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Becoming an Accidental Feminist Rabbi

Original Syndrome

Release Date: 03/18/2021

Of Empaths and Avocados show art Of Empaths and Avocados

Original Syndrome

Do you get unexplained cravings in the supermarket? Are women really more sensitive than men? How did 'snowflake' become a slur? We talk about these life-or-death issues and other stuff with psychologist and author, Julia Wild. Join us for this deep and funny episode with a super articulate guest.

We're watching you, Mexico! show art We're watching you, Mexico!

Original Syndrome

An amazing, young podcast producer, journalist and women’s rights activist in Mexico City dishes on the situation of women in her country. And female comedians are paving the way there for a life with less patriarchy! The amount of badassery and courage it takes to do this in a place where women are routinely murdered on the street is mind-boggling.

Becoming an Accidental Feminist Rabbi show art Becoming an Accidental Feminist Rabbi

Original Syndrome

Growing up in the 1950s was tough for all women, especially when you were inquisitive and got kicked out of class for asking too many questions. Ruz Gulko tells us her hilarious and moving stories of childhood and of “accidentally” becoming a rabbi. She also explains how, in Judaism, women have always been the ones pushing destiny forward.

Raising your voice! show art Raising your voice!

Original Syndrome

Performing can unlock all kinds of talents and set us free. We interview actress Samantha Rund on how she helps others find their voice through acting and speaking. As a real live standup comedian, actress and coach, she talks about her experiences on stage and off, and the journey to discover her own true voice.

Kamala Cameos show art Kamala Cameos

Original Syndrome

Janet and Adina riff on politics and listen to interviews with 3 women on Kamala Harris’ nomination for Vice President. FINALLY, it’s happening!!! The state of the union is no longer just male…

True North, Fake South: A front row seat to Trumplandia show art True North, Fake South: A front row seat to Trumplandia

Original Syndrome

The unfiltered view from Canada. Two wise and worldly Canadian women tell us how incredibly f—-ed up we look from up there. What a contrast! Listen to us compare the status of women there and here and what our northern neighbors think about our self-destructing political landscape. Are you ready to emigrate?

Red, Blue, Woman show art Red, Blue, Woman

Original Syndrome

Running for political office as a queer woman in a red state, and enjoying gifts of fresh elk meat. WHOA! We talk with the amazing Caitlin, who has pushed back on political and social norms with brilliance, joy and a touch of rage. Talk about badass….

Yes and...comedy improv and gender equality show art Yes and...comedy improv and gender equality

Original Syndrome

How equal is improv? Totally hip and super-funny Gen Z-er, Carly Lant, explains to us how comedy improv works, how she got into it and how her group, The Dead Parrots Society, deals with creating gender equality on stage and backstage. Topics include: improv comedy, gender equality

Draggin' it out of him show art Draggin' it out of him

Original Syndrome

Adina and Janet peel away the delicious layers of Tim’s journey into female impersonator-land where for years he was Anita Goodman, “shapely blond” singer and standup comedian. A straight man and former drag queen tells some incredible stories about what it was like to be hit on by men and inhabit Seattle’s underground drag space. Take a dive with us into gender politics and psychology!

Why white people must do DEI work, and standup comedy show art Why white people must do DEI work, and standup comedy

Original Syndrome

IQ through the roof and bursting with incredible experiences, Jess is a former standup comedian turned DEI expert speaker and trainer. She has the deepest understanding of gender power dynamics we’ve ever encountered. Join Adina and Janet as Jess explains her first experience as a kid doing standup at her father’s international bodybuilding event and it just goes from there…

More Episodes

Growing up in the 1950s was tough for all women, especially when you were inquisitive and got kicked out of class for asking too many questions. Ruz Gulko tells us her hilarious and moving stories of childhood and of “accidentally” becoming a rabbi. She also explains how, in Judaism, women have always been the ones pushing destiny forward.

Topics include: religion, feminism, gender equality