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Season 6 Trailer

The Beautiful Side of Grief

Release Date: 01/23/2024

126. The Power of Pebbles & ANGELS | Patti DiMiceli show art 126. The Power of Pebbles & ANGELS | Patti DiMiceli

The Beautiful Side of Grief

Can you imagine how you would cope if your only child KNEW they were going to die, and you were only 27? On The Beautiful Side of Grief today I get to speak to Amber's incredible mum, Patti DiMiceli who went through this with Amber at the tender age of 41/2. Amber was not afraid. She even picked out the clothes she wanted to wear to Heaven The story of how Patti and Amber prepared for this event - which she describes it as a Miracle, will bring tears to your eyes - so make sure you have some tissues handy before listening! How Patti viewed this event is also profound -  it is one that...

125. FREEING MYSELF from a Lifetime with Narcissists | Dana Diaz show art 125. FREEING MYSELF from a Lifetime with Narcissists | Dana Diaz

The Beautiful Side of Grief

In this episode we explore the grief related to abuse - and more specifically narcissistic abuse. If you have a close relationship with your family - think for a moment what that relationship would look like if they set you for a lifetime of abuse as you were growing up, and then into your adulthood. Instead of giving you the love and support you deserved, they chose to cover their own tracks from possible exposure, by making you out to be the bad guy and supporting your abusive partner instead. Truly, It's enough to send anyone crazy! Having the courage to stand up for yourself and speak your...

124. Believing in the UNBELIEVABLE | Candace Silvers show art 124. Believing in the UNBELIEVABLE | Candace Silvers

The Beautiful Side of Grief

Do you believe in the unbelievable? That you have within you, the ability to heal yourself of anything? And not just yourself, but your family too? That you can get to use the term NED - No Evidence of Disease* - such a cool term!   It almost seems unbelievable until you listen to Candace who has seen life differently from a very young age. This led her into energy healing at a time it was still in the closet. Since those early days she has become a World Renowned Healer, creating the Silvers Healing ModalityTM  and being aTeacher of that, as well as being a Human Behavioral Expert...

123. My Life was NEVER the same | Sydney Decker show art 123. My Life was NEVER the same | Sydney Decker

The Beautiful Side of Grief

Have you been through something so life-altering that your passion is to now live as authentic & true to yourself as possible? If so, you are going to love this week's guest, Sydney Decker. Sydney had been experiencing depression, anxiety, agoraphobia and also turbulent thoughts similar to her dad, well before he tragically took his own when she was just 20 years old. It was this event that became the catalyst for unbelievable and heart-warming change in her life. Yet, it wasn't an easy path... Sydney, like all of us had to first come to terms with her shadow-self - the parts we like to...

122. From PSYCH Unit to KimbleFit | John Kimble show art 122. From PSYCH Unit to KimbleFit | John Kimble

The Beautiful Side of Grief

Today I am talking to a young guy, John Kimble, who really ventured on the wrong side of life. He wanted to be a gangsta, he had no remorse around the things he did, he robbed houses, sold drugs, had addictions, had attempted suicide a couple of times, had multiple felonies and eventually ended up in a psych ward diagnosed as a sociopath. That's some heavy stuff to go through. Yet, he makes no excuses. He has turned that all around to now having his own fitness centre KimbleFit - and now helps others of all ages find the life they want - through the same means he helped himself.   This is...

121. Ministering to Your OWN Grief | Rev. Jocelyn Jones show art 121. Ministering to Your OWN Grief | Rev. Jocelyn Jones

The Beautiful Side of Grief

Sometimes we can just be too close to a situation. We don't want to see what is right in front of us. This was true for Rev. Jocelyn when she was facing her beloved father's battle with Alzheimer's. She initially didn't want to see her strong, capable, and loving dad was having issues with memory loss right before her eyes. When she did face it, however, she decided that she was going to her best, along with her brother, to find the happy moments and memories in this journey, as well as supporting their mum, who was his primary caregiver.   This is a great conversation about being human,...

120. My Child Left HOME for Heaven | Nathalie Himmelrich show art 120. My Child Left HOME for Heaven | Nathalie Himmelrich

The Beautiful Side of Grief

In this episode I have the privilege of talking to a very beautiful soul, Nathalie Himmelrich, around some very sensitive and confronting topics.  Nathalie is a passionate writer, holistic counsellor, coach, woman & mother. Her areas of specialty are relationships, grief, and trauma, with a passion to help people find their inspiration for healthy grieving. Nathalie knows this topic well through the insights gained from her own traumatic experiences around grief. We explore the tough decisions she had to make for her sick child in utero, and subsequent passing. Dealing with her mum's...

119. Seeing is BELIEVING! | Ian Clark show art 119. Seeing is BELIEVING! | Ian Clark

The Beautiful Side of Grief

What would you do if you were facing a life-ending diagnosis at 46? Would you just hunker down and do the best you can? Or would you step outside conventional medicine and thoughts and do whatever it takes?   The latter is what my guest, Ian Clark, did. Facing bankruptcy at the same time as his greatest health challenge, with eight children he didn't want to leave, he used his research skills to get rid of his 'incurable' cancer. This research also led him into groundbreaking areas, including advanced information on how to literally stop the body from aging, and how to self heal all...

118. A Victorious Heart after CHILD LOSS! | Kim Peacock show art 118. A Victorious Heart after CHILD LOSS! | Kim Peacock

The Beautiful Side of Grief

My guest on this episode, Kim Peacock, is a courageous mum who witnessed the horrific accident of her eldest child just after Christmas in 1998. She had to find a way to make sense of this and go on for her remaining children and husband. - so how do you grieve a child and still manage to live fully for the rest of your famiy? Somehow Kim found a way. Amidst the heartbreak she began to find hope - and to realize that grief and joy can co-exist.   Kim will also take us through her book Victorious Heart - Finding Hope and Healing after a Devastating Loss.   Kim is a wife, mom, writer,...

117. Caregiving and RAINBOWS | Sheila Clemenson show art 117. Caregiving and RAINBOWS | Sheila Clemenson

The Beautiful Side of Grief

I truly believe caregivers are unsung heroes! That is why it is a privilege to talk with Sheila Clemenson who became a caregiver for her husband early into their relationship at the age of 26, when he was diagnosed with ALS. In this raw, authentic conversation we talk abut some of the tougher aspects of being a caregiver - the people pleasing trait, the guilt, the lack of self-care, and what happens after your loved one transitions. We also talk about getting a support network around us, finding the beauty in grief, the happiness, and allowing ourselves to have hope and dreams once again. If...

More Episodes

I hope 2024 has started off well for you!


Apologies for not letting you know season 5 was finishing with Nick's episode and that I would be off for a few weeks.


Season 6 is on the way, though, early Feb with a line up of fabulous guests for you that i give you a sampling of in the trailer.


I'm also on the lookout for some people willing to test out my new programme free of charge in return for feedback. If you are interested drop me an email to [email protected] with ALOHA in the subject line.


Catch up with you soon!


Cheers - Helen 💜