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EU Special: What are your options at the European Parliament elections?


Release Date: 05/02/2024

EU Special: What are your options at the European Parliament elections? show art EU Special: What are your options at the European Parliament elections?


In this second EU Spodlight special Emma and Elias tackle the question of 'What are we voting for in June?'. We go into what options do we have in terms of political groups and parties? In terms of age and nationality? How does the electoral and party system at the EU level compare to national system? What are the predictions for the upcoming elections and more. Emma Prins is a Lecturer at European Studies @ THUAS for three years now. She is teaching courses on Politics and the European Union, and has working experience at the Dutch Embassy and European Parliament. She loves keeping up with...

EU Special: What is it that we are voting for in June? show art EU Special: What is it that we are voting for in June?


In this Spodlight special Emma and Elias discuss the importance of the European Parliament Elections. They address questions such as: Why is the turn-out for the European Parliament elections low? What does my vote for these elections mean? How does the EU work and how does that impact our daily life? How can I vote as an EU national living another EU country and more.  Emma Prins is a Lecturer at European Studies at The Hague University for Applied Sciences for three years now. She is teaching courses on Politics and the European Union, and has working experience at the Dutch Embassy...

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Kanan Dhru is the Senior Lecturer Legal Technology at The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS), where she coordinates minors on Law, Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies as well as Cyber Security. At THUAS, she is a part of the Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence and also represents the university on projects such as AI4Intelligence and AI for public safety. A law graduate from the London School of Economics, Kanan has been developing and researching innovative solutions in the legal domain since 2009.  In this podcast she talks about what happens when law and...

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More Episodes

In this second EU Spodlight special Emma and Elias tackle the question of 'What are we voting for in June?'. We go into what options do we have in terms of political groups and parties? In terms of age and nationality? How does the electoral and party system at the EU level compare to national system? What are the predictions for the upcoming elections and more.

Emma Prins is a Lecturer at European Studies @ THUAS for three years now. She is teaching courses on Politics and the European Union, and has working experience at the Dutch Embassy and European Parliament. She loves keeping up with EU news and talking about ongoing issues related to the EU.

Elias Fabricius is a second year European Studies student from Germany and interested in EU politics. He is passionate about animal rights and really concerned about climate change. He loves discussing politics and music.