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Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 1: Forgiveness

Tara Brach

Release Date: 05/16/2024

Disarming Our Hearts - Part 2: Guidance from the Bodhisattva Path  show art Disarming Our Hearts - Part 2: Guidance from the Bodhisattva Path

Tara Brach

Meditation: Awareness is Our Home show art Meditation: Awareness is Our Home

Tara Brach

This guided practice helps us come into our senses through a body scan. We then rest in the awareness that is listening to and feeling the changing flow of experience. When the mind drifts, the return is a relaxing back to our senses, and to the sea of awareness that includes and experiences the waves of life. From the meditation closing: As part of closing this meditation, sensing whatever wish or blessing you’d like to offer to yourself right now. What would bring healing happiness your life? Widening that heart space to include someone who is dear to you. Sensing your appreciation for...

Disarming Our Hearts - Part 1  show art Disarming Our Hearts - Part 1

Tara Brach

If we realized how profoundly our chronic judgment creates separation and blocks the flow of love, we’d dedicate more deeply to disarming our hearts. Drawing on practices from the Bodhisattva path, these two talks explore the process of disarming—bridging divides with those close in, and opening our hearts to those at a distance who we consider a ‘bad other” or enemy. As we cultivate the capacity for true disarming, we experience a growing sense of belonging, Oneness and the freedom of an awakened heart.

Meditation: Body and Spirit  show art Meditation: Body and Spirit

Tara Brach

As we relax and awaken through our physical body, we discover the formless dimension of awareness or spirit that permeates all of life. This meditation includes a poem, "the spirit likes to dress up," from Mary Oliver.

Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 3: A Mirror show art Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 3: A Mirror

Tara Brach

This 3- part series explores three capacities we all have, that when cultivated, bring spiritual awakening and serve the healing of our world. Drawing on an ancient teaching story from India, we explore together the power of a forgiving heart, the inner fire that expresses as courage and dedication, and the inquiry of “who am I” that reveals our deepest nature. The three qualities often described as the essence of awareness: wakeful, open, tender.”

Meditation: Listening to Life  show art Meditation: Listening to Life

Tara Brach

The attitude of meditation is one of engaged listening – a relaxed, receptive yet intimate attention. This meditation explores how we can listen to sounds, listen to and feel sensations, and then relax back into the ocean of awareness that includes and perceives the changing waves. In this relaxing back, we realize the peace and freedom of inhabiting our wholeness and essence.

Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 2: Inner Fire show art Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 2: Inner Fire

Tara Brach

This 3- part series explores three capacities we all have, that when cultivated, bring spiritual awakening and serve the healing of our world. Drawing on an ancient teaching story from India, we explore together the power of a forgiving heart, the inner fire that expresses as courage and dedication, and the inquiry of “who am I” that reveals our deepest nature.

Meditation: Reconnecting to Silence and Presence show art Meditation: Reconnecting to Silence and Presence

Tara Brach

Only in silence and presence do we realign with what matters to our hearts. This simple practice of arriving in an embodied awareness supports us in touching the grounds of true transformation and healing. It closes with a powerful poem by Gunilla Norris, “Sharing Silence.”

Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 1: Forgiveness show art Three Blessings in Spiritual Life – Part 1: Forgiveness

Tara Brach

This 3-part series explores three capacities we all have, that when cultivated, bring spiritual awakening and serve the healing of our world. Drawing on an ancient teaching story from India, we explore together the power of a forgiving heart, the inner fire that expresses as courage and dedication, and the inquiry of “who am I” that reveals our deepest nature.

Meditation: Living Presence - Experiencing Aliveness and Openheartedness show art Meditation: Living Presence - Experiencing Aliveness and Openheartedness

Tara Brach

The pathway to experiencing full aliveness and openheartedness is by awakening awareness throughout the body. This meditation begins by establishing a rhythmic inflow and outflow of the breath, in order to calm and collect the mind. Then continuing with the conscious breathing, we are guided through the body – bringing attention to sensations and space. This attention becomes a very vibrant living presence, and we end by experiencing that living presence as a natural openheartedness that includes all of life.

More Episodes

This 3-part series explores three capacities we all have, that when cultivated, bring spiritual awakening and serve the healing of our world. Drawing on an ancient teaching story from India, we explore together the power of a forgiving heart, the inner fire that expresses as courage and dedication, and the inquiry of “who am I” that reveals our deepest nature.