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Day 40/99: Mastery Starts When You Stop Keeping Score

Adi Shakti Speaks

Release Date: 09/13/2024

Day 57/99: Therapeutic Ruptures - Why I Don’t REALLY Trust You Until We’ve Had a Conflict show art Day 57/99: Therapeutic Ruptures - Why I Don’t REALLY Trust You Until We’ve Had a Conflict

Adi Shakti Speaks

The Sensual Summit February 16-19, 2025 in Los Cabos: Start Here: to join the SoulWork Onboarding Welcome Video!  Go get onboarded for Adi Shakti's 99 Day Magical Mystery Tour for the chance to win prizes and retreats: to join the SEEKER Membership for FREE.       ✨ The Sacred Art of Conflict: Why Rupture Deepens Intimacy Conflict isn’t the end—it's the beginning of deeper trust, connection, and growth. In every close relationship, there comes a moment when things feel messy, emotions get triggered, and misunderstandings arise. But instead of running away, what...

Day 56/99: Disco Brunch - the Love Story of a Yoga Teacher + a House DJ show art Day 56/99: Disco Brunch - the Love Story of a Yoga Teacher + a House DJ

Adi Shakti Speaks

The Sensual Summit February 16-19, 2025 in Los Cabos: Start Here: to join the SoulWork Onboarding Welcome Video!  Go get onboarded for Adi Shakti's 99 Day Magical Mystery Tour for the chance to win prizes and retreats: to join the SEEKER Membership for FREE.     ✨ Braiding Love and Creation: The Power of Our Creative Union Kyle and I aren’t just partners in life—we’re co-creators, weaving together our passions into something deeper and more meaningful. His music, my soulwork—together, we create spaces where love, creativity, and purpose merge. It’s not about...

Day 55/99: 103 Days of Sobriety - A Spiritual Leader’s Confession show art Day 55/99: 103 Days of Sobriety - A Spiritual Leader’s Confession

Adi Shakti Speaks

Start Here: to join the SoulWork Onboarding Welcome Video!  Go get onboarded for Adi Shakti's 99 Day Magical Mystery Tour for the chance to win prizes and retreats: to join the SEEKER Membership for FREE.       ✨ 103 Days Sober: Letting Go of Alcohol and Coming Home to Myself Today, I’m sharing one of the most personal parts of my journey—103 days sober. This decision wasn’t easy, but it felt necessary. After years of feeling out of alignment, carrying shame, and hiding my relationship with alcohol, I knew something had to shift. This isn’t just about...

Day 54/99: Multi-Passionate by Design - Thriving in Chaos and Creativity show art Day 54/99: Multi-Passionate by Design - Thriving in Chaos and Creativity

Adi Shakti Speaks

Start Here: to join the SoulWork Onboarding Welcome Video!  Go get onboarded for Adi Shakti's 99 Day Magical Mystery Tour for the chance to win prizes and retreats: to join the SEEKER Membership for FREE.       ✨ How I Find Flow in Chaos: Navigating Life as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur I’m opening up about what it really looks like to live as a multi-passionate entrepreneur. From leading international events and online trainings to organizing fundraisers and preparing for the Sensual Summit, I’m offering a glimpse into how I keep all the moving pieces in...

Day 53/99: My Journey Leading 200-Hour Yoga Trainings show art Day 53/99: My Journey Leading 200-Hour Yoga Trainings

Adi Shakti Speaks

[March 16 - 31, 2025] Trauma Informed 200 hr in Guatemala:  Sadhana Sabbatical in Guatemala: The Guatemala Episode I Reference: Start Here: to join the SoulWork Onboarding Welcome Video!  Go get onboarded for Adi Shakti's 99 Day Magical Mystery Tour for the chance to win prizes and retreats: to join the SEEKER Membership for FREE.     ✨ From Passion to SoulWork: My Journey in 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Trainings Today, I’m taking you on a journey back to where it all began. From launching my first 200-hour yoga teacher training to building a global spiritual empire,...

Day 52/99: Cancelled Flights and Broken Plans - Finding the Peace in Disruption show art Day 52/99: Cancelled Flights and Broken Plans - Finding the Peace in Disruption

Adi Shakti Speaks

The Sensual Summit February 16-19, 2025 in Los Cabos: Start Here: to join the SoulWork Onboarding Welcome Video!  Go get onboarded for Adi Shakti's 99 Day Magical Mystery Tour for the chance to win prizes and retreats: to join the SEEKER Membership for FREE.     🌿 Embracing the Unexpected: Lessons from Life’s Storms Yesterday, the universe handed me a perfect storm—no internet, unfinished house projects, and a hurricane disrupting my plans. Instead of resisting, I’m leaning into the flow. What if we saw these interruptions not as obstacles, but as invitations to...

Day 51/99: Losing My Virginity without Consent + my path to healing show art Day 51/99: Losing My Virginity without Consent + my path to healing

Adi Shakti Speaks

The Sensual Summit February 16-19, 2025 in Los Cabos: Start Here: to join the SoulWork Onboarding Welcome Video!  Go get onboarded for Adi Shakti's 99 Day Magical Mystery Tour for the chance to win prizes and retreats: to join the SEEKER Membership for FREE.     ✨ Reclaiming Your Body: From Trauma to Empowerment Our relationship with our bodies can be so deeply shaped by the experiences we carry—especially when those experiences involve trauma and violations of our autonomy. For many of us, the journey to reclaiming our bodies can feel overwhelming, but it’s also an...

Day 50/99: Visionary Angst part 2 show art Day 50/99: Visionary Angst part 2

Adi Shakti Speaks

Start Here: to join the SoulWork Onboarding Welcome Video!  Go get onboarded for Adi Shakti's 99 Day Magical Mystery Tour for the chance to win prizes and retreats: to join the SEEKER Membership for FREE.     ✨ The Visionary’s Path: Emotional Highs, Lows, and the Dance with Divine Timing  Being a visionary isn’t just about holding big dreams—it’s about navigating the emotional extremes that come with it. From moments of soaring inspiration to deep frustration, the visionary’s path can feel like a rollercoaster of highs and lows. I call this “Visionary...

Day 49/99: Visionary Angst - The Hidden Struggle of Big Dreamers pt 1 show art Day 49/99: Visionary Angst - The Hidden Struggle of Big Dreamers pt 1

Adi Shakti Speaks

dreams often come with a weight most people don’t understand Start Here: to join the SoulWork Onboarding Welcome Video!  Go get onboarded for Adi Shakti's 99 Day Magical Mystery Tour for the chance to win prizes and retreats: to join the SEEKER Membership for FREE.     ✨ The Angst of the Visionary: Why Big Dreams Come with Unique Struggles Visionaries are born to carry immense dreams, but those dreams often come with a weight most people don’t understand. I call this 'Visionary Angst'—that deep, gnawing pain that comes when we’re walking a path that feels both...

Day 48/99: Yoga Teachers - Stop Watering Down Tradition, Start Giving Back show art Day 48/99: Yoga Teachers - Stop Watering Down Tradition, Start Giving Back

Adi Shakti Speaks

if we’re drinking from this well of ancient wisdom, we must be intentional about how we give back Come to India with me:  Start Here: to join the SoulWork Onboarding Welcome Video!  Go get onboarded for Adi Shakti's 99 Day Magical Mystery Tour for the chance to win prizes and retreats: to join the SEEKER Membership for FREE.     ✨ Honoring the Sacred: Are We Giving Back to the Roots of Yoga? As yoga continues to spread worldwide, I feel there’s something essential we’re forgetting—its sacred roots. Today, I’m speaking from the heart about cultural...

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Remove the constant need to measure their worth through results—whether in love, business, or personal growth.

The Sensual Summit February 16-19, 2025 in Los Cabos: click here for details

Start Here: Here is the link to join the SoulWork Onboarding Welcome Video! 

Go get onboarded for Adi Shakti's 99 Day Magical Mystery Tour for the chance to win prizes and retreats: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-FuuGMumcc/

Here is the link to join the SEEKER Membership for FREE.



✨ The Sacred Art of Giving Without Keeping Score
This conversation is for anyone who feels weighed down by the constant need to measure their worth through results—whether in love, business, or personal growth. I’m inviting you to step into the freedom of giving from a place of pure devotion, unburdened by expectations. Together, we’ll explore how true mastery is found not in keeping score, but in surrendering to the joy of the journey. Let's release the need for validation and embrace the art of giving for the sake of love, connection, and purpose.

💥 The Master’s Path: Success Through Trust and Surrender
In today’s episode, we dive deep into the wisdom of learning to give without keeping score—whether it’s nurturing a relationship or building a business. I’m sharing my own journey of stepping away from constantly tracking results and trusting that when we give from the heart, everything aligns in perfect timing. This is a raw reflection on how surrendering to life’s flow has opened doors to deeper abundance and fulfillment, and how you, too, can release control and trust your own path.

🌸 The Joy of Giving: Love, Business, and the Power of Detachment
True love and soulful business are born from a space of service and surrender. We’ll explore how detaching from outcomes and expectations allows us to show up fully and give with our whole hearts. Through stories from my personal journey and the ancient wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, this episode is an invitation to live and create from a place of devotion, trusting that the universe will meet you with everything you need when you release the need to keep score.