the boundaries of reality: surrealism, fabulism, horror, science fiction, fantasy, horror, magical realism and more! Join author Courtney Morgan and I for a discussion on blurring the boundaries between the real and the unreal and what literature can do to help us understand oppression and marginalization.

S02 E01 Representation in Horror: A Review of Knives and Skin With Eneri Rodriguez show art S02 E01 Representation in Horror: A Review of Knives and Skin With Eneri Rodriguez

The Sensitivity Reader Podcast

Join Eneri “Netty” Rodriguez and I for a discussion of representation in the 2019 experimental film, Knives and Skin directed by Jennifer Reeder. We talk feminist cliches, teen angst, and the power of representation in movies. Netty is an expert on gender, race, and horror and you do not want to miss this episode!

Episode 7 Part 2 of 2 Own Voices with Maha Kamal show art Episode 7 Part 2 of 2 Own Voices with Maha Kamal

The Sensitivity Reader Podcast

Part 2 of 2: South Asian writer and attorney, Maha Kamal and I talk about self-advocacy and creating and participating in alternative publishing platforms. Then we cover the importance of a strong writing community for marginalized people. Maha uses her background in diversity, equity, and inclusion work to suggest ways that the publishing industry can improve representation and accessibility for #ownvoices writers. Check out some of Maha Kamal’s writing and visual art here: www.mahakamal.com

Episode 7 Part 1 of 2 Own Voices with Maha Kamal show art Episode 7 Part 1 of 2 Own Voices with Maha Kamal

The Sensitivity Reader Podcast

Part 1 of 2: South Asian writer and attorney, Maha Kamal talks about the short story collection she is working on. Including, what led her to write speculative fiction and the themes and characters in her stories. Other topics in this episode are: autofiction, historical figures in India and Pakistan, what it is like to be a south Asian writer submitting to contests.

Episode 6: Trans Women in Stories with Cara Tucker show art Episode 6: Trans Women in Stories with Cara Tucker

The Sensitivity Reader Podcast

In this episode, we discuss representation and tropes of trans women in books and television.  In addition to talking about common tropes, Cara and I discuss what’s missing from trans women’s characters. We also talk about best practices for using pronouns and previous names in character flashbacks and backstory. Hire Cara for audio visual services including podcast editing and videography: https://caratucker.com/

Episode 5: Mental Illness and Writing show art Episode 5: Mental Illness and Writing

The Sensitivity Reader Podcast

In this episode, I focus on dealing with mental illness in times of crisis as a creator and how to write more authentic mentally ill characters. I talk about my own mental health challenges and those of a character in my novel in progress. There are some mentions of suicidal ideation and medical neglect in this episode. Please take care of yourselves.

Episode 4: Sex and Sexuality in YA Fiction with Jesaka Long show art Episode 4: Sex and Sexuality in YA Fiction with Jesaka Long

The Sensitivity Reader Podcast

In this episode, I am joined by Jesaka Long for a discussion on sex and sexuality in YA fiction. How explicit is too explicit? When is it okay to "fade to black" on a sex scene? Get answers to these questions and more as well as practical tips to improve your writing craft when it comes to sex for the next generation on this week's episode!

Episode 3: Interview with Sensitivity Reader, Joseph Ponce show art Episode 3: Interview with Sensitivity Reader, Joseph Ponce

The Sensitivity Reader Podcast

In this episode, we discuss the business and subtleties of sensitivity reading with our guest and fellow sensitivity reader, Joe Ponce. We talk about everything from when and how to credit a sensitivity reader, the costs, and benefits of using one, and discuss different approaches to completing a sensitivity read.

Episode 2: Disability and Queer Representation with The Happy Zoologist show art Episode 2: Disability and Queer Representation with The Happy Zoologist

The Sensitivity Reader Podcast

In this episode, we discuss disability representation in web comics and various other forms of media with special guest, Tab, The Happy Zoologist.

More Episodes

In this episode, I focus on dealing with mental illness in times of crisis as a creator and how to write more authentic mentally ill characters. I talk about my own mental health challenges and those of a character in my novel in progress. There are some mentions of suicidal ideation and medical neglect in this episode. Please take care of yourselves.

The Red Hand Files- Nick Cave's Newsletter (it's amazing and I encourage you to sign up!)

Lighthouse Writer's Workshop
Remote Youth Writing Classes -I'm teaching a ton of workshops this week and next
The Book Project-  A competitive two year writing program at Lighthouse Writer's Workshop

Brene Brown and the differences between shame and guilt

Complex PTSD From Suriviving to Thriving by Pete Walker

Midsommar, 2019  This is a horror film / thriller and the trailer contains gore

Unlocking the Magic edited by Vivian Caethe

More info on the Sensitivity Reader Podcast and Inqueery, LLC. sensitivity reading services:

Website: www.sensitivityreader.com

Email: sensitivityreader@gmail.com

Social Media: Facebook and Twitter

Audio editing and music arranged by Cara Tucker https://caratucker.com/

Logo design by Leonard Pollard, commissions open: leonard.pollard@colorado.edu

Shout out to Nikita Burks-Hale, M.Ed. at Journeygurlmagic.com for all of her support in getting this podcast off the ground. Nikita is a journeycoach and podcast launch specialist