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174: Matt Garrett on 'Living in the Middle'

Speaking of Simpson

Release Date: 02/24/2025

174: Matt Garrett on 'Living in the Middle' show art 174: Matt Garrett on 'Living in the Middle'

Speaking of Simpson

Simpson faculty member Matt Garrett has a new book out, , about the challenges likely to be faced by students pursuing careers in sport management, marketing and media. Matt stops by the podcast this week to talk about why he wrote the book and the lessons he hopes his students and readers take from it.

173: Dani Kahut Lynch & Ike Papes on Simpson's New-Look Volleyball Programs show art 173: Dani Kahut Lynch & Ike Papes on Simpson's New-Look Volleyball Programs

Speaking of Simpson

Volleyball is one of America's fastest-growing sports, and Simpson's taking advantage of that fact in building its long-standing women's program and the new men's program. This week on the podcast, new Volleyball Director Dani Kohut Lynch, who also is head coach of the women, and new men's Coach Ike Papes talk about joining the Storm and looking for ways to help the programs stand out in the American Rivers Conference.

172: Spencer Waugh on Simpson Online show art 172: Spencer Waugh on Simpson Online

Speaking of Simpson

Spencer Waugh has led some of Simpson's most high-profile programs, including Speech & Debate and Exploratory Studies. Now he's tasked with taking over Simpson Online, the undergraduate, graduate, and certificate program aimed at non-traditional learners. Spencer stops by the podcast this week to talk about the program and his ideas for growing it in the years to come.

171: Mike Espy & The Revival of the Carver Medal Ceremony show art 171: Mike Espy & The Revival of the Carver Medal Ceremony

Speaking of Simpson

Mike Espy, former congressman from Mississippi and secretary of agriculture during the 1990s in the Clinton administration, came to Simpson last week to accept the Carver Medal, named for Simpson College's most famous alumnus. George Washington Carver attended Simpson in 1890 and went on to become one of the world's foremost agricultural scientists. The Carver Medal recognizes a Black American who has made a significant contribution to public service in the United States. Espy is the first Black American to serve as secretary of agriculture.

170: Jake Brend on Becoming Iowa's Top Sportscaster show art 170: Jake Brend on Becoming Iowa's Top Sportscaster

Speaking of Simpson

Jake Brend is less than two years away from earning his Simpson College degree, but he's already been named Iowa's Sportscaster of the Year by the National Sports Media Association. Jake's on the podcast this week to talk about how he came to love sports communication, and how he took advantage of opportunities on and off campus to make his dreams reality.

169: Jennifer Chittenden on Workforce Partnerships show art 169: Jennifer Chittenden on Workforce Partnerships

Speaking of Simpson

Collaborating with the metro Des Moines buisness community, and Simpson's making its commitment to doing so with its new program in Workforce Partnerships. Director Jennifer Chittenden comes on the podcast this week to talk about how she's working in the metro to help build the Simpson brand and connect its academic programs with the needs of metro businesses, non-profits, and more.

168: Aswati Subramanian on Studying Space Biology show art 168: Aswati Subramanian on Studying Space Biology

Speaking of Simpson

As NASA looks to return to the Moon and then go on to Mars, the study of space biology has become an ever-more-important endeavor. Simpson biology professor Aswati Subramanian and her students are playing a role in those studies. Subramanian is on the podcast this week with two of her students, Layna Depping and Sam Derning, to talk about their work, which has won a $30,000 seed grant from NASA. The episode is a co-production with Iowa Public Radio News. Our thanks to Ben Kieffer, host of the IPR News program River to River, and producer Samantha McIntosh for their help.

167: Iowa Journalists on the Next 4 Years show art 167: Iowa Journalists on the Next 4 Years

Speaking of Simpson

This week’s episode is a co-production with Iowa Down Ballot, the Substack feed and podcast that brings together some of Iowa’s best political analysts to offer insights and perspectives earned through years of covering and analyzing Iowa politics. Working through Simpson’s Culver Center for Public Policy and its director Seth Andersen, Iowa Down Ballot last week helped put together a panel of some of Iowa’s top political journalists — plus Simpson Political Science Professor Kedron Bardwell — to talk about what the next four years will look like in national and state politics. The...

166: Marty Bell on the Ascent of Simpson Sports show art 166: Marty Bell on the Ascent of Simpson Sports

Speaking of Simpson

We're transitioning between fall and winter sports seasons at Simpson, so Athletic Director Marty Bell stops by the podcast this week to talk about the progress he's seen across the board during his tenure leading the college's athletic programs.

165: Adrienne Gathman & Kedron Bardwell on the 2024 Elections show art 165: Adrienne Gathman & Kedron Bardwell on the 2024 Elections

Speaking of Simpson

The 2024 elections are in the rear-view mirror, and Simpson political scientists Adrienne Gathman and Kedron Bardwell are on the podcast this week to dissect the results. They not only make sense of Donald Trump's return to the presidency, but also the struggles of the Iowa Democratic Party and how Democrats might mount a comeback in the next two years.

More Episodes

Simpson faculty member Matt Garrett has a new book out, Living in the Middle: Reflection Thinking in Sport, about the challenges likely to be faced by students pursuing careers in sport management, marketing and media. Matt stops by the podcast this week to talk about why he wrote the book and the lessons he hopes his students and readers take from it.