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Evil Dead

Spooky Thirties

Release Date: 06/13/2022

Little Shop Of Horrors show art Little Shop Of Horrors

Spooky Thirties

This month Stella Cheek's journey through the cinema depths takes us in a lighter, greener direction as we're joined by fan media renaissance man Ben Silverio to discuss the dopes, doo-wops, downfalls, and delights of everything Little Shop! Was the real horror capitalism all along... again? Is the original Corman movie a masterpiece, or should you just leaf it in the past? Find out with us!  

Carrie show art Carrie

Spooky Thirties

We're back, and we're headed to the prom! Stella Cheeks begins the second season of her bloody journey through horror film and life with a familair guest, as Erin Cline returns to discuss Carrie (and Carrie) with us! How much of this book did Stephen King really write? Can any male director make a good movie about women with powers? Have we lost all sense of format and episode lenght? The answers may make you see RED. Editors notes: -At some point Bobby says "Dreamcatchers" when he may have meant "The Dead Zone." Future Bobby would not let this Stand.  -Stell is no longer on twitter!...

Suspiria show art Suspiria

Spooky Thirties

It's time to break out the leotards and the leg warmers as Stella Cheeks and her special guest Helena Handbasket dance their way through feminist symbolism wrapped up in misogyny and blood. So much blood. Join them as they break down the horror franchise with the best aesthetic and the worst directors as they try to figure out if they love or hate Suspiria. Find the readings we mentioned here:  https://tinyurl.com/ac4ukxxr

Phantasm show art Phantasm

Spooky Thirties

PLEASE NOTE: Stella's deep dislike of Phantasm seemed to have cursed her mic so the audio quality sounds like it's coming from another dimension. Consider it a bad director's choice, like the choice to make Phantasm 5.  --- Sentinal spears are chasing Stella Cheeks and her special guest Jolene through a graveyard of dreams with nothing but a quadruple-barrled shot gun and a frisbee full of razor blades. Join them as they break down the "classic" horror series franchise Phantasm and try to answer the age-old question of "is this good bad or is this bad-bad." Find the readings we mentioned...

Evil Dead show art Evil Dead

Spooky Thirties

Stella Cheeks and special guest Marcus Benjamin strap on their girdles and grab their boomsticks to talk all things Evil Dead. Join them as they go on a zombie-filled horror-comedy toxic masculinity rollercoaster that starts with "Maybe this is terrible" and ends with "Nope, this is very good actually." It's the Evil Dead way!  Find the readings we mentioned here:  https://tinyurl.com/bdj6au69

Scream show art Scream

Spooky Thirties

Stella Cheeks and special guest Jenna Dalgety tackle the Scream franchise. When does meta get too meta? And when is too meta the point? Join them as they share their hot takes like maybe Scream 3 is good actually, Ghostface as a gatekeeping nerd, and the untold love story of Billy & Stu.  Come on. We had to make it gay somehow!  Find the readings we mentioned here:  https://tinyurl.com/5n6cfeup

Hellraiser show art Hellraiser

Spooky Thirties

Stella Cheeks and special guest Elle Collins solve the Lament Configuration together as they tackle the dark, twisted, wet, and surprisingly sexy world of Clive Barker's Hellraiser.  We have such sights...er sounds...to show...we mean talk to you about.  Find the readings we mentioned here:  https://tinyurl.com/yj7xnmsu

Re-Animator show art Re-Animator

Spooky Thirties

Stella Cheeks and special guest Rosemary Maybe literally cannot help but turn this horror podcast into a shipping podcast. Join them as they break down this 80s cult classic (and the subsequent sequel...there was definitely only one) in the only way two feral fandom queers can!

The Thing show art The Thing

Spooky Thirties

Stella Cheeks and special guest (and producer) Bobby Hoffman have been friends for years, and as such, he knew precisely what horror movie would push Stella to the limit! J They deep dive into the history of John Carpenter's The Thing, the iterations that came before (and after), and just why they think the film has and will stand the test of time.

IT show art IT

Spooky Thirties

IT's our first episode, and IT's a doozy. Join Stella Cheeks and her special guest Erin Cline as they discuss Stephen King's IT...all of IT. How do the movies compare to the 1,000+ page book? Why do people care about this stupid clown when there is a beautiful found family to obsess over RIGHT there? Did any parts of IT make Stella spooked? Stop asking questions and listen already!

More Episodes
Stella Cheeks and special guest Marcus Benjamin strap on their girdles and grab their boomsticks to talk all things Evil Dead. Join them as they go on a zombie-filled horror-comedy toxic masculinity rollercoaster that starts with "Maybe this is terrible" and ends with "Nope, this is very good actually." It's the Evil Dead way! 

Find the readings we mentioned here: 