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Mother Mary: “Give the New Rosary and Enter into My Heart”

The Temple of The Presence Podcast

Release Date: 11/02/2020

Sanat Kumara: “Unfurl Your Heart’s Threefold Flame and Love Life as God” show art Sanat Kumara: “Unfurl Your Heart’s Threefold Flame and Love Life as God”

The Temple of The Presence Podcast

In this landmark Dictation, Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus stand with you so you might tangibly and consciously receive the Light from the Great Central Sun as it infuses and purges each of your vehicles, making room for your true attainment of God Consciousness. Instructing you on what is required for the Victory of your Ascension — the final steps of understanding how to move within the Light; how to be that Light; and how to allow that Light to bless all on Earth — they encourage you to unfurl your Threefold Flame and have the Courage to step within the Heart of God. You are to...

“Your Inheritance of Limitless Life, Love and Light” show art “Your Inheritance of Limitless Life, Love and Light”

The Temple of The Presence Podcast

The Consciousness of the Abundant Life is the Consciousness of your own God Presence. Your Presence has no sense of limitation, but only the limitless ability to pour forth Life, Love and Light to all creation. Once you, like the Ascended Masters, attune to your Presence and its connection to the Great Central Sun as your Source, you will be able to self-sufficiently draw on that Source, that great wellspring issuing from the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun, and command it to come forth. Then all of creation marches into manifestation in answer to your Decrees. You will be able to draw...

Saint Germain: “My Dispensation to Transmute Ten Years of Your Karma!” show art Saint Germain: “My Dispensation to Transmute Ten Years of Your Karma!”

The Temple of The Presence Podcast

Feel Saint Germain’s great Love in this momentous Dictation! Announcing that it is his great Joy to give and continue to give the Violet Flame, Saint Germain grants you this Dispensation — that he might once more take ten years of your karma into his Heart and consume it by that Violet Transmuting Flame! And when anyone in the future hears this Dictation, they, too, will receive this Dispensation! Saturating you with Violet Flame, Saint Germain imparts to you his Heart so you might grasp the great Love he has for you and for all of Life, so that you might internalize that Love, and when...

“What the Ascended Masters Are and Are Not” show art “What the Ascended Masters Are and Are Not”

The Temple of The Presence Podcast

This Discourse will grant you a greater understanding of the Consciousness of the Ascended Masters and the Wholesomeness and Naturalness of the Ascended Master Octaves of Light. The Ascended Masters have no sense of self-consciousness or self-importance. This gives them the Freedom to create and to enjoy Life in all its magnificence at inner levels. Childlike Spontaneity, Innocence, Humility and Charity are the nature of every Ascended Master and of your own God Presence. Although the Ascended Masters are exalted Beings who have mastered all of the Christ Virtues of Responsibility, Authority,...

Mother Mary: “Give the New Rosary and Enter into My Heart” show art Mother Mary: “Give the New Rosary and Enter into My Heart”

The Temple of The Presence Podcast

Mother Mary imparts to you her Blessings and her Love as she accomplishes two very memorable actions: she speaks quite directly to those caught up in the thralldom of the psychic world, telling them to awaken to the Christ Consciousness and to the true reality of their Divine Self; and she introduces the new “Healing Rosary”, asking you to establish a rhythmic pattern for your daily devotions to her Heart. Mother Mary declares that for you to Love Life as she does, it requires that the life you live be filled with Light. Build your momentum through the Constancy of your devotion to the...

Elohim Victoria: “We Release Magnitudes of Violet Flame — the Key to Christhood” show art Elohim Victoria: “We Release Magnitudes of Violet Flame — the Key to Christhood”

The Temple of The Presence Podcast

Bathe in waves of Violet Flame as Victoria comes with Arcturus at the call of the Karmic Board to help you put on the garment of your Christhood. By Dispensation, they anchor greater magnitudes of Violet Flame into the Earth so you might have a shower of Blessing that washes away all that would keep you from knowing Victory and Freedom and from fulfilling your Divine Plan. Victoria declares that the good life is the Freedom to express God where you are. Life is not meant to be filled with duality and depression. She discloses that the Violet Flame is your key, for it is impossible to achieve...

Kwan Yin: “I Take You into My Heart of Mercy’s Flame” show art Kwan Yin: “I Take You into My Heart of Mercy’s Flame”

The Temple of The Presence Podcast

Declaring that it is her great Joy to be of Service to your Flame and to extend the Love of God through Mercy’s Flame to you, Kwan Yin comes to lift the burden from your brow. She instructs that for Mercy to be extended to you, you must extend Mercy to others. It is the giving of the Mercy Flame from your Heart and the invoking of the Violet Flame that allow you to be Free — the total Freedom you require from any mayic involvement. Stating that each day is a new opportunity for your God Presence to instruct and teach you, Kwan Yin reveals that you are drawn into the Great River of Life so...

“The Challenge of Sustaining Attunement with Your Holy Christ Self” show art “The Challenge of Sustaining Attunement with Your Holy Christ Self”

The Temple of The Presence Podcast

You and your Holy Christ Self are in the business of this life together. The mature approach is to keep yourself tethered at all times to the realm of your Christ Self, so that all your activities contain a degree of interaction with this Higher Self. It is up to you to open the doorway between worlds, and to keep that doorway constantly open — that flow of Love and Light going back and forth between your consciousness and your Christ Self. If a part of you is in Listening Grace to your Christ Self, then you build upon that momentum. But if you are not listening, then that realm is sealed...

Chamuel and Charity: “We Wish to Expand God Love on Earth” show art Chamuel and Charity: “We Wish to Expand God Love on Earth”

The Temple of The Presence Podcast

Chamuel and Charity shower you with God’s Love and grant you insight into their angelic Hearts, sharing what it means to be in Divine Service to the Flame of God Love. The Archangel and Archeia of the Third Ray stand before you in the Twin Flame Action of Love, holding the Vision that you might charitably extend to all Life the Perfect Love from your Heart. They come with their Angels to educate you on God Love in its many aspects — how God Love may flow into your vehicles ― as well as what may prevent you from experiencing it. Pointing out that you are surrounded by God Love, they...

Mighty Victory: “Embrace Life in Victory, in the Fullness of the “I AM”” show art Mighty Victory: “Embrace Life in Victory, in the Fullness of the “I AM””

The Temple of The Presence Podcast

Proclaiming that you cannot approach the Path that leads to your Ascension with anything less than a sense of undaunted Victory coursing through every aspect of your being, Mighty Victory imparts to you his momentum of the God Quality of Victory. Encouraging you to live life with this victorious consciousness, he declares that now is the time to grab the brass ring of those momentums of the Victories of your own God Presence that are stored within your Causal Body as the victory wreaths of the God Qualities you know intimately. Stating that there is no such thing as failure, Mighty Victory...

More Episodes

Mother Mary imparts to you her Blessings and her Love as she accomplishes two very memorable actions: she speaks quite directly to those caught up in the thralldom of the psychic world, telling them to awaken to the Christ Consciousness and to the true reality of their Divine Self; and she introduces the new “Healing Rosary”, asking you to establish a rhythmic pattern for your daily devotions to her Heart. Mother Mary declares that for you to Love Life as she does, it requires that the life you live be filled with Light. Build your momentum through the Constancy of your devotion to the Flame of God and the Mother Light. Inviting you into her Heart, she introduces a new rosary to carry you into the Golden Age and into your own Victory of the Ascension. All who give this rosary will not only be blessing their own path toward the Ascension, but this momentum will connect with those of other faiths giving their rosaries, and entwine with her Heart to build an antakarana of Light throughout the world, blessing all on Earth.


Lovers of Life

Harvest Conclave 2004

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence
