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The Fitness Burden-Episode 5 (Why you should sign up for the 2015 CrossFit Open)

The Fitness Burden

Release Date: 02/08/2015

Episode 27 (Macros - The numerical science behind nutrition) show art Episode 27 (Macros - The numerical science behind nutrition)

The Fitness Burden

What are macros? Should I be tracking my macros? What are the advantages of tracking my macros? Is it hard to do?

Episode 26 (CrossFit Games Athlete - Kelley Jackson) show art Episode 26 (CrossFit Games Athlete - Kelley Jackson)

The Fitness Burden

Body: Topic #1 - Brief introduction: Family, friends, passions other than CrossFit. Topic #2 - How did you get started with CrossFit? What is your favorite part about CrossFit? How long do you foresee yourself continuing CrossFit? Topic #4 - Anyone that trains as long and as hard as you has probably had to deal with injuries. How did you overcome those obstacles, and what advice would you give to someone who in currently dealing with one? Topic #3 - From an athlete's perspective, what does a typical day look like for you? Training? Programming? Nutrition? Mobility? Sleep? Start with when you...

Episode 25 (Why do so many CrossFitters love Jesus?) show art Episode 25 (Why do so many CrossFitters love Jesus?)

The Fitness Burden

Body: Topic #1: Matthew 22:36-40 “Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and will all your mind.”  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” CrossFit = Community Coaches want to help people. The best way to help people is to love them. Topic #2: Unlike any sport I’ve played, CrossFit focuses on growth of individuals as members of a community.   Definition of CrossFit = “Relative intensity” means it is difficult for everyone, equally.  A...

Episode 24 (How to 10x Your Fitness) show art Episode 24 (How to 10x Your Fitness)

The Fitness Burden


When your diet isn't cutting it - literally (Part 3) show art When your diet isn't cutting it - literally (Part 3)

The Fitness Burden

“When your diet isn’t cutting it - literally.” (Part 3)   Parts 1 and 2 of this podcast have addressed food logs, macronutrient timing, carb cycling, and intermittent fasting.  If you have not yet listened to those, please press pause on this episode and go back to those episodes first, as part 3 only builds on the first 2.   Assuming that you get optimal sleep, eat high quality fat, protein, and carbohydrates at the appropriate times during the day, and that you have normal thyroid and adrenal function, carb-cycling and intermittent fasting may still not be enough. ...

Episode 23 (What to do after the CrossFit Open) show art Episode 23 (What to do after the CrossFit Open)

The Fitness Burden

Episode 22 (More Weight or Faster times) show art Episode 22 (More Weight or Faster times)

The Fitness Burden


Episode 21 (The 2016 CrossFit Open) show art Episode 21 (The 2016 CrossFit Open)

The Fitness Burden

Episode 20 (Pushing through plateaus) show art Episode 20 (Pushing through plateaus)

The Fitness Burden


The Fitness Burden - Episode 19 (Athlete Empowerment) show art The Fitness Burden - Episode 19 (Athlete Empowerment)

The Fitness Burden


More Episodes
  •  Intro:
    • Justin
      • “Welcome to The Fitness Burden, I’m Justin Smiley with my Co-Host,”
    • Brian
      • “Brian Turek”
    • Justin
      • “On today’s episode we are going to discuss our recommendations for how to best prepare for the 2015 CrossFit Open”


  • Body:
    • Topic #1 - What is the CrossFit Open?
      • Why was it created?  What was is it designed to do?
      • Why sign up for the CrossFit Open?
      • How much does it cost? ($20) Register online - watch our screencast on how to sign up on our youtube channel.
    • Topic #2 - Physical
      • Movement competencies
        • Previously tested movements, rep schemes, and benchmarks
        • Times and numbers to hit to qualify for regionals
        • Practice at least the first round and/or the first couple of minutes of each workout
    • Topic #3 - Mental
      • How do you deal with anxiety and nervousness?
      • Visualization: which movements are easy, which are more difficult?
      • Watch the open release and learn from the athletes you see perform the workout.
      • Pacing: where will you break and why? Time domain? (Red line or chipper?)
    • Topic #4 - Nutrition
      • What should you eat the night before an open wod?
      • What should you eat the day of?
    • Topic #5 - Have Fun
      • What’s the point if you aren’t having fun?  Stay and encourage the athletes that cheered you on.
    • Topic #6 - Score Submission
      • Make sure you log onto the website and submit your scores for verification ASAP.  If you wait until the last minutes, you coaches and or box owners will be completely swamped on Monday evening.



  • Conclusion:



  • - Justin
    • “If you liked what you heard, please don’t forget to go over to iTunes or Stitcher and give us a 5-star rating and share us on your social media of choice.”
  • - Brian
    • “And leave us some feedback and comments about what you liked and what you would like us to discuss on future episodes.”