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Substitute Teaching


Release Date: 02/07/2024

Stairway to Heaven show art Stairway to Heaven


Howdy! In today's episode on ShelbyRADIO I move through the completion of the 'death' energies that many of us on planet right now are moving through. Whether we are moving through physical deaths, financial deaths, spiritual deaths, mental deaths or outdated belief system deaths we are ALL letting go of something at this time. As we let go we make space for the new energy of what's next to show up. However, sometimes at the 'end' of this letting go process we go through some of the most interesting of times in our spiritual awakening. I know this is true for me so how true is it for you? I...

Death s Embrace: The Departure of Energy show art Death s Embrace: The Departure of Energy


This is a very sacred episode dealing with the energies of death and what happens when a soul is beginning to leave the physical body. Energy is real. Energy is what makes the avatar of the body 'exist.' When that energy begins to leave the body there are many magical 'things' that begin to happen. It is only when we begin to see, hear and feel with our spiritual eyes that we can walk alongside those who are departing and truly experience 'heaven on Earth.' Thank you for sharing this episode to anyone whom may benefit from the information at this time.  

Substitute Teaching show art Substitute Teaching


Howdy! Substitute teaching is a 'job' I never thought I would do because after all, I am a certified teacher who taught in the public school system for 11 years. Throughout my spiritual journey I have revisited energies on my timeline that I may have 'missed' or things I needed to fulfill in my spiritual destiny. Teaching PE apparently was one of those 'things' I had to go back and fulfill and I began doing that through substitute teaching. However... I never imagined that by moving through the process of substitute teaching that it would open my eyes to something way more critical in the...

My Dad s Death Brought Me To Myself show art My Dad s Death Brought Me To Myself


Hello! In today's episode I pay homage to my dad, the man who taught me some of the best energies in life and some of the not so good energies in life. Through those 'energies' I gained invaluable experiences that brought me to the most intricate healings of myself so I could emerge into the WOMAN I am today. If you have lost a loved one or even your own father; my hope for this episode is that you find your own nugget of healing, compassion and  wisdom from my story. If it were not for the seed that my dad 'shot' I would not be here today and I am grateful for my spiritual journey...

Daughters & Sexual Abuse show art Daughters & Sexual Abuse


WARNING: Content may be sensitive for some individuals. In today's episode I open up about something so intimate and personal to me that happened as a young child. The story I am about to share is not meant to accuse, blame or harm anyone. This is a memory of inappropriate touching that became a cornerstone to how I dug deep into my own energy, my own spirit and my own desire to face the truth of a memory that haunted me for so long. Today I share this story so if anyone who is listening can relate to something that I share then my hope is you find a piece of information that will heal a space...

Breaking The Generational Curse show art Breaking The Generational Curse


Hello! I am back speaking about breaking generational curses that comes from my own personal story from the death of my dad which exposed more 'curses' in the generational line. Generational curses are basically programs of energy that have been passed on through the generations that until someone in the generational line takes on the 'curse' to stop it then it keeps moving through each generation. I came into the world with my specific family to be the one to stop the depth of some of the most panful generational curses that came from the lineage. The death of my dad took me on a deeper...

Losing A Parent show art Losing A Parent


Hello! There is nothing more awakening than the loss of a parent; especially when you have been blind sided by another parent about the death of that parent.  This is my story... Join me on my journey that I will unpack over the next 4 show episodes about the death of my dad, the role my mom played in that death & how it affected me in a deeper journey of healing and compassion.  If you have ever been close to a parent, lost that parent, and then had the other parent turn against you and used that parents death as a 'punishment' towards you, then welcome to this episode of my...

What s Going On Out Here? show art What s Going On Out Here?


Howdy! The inspiration has hit and I have a week and a half of ENERGY that just 'hit' in the form of inspiration so I can now do this episode. I have been getting a lot of questions asking 'what is going on out here?' There is so much shifting as a collective consciousness in the higher energies which is affecting how we are walking out our human world in the physical; however this is also taking a huge toll on the spiritual energy within us. Relationships are breaking up, relationships are forming, family is falling apart, family is falling together, careers are changing, lifestyles are...

What Does It Mean To Throw A Fireball? show art What Does It Mean To Throw A Fireball?


Howdy! It is time for me to discuss what a 'fireball' is and why it is so important to have this information as you ascend through your emotional body and spiritual journey. If you allow yourself to sit back and receive the energy from this episode then it will download into your unconscious parts so when you throw a 'mini' fireball or a 'big' fireball you will have a more ethical approach to what you send. I highly suggest my Spiritual Ethics course as you learn more about you, your energy and how your emotions affect others as you move your energy. Talk to you later! Shelby

My Bathroom Camping Experience show art My Bathroom Camping Experience


Howdy! Ok, so if you have been listening to me recently you will know that Joe and I bought a camper; specifically an R-pod which is a brand of camper. Well, we have already taken a weekend trip to a State Park just to learn the camper. This past weekend, we went and did boon-docking which I explain in the episode. We went out to our land and I have an entire experience with how I was going to do my bathroom. In this episode I begin my back story of what bathrooms mean to me and my fascination. I further evolve into explaining why bathrooms became even more important when my kundalini energy...

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Substitute teaching is a 'job' I never thought I would do because after all, I am a certified teacher who taught in the public school system for 11 years.

Throughout my spiritual journey I have revisited energies on my timeline that I may have 'missed' or things I needed to fulfill in my spiritual destiny.

Teaching PE apparently was one of those 'things' I had to go back and fulfill and I began doing that through substitute teaching.


I never imagined that by moving through the process of substitute teaching that it would open my eyes to something way more critical in the teaching world.

I share that today in this episode.

If you are a teacher or if you have ever been a substitute teacher in the education system then this episode is for you!


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