AGC 164 June 5th 2012 (Seven Years and Some Weeks?) (1:35:46)
Release Date: 06/05/2012
With Mark Kinney, Carol, and Mags. Mark's 7 year spite troll? Games out in 2005, courtesy of Mags! Missed the ENnies deadline (but we think it's all Jennisodes this year anyway). Deliria memories and other thoughts of the last few years. Shepherd's Pie! Anyone have a copy of the Hellas actual play? Fandom Fest! Avengers! Gaming! ConGlomeration considerations. DriveThruRPG Talk! Games for first time gamers! Some fun stuff left over from New Years!
From Mags, about that Shepherd's Pie: I never bother with the Bisquick topping, figuring that the dish is carb-heavy enough. :) The recipe is over at Emily B. Jones's blog
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AGC's DriveThruRPG Picks for this episode!
Mark:American Artifacts (Hex Games)
Carol:Amaranthine (Machine Age Productions)
Mags:Imperial Mysteries (White Wolf)
Also Check Out: Hobomancer (Hex Games)
Fringeworthy (Tri Tac Games)
From Mags, about that Shepherd's Pie: I never bother with the Bisquick topping, figuring that the dish is carb-heavy enough. :) The recipe is over at Emily B. Jones's blog
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Fandom Fest
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AGC's DriveThruRPG Picks for this episode!
Mark:American Artifacts (Hex Games)
Carol:Amaranthine (Machine Age Productions)
Mags:Imperial Mysteries (White Wolf)
Also Check Out: Hobomancer (Hex Games)
Fringeworthy (Tri Tac Games)