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Changing Our Habits and Hangups Around Sex with Dr. Cheryl Sparks

So What? Why It Matters, with Nancy Hicks

Release Date: 04/20/2021

Announcement: We’re Wrapping Season 1  show art Announcement: We’re Wrapping Season 1 

So What? Why It Matters, with Nancy Hicks

A message from Nancy and the So What? podcast team as we bring the first season to a close.

Unraveling Body Shame & Embracing Beauty at Every Age: Mary DeMuth show art Unraveling Body Shame & Embracing Beauty at Every Age: Mary DeMuth

So What? Why It Matters, with Nancy Hicks

We’ve all been there: standing in front of the mirror, plucking another gray hair with tweezers, wondering when we got this stretch mark or when that roll got there. We’re so critical of our bodies, thanks to messages we received when we were still running around with skinned knees and gap-toothed grins: “You must be beautiful to be loved. And beautiful looks like young, thin, and firm.” How do we widen our scope of “beautiful?” How can we fight back those messages and claim the worthiness of our bodies, just as they are right now? This week, Nancy sits down with Mary DeMuth, an...

Changing Our Habits and Hangups Around Sex with Dr. Cheryl Sparks show art Changing Our Habits and Hangups Around Sex with Dr. Cheryl Sparks

So What? Why It Matters, with Nancy Hicks

Yep, we’re going there—we’re starting a brand-new series called Sex and the Whole Ball of Wax.  Listen, we know “sex” is a loaded word for many, and in this series, we’re talking about a range of issues around sex. Here’s where we’re starting: can you remember what you were taught about sex growing up? How much of the information you received did you find helpful—and how much was plain wrong, or didn’t apply to you whatsoever? And how much of that information—the stuff you actually needed—was left out?  Nancy sits down with one of her dearest friends, Dr....

Building a Beautiful Story from the Ashes of Pain – Nona Jones  show art Building a Beautiful Story from the Ashes of Pain – Nona Jones 

So What? Why It Matters, with Nancy Hicks

As we close out the Faith in the Firestorm series, we hope each of us has found a connection point. We’ve wrestled with so many hard topics here—finding sanctuary, being a comfort for the wandering, moving forward and clinging to hope in the face of death. To wrap this powerful series, we’re going to talk with someone who shows us strength, perseverance and determination: author and director of faith-based partnerships at Facebook, Nona Jones. Nona lived through a childhood filled with trauma, and today she’s channeled her pain into serving and ministering others. Nona and Nancy talk...

A Season of Wandering in Faith—and Coming Back: Pastor Sheryl Brady show art A Season of Wandering in Faith—and Coming Back: Pastor Sheryl Brady

So What? Why It Matters, with Nancy Hicks

In some of the harder seasons of our lives, we may find ourselves asking questions, “How am I supposed to get through this?” or, “How could a good God let something so awful happen?” And when answers don’t come easily or maybe don’t come at all, we may find ourselves in a season of doubt and wandering. In this next installment of Faith in the Firestorm, Nancy talks with Pastor Sheryl Brady of The Potter’s House, who shares her own season of wandering that followed the deaths of her older sister and mother just a few years ago. As a prominent church leader, Pastor Brady felt the...

Finding & Offering Shelter in Our Storms: Holly Hayes  show art Finding & Offering Shelter in Our Storms: Holly Hayes 

So What? Why It Matters, with Nancy Hicks

At the end of the day, we all need a space where we feel safe and known. We need a sanctuary. And as we see in the next installment of our Faith in the Firestorm series, a sanctuary isn’t always a place. As our next guest Holly Christine Hayes shows us, sanctuary can also be our people—the ones who hold us close during our darkest moments and help us crawl out of the pit. Holly is a survivor, advocate, author, and entrepreneur. In 2018, she founded The Sanctuary Project, a nonprofit that gives emotional and financial support to women who have experienced human trafficking, violence, and...

Staying Anchored in Every Decade - Women of Faith’s Thelma Wells  show art Staying Anchored in Every Decade - Women of Faith’s Thelma Wells 

So What? Why It Matters, with Nancy Hicks

Have you ever been on a boat in the middle of the ocean? Did you ever find yourself clutching the boat when the winds began to blow, and the waves began to toss the boat up and down, to and fro? In those moments, when it feels like the boat might tip over any second, there’s something holding it fast: the anchor. And in our next installment of our Faith in the Firestorm series, renowned speaker, author, and Women of Faith alum Thelma Wells reminds us that no matter what comes our way, our faith is the anchor that will keep us rooted and strong. Thelma is 85 years young, and decade after...

Faith in the Firestorm: Nancy’s Lament During Her Own Storm show art Faith in the Firestorm: Nancy’s Lament During Her Own Storm

So What? Why It Matters, with Nancy Hicks

We begin a brand-new series this week on So What? And it’s one that couldn’t come too soon, especially after the harsh year we’ve experienced around the globe: we’re talking about how to walk through a season where our faith is tested by extreme circumstances, and how we can come out on the other side. Nancy vulnerably shares about her own faith firestorm, one that she and her family have unthinkably found themselves in: Nancy’s 28-year-old son David, a student pursuing law and public policy at Harvard, has been battling Stage IV colon cancer for two years. Nancy turns to the book of...

How to Be a Lazy Genius: Kendra Adachi on Embracing What Matters, Ditching What Doesn’t show art How to Be a Lazy Genius: Kendra Adachi on Embracing What Matters, Ditching What Doesn’t

So What? Why It Matters, with Nancy Hicks

We’re wrapping up our self-care series this week, and as we’ve seen, there are dozens of ways to care for yourself, from giving yourself rest and checking in with your mental wellness, to writing down what’s going on in your head and more. We’ve got one question that, well, gets to the heart of this podcast: what truly matters to you? Today, we’re going to learn how to be a genius about the things that matter, and lazy about the things that don’t, thanks to the solid advice of New York Times bestselling author and podcaster Kendra Adachi, AKA The Lazy Genius! Kendra and Nancy talk...

Your Voice Matters: Allison Fallon on How Writing Changes You show art Your Voice Matters: Allison Fallon on How Writing Changes You

So What? Why It Matters, with Nancy Hicks

This week, we’re looking at self-care through a different lens—one that involves pen and paper. On the surface, writing down your thoughts doesn’t seem like a way to care for yourself. But time and again, it’s been proven that a daily writing practice can transform your life (even if you’re not a writer!). That’s what our next guest, author and entrepreneur Allison Fallon, shows us. As she researched her new book The Power of Writing It Down, Allison discovered that writing can help you change the way you think about a situation, tapping into an entirely new part of your brain that...

More Episodes

Yep, we’re going there—we’re starting a brand-new series called Sex and the Whole Ball of Wax.  Listen, we know “sex” is a loaded word for many, and in this series, we’re talking about a range of issues around sex. Here’s where we’re starting: can you remember what you were taught about sex growing up? How much of the information you received did you find helpful—and how much was plain wrong, or didn’t apply to you whatsoever? And how much of that information—the stuff you actually needed—was left out?  Nancy sits down with one of her dearest friends, Dr. Cheryl Sparks, a counselor with extensive experience helping couples think through their habits and hangups around sex. With tenderness and vulnerability, Nancy and Cheryl talk through some of their earliest experiences with sex and how what they were—and weren’t—taught as kids and how that informed their actual experiences in the bedroom later as adults. They talk through the difficulty of switching from messages like “sex is bad” to “now that you’re married, charge ahead, sex goddess!” Cheryl gently helps us explore what it would look like to broaden our definitions around what’s “normal” and “successful” when it comes to sex, so that we can more easily experience the joys and intimacy the gift of sex can bring.


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Breathe life into your soul and find your God-given power with Nancy’s “Called to Confidence” 20-day guide. Download your FREE copy at nancyhickslive.com/featured-teachings.