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Doctors Orders

Southern Hollows

Release Date: 11/23/2019

Doctors Orders show art Doctors Orders

Southern Hollows

In the Spring of 1944, the town of New Iberia, Louisiana, threatened, beat, and expelled key leaders of the town’s black community – leaders who had recently formed a new NAACP branch and were in danger of getting, by some accounts, the “upper hand.” Among the expelled were the town’s only black physicians, and their removal left the town without a black doctor – or strong black community leadership – until the civil rights movement.

Breaking Down show art Breaking Down

Southern Hollows

On a cold, rainy afternoon in 1968 a Memphis garbage truck malfunctioned and killed the two "garbage packers" riding inside. It was the last straw for the city's more than 1,000 sanitation workers, who walked off the job in protest of the conditions. But they ran head-on into an immovable Mayor, and the ensuing battle brought Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to town for what was to be his last march. For the pictures, credits, and links for this episode: www.southernhollows.com/episodes/memphissanitationstrike

Moving Pictures show art Moving Pictures

Southern Hollows

When filmmaker D.W. Griffith released Birth of a Nation in 1915, the revolutionary film changed the way America thought about the movies, and in many respects launched the modern film industry. But lesser known is the role Birth of a Nation had in the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. Long eradicated, the Klan was relaunched alongside the film and rode its wave to grow to millions of members.

Fire and Bones show art Fire and Bones

Southern Hollows

The short-lived period of Reconstruction in the former Confederacy was met with defiance, violence, and a growing sense of chaos and danger — and that powder keg exploded on Easter Sunday in 1873, when the residents of tiny Colfax, Louisiana went to war with each other. This is the little-known story of bloody battle that happened years after the end of the war.

Kindly Reply show art Kindly Reply

Southern Hollows

After emancipation decimated the labor supply of a Nashville-area plantation, its struggling master offers a former slave the chance to return. The response he received is one for the history books.

Broad Daylight show art Broad Daylight

Southern Hollows

A city conspires to vengeance in 1917 after a local schoolgirl is murdered. Law enforcement is all but suspended as an organized committee forms to abduct a suspect from police custody and stage a gruesome public spectacle. After you've listened, . 

The Mayor's Mob show art The Mayor's Mob

Southern Hollows

In this episode, we go back in history to a sunny Saturday morning in 1891, when as many as 10,000 New Orleans citizens from all walks of life storm the Parish Prison to lynch a dozen Italian immigrants who had been rounded up as suspects in a local murder.  |     

Routine Papers show art Routine Papers

Southern Hollows

Meet Georgia Tann, the notorious Memphis matron of baby trafficking. Hear the tragic stories of her victims and the powerful Southern political machine that made it all possible. It's a little-known story from Southern history, but one that we shouldn't forget.  | See the  for concerts and games at DeepTickets.com. Get your at Rocket Languages.   

Out of Sight show art Out of Sight

Southern Hollows

Join a busload of determined Civil Rights marchers as they venture into a Georgia County equally determined to preserve a 75-year history of racial purity. It's another dark-but-important story from Southern history.   |    

More Episodes

In the Spring of 1944, the town of New Iberia, Louisiana, threatened, beat, and expelled key leaders of the town’s black community – leaders who had recently formed a new NAACP branch and were in danger of getting, by some accounts, the “upper hand.” Among the expelled were the town’s only black physicians, and their removal left the town without a black doctor – or strong black community leadership – until the civil rights movement.

Photos, show notes and more at: http://www.southernhollows.com/episodes/doctorsorders