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Armor Goes Clank!

A podcast show about tabletop gaming and geek culture

info_outline AGC 164 June 5th 2012 (Seven Years and Some Weeks?) (1:35:46) 06/05/2012
info_outline Mags-The-Axe School of GMing 5 (ConGlomeration 2012 Gamemastering Seminar) (2:15:16) 05/31/2012
info_outline AGC Interview 16 (The Mecha Combiners Kickstarter) (47:17) 05/21/2012
info_outline AGC News May 15th 2011 (46:26) 05/15/2012
info_outline RPG Buffet 26 (Cat) (27:21) 05/13/2012
info_outline RPG Podcast Listener Survey 05/01/2012
info_outline AGC 163 April 30th 2012 (ConGlomeration 2012) (41:52) 04/30/2012
info_outline RPG Buffet 24 (QAGS Actual Play) 04/21/2012
info_outline RPG Buffet 25 (Eclipse Phase) (12:56) 04/21/2012
info_outline AGC 162 March 20th 2012 (Dear Gamemaster) (55:01) 03/19/2012
info_outline AGC News March 16th 2011 (26:47) 03/16/2012
info_outline AGC 161 March 10th 2012 (Occupy Big Damn Review Show) (1:12:04) 03/09/2012
info_outline RPG Buffet 23 (QAGS) (26:56) 03/08/2012
info_outline GM's Day Sale at DriveThruRPG 03/02/2012
info_outline AGC 160.5 February 29th 2012 (We Didn't Start The Fire) (48:14) 02/28/2012
info_outline AGC News February 28th 2011 (28:41) 02/27/2012
info_outline AGC Interview 15 (Wolfkrieg 2012) (21:31) 01/23/2012
info_outline AGC Interview 14 (Rik Falch of Valley Games/D-Day Dice) (26:16) 01/12/2012
info_outline AGC News January 9th 2011 (28:28) 01/09/2012
info_outline Special Announcement: Beautiful Brains Chat on Thursday, December 29th! (1:46) 12/27/2011
info_outline AGC 160 December 20th 2011 (That's a Long Story) (51:18) 12/20/2011
info_outline The Twelve Days of Gaming (35:31) 12/15/2011
info_outline AGC 159 December 12th 2011 (Good Night Everybody!) (1:10:16) 12/12/2011
info_outline AGC News December 6th 2011 (24:45) 12/06/2011
info_outline RPG Buffet 22 (Wraith: The Oblivion and Justice Inc) (42:18) 12/01/2011
info_outline AGC Interview 13 (Hex Games) (44:35) 11/22/2011
info_outline Mags-The-Axe School of GMing 2 (Play Dirty by John Wick) (8:05) 12/21/2010
info_outline RPG Buffet 15 (Year of D&D Part 9: Ravenloft, Dragonlance, and Eberron) (48:42) 12/11/2010
info_outline RPG Buffet 14 (Year of D&D Part 8: Dungeons and Dragons Fourth Edition) (28:34) 12/07/2010
info_outline AGC News December 2nd 2010 (26:50) 12/02/2010