I Will Trust You- A Breast Cancer Story~ Kathryn Tortorici :: [Episode 288]
Release Date: 10/02/2024
StoryTellers Live
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Kelly Connelly, of our Vestavia community, tried to control (and cure) her husband’s addiction to prescription painkillers. It seemed like a perfectly reasonable response from a wife. Only, it wasn’t working—and life wasn’t letting up. The substance abuse continued, and infidelity and divorce entered the scene, making Kelly’s life unmanageable for many years. But that was just it: her life was, actually, unmanageable. And admitting it made all the difference. Kelly came to grips with her shame, perfectionism, and powerlessness through the help of a Bible-based...
info_outlineFor Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’re bringing you an encouraging survivor’s story from our Mountain Brook community. Kathryn Tortorici will remind you that the Lord knows your days and will equip you for what’s next.
Through her struggle with breast cancer, Kathryn says she learned to fully trust—and that it's possible to be full of tears and full of joy.
Plus, you’ll love hearing how Kathryn and a friend were diagnosed at the same time. Together, they developed a heart for God and a heart for others.
In this episode you will learn:
- Life is like a train track with trials and tribulations as the tracks, but it will take you to a destination.
Song: “Do I Trust You” by Twila Paris
Two by Two: Conversations Between Friends Navigating Breast Cancer by Kathryn Tortorici & Nancy Bynon
Listen to a similar story~ Jehan Corbin- Ep. 121: “Jesus Plus Nothing Equals Enough” and Lindy Walker- Ep. 13: “Surrender Her Agenda”
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