Shelter Podcast
This May residents of Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington Counties will have the opportunity to vote for a measure that would create a source of funds specifically for supporting organizations who work to end chronic homelessness or prevent it from occurring. In this episode we talk about some of the housing measures that have already passed, how this is different, what this measure can be used for, and how will it work?
info_outline E4: Alan Evans & Hope for WapatoShelter Podcast
There's been a lot of discussion around whether or not there is any merit to the idea of using Wapato, an unused corrections reentry facility as a rehab. Alan Evans' story is enough to make the hardest skeptic stop and think.
info_outline E3: Homer Williams and the Housing ContinuumShelter Podcast
Marissa interviews Homer Williams, 30 year veteran of real estate development. They discuss why we can't build our way out of homelessness and what we can do.
info_outline E2: Rep. Alissa Keny-Guyer & 2020 Legislative SessionShelter Podcast
Marissa interviews Representative Alissa Keny-Guyer, Chair of the Oregon House of Representatives Housing and Human Services Committee. They discuss the death of the housing bills of the 2020 legislative session, the denial of quorum of the Oregon Legislative Republicans, and the bills of 2018 and 2019 that did pass and how they are impacting Oregon.
info_outline E1: Introducing ShelterShelter Podcast
In this introduction to Shelter, Marissa describes the housing crisis and homelessness that are facing Oregon and the Portland Metro region. She defines the vocabulary and lingo, and describes the concepts that will be covered in Shelter. Links and show notes can be found at
info_outlineThere's been a lot of discussion around whether or not there is any merit to the idea of using Wapato, an unused corrections reentry facility as a rehab. Alan Evans' story is enough to make the hardest skeptic stop and think.