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#845: We are seeing some very interesting indicators for Amazon sellers... on Walmart!

Silent Sales Machine Radio

Release Date: 06/03/2024

#900: A coaching student who didn't expect to need an Amazon business and is grateful for support show art #900: A coaching student who didn't expect to need an Amazon business and is grateful for support

Silent Sales Machine Radio

Today's new interview is with a successful  student who was forced to find a way to earn an income "indoors" after having an accident riding horses. He'd always been an "outdoors" kind of guy, and he still is since recovering, but his Amazon seller skills are his primary income now and he's doing great!   He's a big fan of our coaching program as well as he explains, "I wish I would have started with coaching sooner - I would have avoided so many mistakes and would have ramped up even faster."   You'll enjoy Brian's matter-of-fact, plain spoken approach to describing what he...

#899: Latest announcements and overview for our newest students show art #899: Latest announcements and overview for our newest students

Silent Sales Machine Radio

The weekend episodes of our podcast contain important announcements as well as a great introduction to the community for anyone who is new to our community.   The latest episode includes announcements about Amazon Accelerate things I learned, VIRTUAL Proven Conference (get your code below) and our awesome new Keepa course we just launched.   Show note LINKS:   https://TheProvenConference.com VIRTUAL conference on September 27th and 28th with coupon code TPC2025 - 90% off   https://SilentJim.com/360 - For the first time ever we have a full walk through tutorial for everyone...

#898: The most thorough and most cutting edge Keepa insights to date for Amazon sellers show art #898: The most thorough and most cutting edge Keepa insights to date for Amazon sellers

Silent Sales Machine Radio

By far, the favorite software tool used by Amazon sellers in our community to help them make optimal inventory buying decisions is KEEPA.   For the first time ever we have a full walk through tutorial for everyone from BEGINNER to the most ADVANCED users of keepa.   That's what "Keepa 360" is all about. See it at   On today's new episode we talk about why Keepa is different from all other Amazon seller tools, how to use it, why we are introducing the "360" training and some great tips and strategies that you've likely never considered if you're an Amazon seller.   Join...

#897: An overview episode: THE definition of Replens show art #897: An overview episode: THE definition of Replens

Silent Sales Machine Radio

In this episode, we dive into the concept of "replens" and how it differentiates from Online Arbitrage (OA), Retail Arbitrage (RA), and Wholesale. We start by discussing a crucial piece of advice from our Kickstart Bootcamp—always check the brand! Nothing else matters if the brand doesn't match.   Then, we explore a common question from a new coaching client: What exactly is a "replen"?   We break down the definition, highlighting how replenishable items don’t need to be consumable and can be sourced at full price, as long as they are viable, testable, and consistently...

#896: From REPLENS to launching a successful brand on Amazon show art #896: From REPLENS to launching a successful brand on Amazon

Silent Sales Machine Radio

On today’s all new podcast episode I interview a successful ProvenAmazonCourse.com student who has been through several stages of development in his business.   You may or may not realize it, but we have a roadmap laid out for our students as they move from "newbie" seller to "advanced" seller. Those who follow this roadmap tend to do extremely well as illustrated by this latest interview (we have 100s of interviews like this one on our show!)   We start you new sellers out with the basics, which is our time-tested, very low risk, low learning curve and high odds of success...

#895:  Latest announcements and overview for our newest students show art #895: Latest announcements and overview for our newest students

Silent Sales Machine Radio

The weekend episodes of our podcast contain important announcements as well as a great introduction to the community for anyone who is new to our community. The latest episode includes announcements about our upcoming VIRTUAL conference and our annual live event The Proven Conference in May.   - September 27-28 Get ready for a huge Q4 (fourth quarter 2024) and learn all the latest creative PROVEN strategies for 2025 from the number one team in all Amazon selling!   2025 – May 29-31, 2025 Join your fellow business building warriors in Orlando for our 13th annual conference!...

#894: Interview with a mentor about how much most guys need stronger relationships show art #894: Interview with a mentor about how much most guys need stronger relationships

Silent Sales Machine Radio

Today I have a conversation for you on our podcast that I think everyone will enjoy regarding leadership and business and balancing it all with family.   This episode is different than any other we’ve ever recorded in that we spend some time talking directly to the men who are trying to find that elusive "balance" needed to effectively play the role of husband, father, provider and business owner.   A mentor of mine, Aaron Walker joins me for this discussion. He is a founder of an incredible mastermind group for male business owners that I'm excited to tell you about. Some...

#893: 7 Core Competencies of an Amazon seller part 7- BUSINESS ACUMEN show art #893: 7 Core Competencies of an Amazon seller part 7- BUSINESS ACUMEN

Silent Sales Machine Radio

In this episode of our continuing series on the 7 Core Competencies of Amazon Replens, we explore how to make Business Acumen a core competency in your business.   Brian and Robin Joy cover the three essential governors of any Amazon replens business—time, money, and ASINs—and how mastering business acumen can help you make better decisions quickly.   Learn about managing your cash flow, customer feedback, and inventory, plus tips on time management, establishing policies and procedures, and building strong relationships with vendors. We’ll also discuss the importance of...

#892: I might be changing my mind about leads lists for Amazon sellers show art #892: I might be changing my mind about leads lists for Amazon sellers

Silent Sales Machine Radio

In the 15 years that we’ve been teaching Amazon selling strategy in the course, I’ve never endorsed a "buy list"   As of today, my opinion of "buy lists" HAS NOT changed at all, and I still say AVOID THEM UNLESS YOU ARE VERY EXPERIENCED...but I have FINALLY found a company that has high enough standards that I feel comfortable endorsing them for those who are positioned to use what they provide.   For those who don't know, a "buy list" is simply a list of products (aka Amazon ASIN's) that someone else researched for you that they suggest might be good products to purchase and...

#891: Does the perfect business exist online? Have we found it? Let's talk about it. show art #891: Does the perfect business exist online? Have we found it? Let's talk about it.

Silent Sales Machine Radio

If you were tasked with coming up with a list of characteristics of the perfect business model, what would you put on that list?   For me, I'd include things like low risk, flexibility, transportable (I can put my biz in my pocket and go anywhere), scalable, sellable someday (I want to build an asset), generates multiple opportunities for other income streams, all of the big trends in culture are in my favor (a growing market), a community of other people who are successfully doing the model that I can learn from and grow with, the ability to add family to my business if I choose to......

More Episodes

During our recent live event in Orlando, Florida (The Proven Conference), we had dozens of amazing breakout sessions. One of the sessions was an introduction to the content that is coming soon regarding our unique strategies for success selling on Walmart.com. We are seeing tremendous results among many of the great Amazon selling leaders and students on our team as they begin to integrate Walmart into their online selling strategy.


We remain increasingly excited about Amazon simply because of the sheer volume of transactions that happen every day (about 50% of all ecommerce!), but Walmart is growing quite rapidly, even though Walmart is still considerably smaller than Amazon. The new opportunities presented by Walmart are the main topic of today’s mini episode.


Joseph Kelsey - a great coach on our team is basically finishing up the details of our new Walmart seller training course, and we will have it available for you soon~ Please visit this page in order to be kept up-to-date on all of the coming offers from our leadership team: SilentJim.com/comingsoon


NOTE: If you are a student of the ProvenAmazonCourse.com course or if you are a coaching student, you will receive an extreme discount on any new content that we produce.


Enjoy this short overview discussion of why we are so excited about Walmart! 


The course has launched here:



Watch this episode on our YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/jqqePswyM0c


Show note LINKS:


SilentSalesMachine.com - Text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online or visit https://silentjim.com/free11


SilentJim.com/bookacall - book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, legends and ProvenAmazonCourse.com course


Proven Amazon Course - 

Are you ready to be successful selling on Amazon? It's time to get instant access to the most widely used, most up to date, most creative and industry leading course in the "Learn to sell on Amazon" space. You'll find hundreds of recent success stories in our Free Facebook group from Amazon sellers using all manner of creative strategies from our ridiculously inexpensive yet powerful course!


My Silent Team Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysilentteam

100% FREE! Join 75,000 + members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There's no support community like this one anywhere else in the world


The Proven Conference -

Get the latest cutting edge ideas and training from our top performing students with our conference video recordings. Available now! 


Sourcing tools we recommend:

The Walmart repricing tool used by Joseph is Flashpricer! Get our special offer here - silentjim.com/flash

Wallysmarter - https://silentjim.com/wallysmarter

Nepeto - https://silentjim.com/nepeto-wm

Web Harvey - http://silentjim.com/webhu

SellerAmp - https://selleramp.com/mst/

Profit Seeker Pro - https://profitseekerpro.com

Wholesale Checker


Joseph mentions the "Bots course" is "in the PAC" - for those unaware, that means that the Bots course is in the ProvenAmazonCourse.com library available to all PAC students.