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Trusting Your Process, Trusting Their Process

Unreasonably Grateful

Release Date: 07/28/2024

It’s Up To You show art It’s Up To You

Unreasonably Grateful

Sometimes we don’t want to believe that it is up to us. We simply don’t want to take responsibility for whatever might be going on. Well, I am not saying what is going on is up to us, however, I am saying that HOW WE EXPERIENCE what is going on is up to us! Listen in for perhaps some newfound freedom  Thank you for being here, you matter.  I am offering sessions on Tuesday mornings, if you would like someone to hold space for you and reflect just how amazing you are, you can sign up on my website.  I am always happy to hear from you and you can reach me at...

Notice What Is Working show art Notice What Is Working

Unreasonably Grateful

Unfortunately as human beings our attention often goes to what’s wrong, what isn’t working, what’s missing, you get the idea, the bad or unfortunate news seems to take precedence. In this episode Terces shares about keeping our attention, or noticing what IS working as a practice in all areas of life, especially our relationships. Listen is for some support in doing just that! Thank you for being here, you matter. I am offering sessions on Tuesday mornings, if you would like someone to hold space for you and reflect just how amazing you are, you can sign up on my website.  I am...

Celebrate Someone Else’s Love show art Celebrate Someone Else’s Love

Unreasonably Grateful

Have you ever felt as if you are missing out on love? It might look like others seem to experience love so easily, or you are simply lonely and maybe single. Or. you just haven’t found the right person yet. There are many situations where we may find ourselves feeling somehow left out of the love equation, if so, listen in, you may hear something that gives you some freedom.   Thank you for being here, you matter.   I am offering sessions on Tuesday mornings, if you would like someone to hold space for you and reflect just how amazing you are, you can sign up on my website.  I...

A Spiritual Context For Your Relationship show art A Spiritual Context For Your Relationship

Unreasonably Grateful

Recently I was coaching a couple on their relationship and once again became aware of how without a spiritual context for our relationships how difficult, even hopeless it is. So listen in if you want to shift your intention to a spiritual one, or renew the one you are currently living into. Thank you for being here, you matter. I am offering sessions on Tuesday mornings, if you would like someone to hold space for you and reflect just how amazing you are, you can sign up on my website.  I am always happy to hear from you and you can reach me at [email protected] and I will...

My 29th Year of Recovering show art My 29th Year of Recovering

Unreasonably Grateful

When this episode is released it will be one day past my 74th Birthday and my 29th year of recovering. There was a time when I couldn’t have imagined this day and yet, here it is. We have good friends visiting us and tonight as I got ready to record this episode they asked me what my podcast was all about, I shared that it is snipers of the wisdom that I have received in my 29 years of recovery. These tidbits that I can easily share in under 10 minutes are stepping stones anyone can use to take them further down their path to discovering who they are and why they are here. One of my dear...

It’s All Maintenance show art It’s All Maintenance

Unreasonably Grateful

Someone asked me recently about how to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I had to giggle as I consider it is all maintenance. Think about it, if you do something well, if you make a healthy change in your life, if you buy a new car or a new home, or even if you simply clean your house then what, see what I mean, it’s all maintenance. So listen in if you want some insights on what that might look like. I am offering sessions on Tuesday mornings, if you would like someone to hold space for you and reflect just how amazing you are, you can sign up on my website.  I am always happy to hear...

We Create Our Relationships show art We Create Our Relationships

Unreasonably Grateful

People often say one of the most important choices you will ever make is selecting your partner/wife/husband. I get it, however consider that if we create our relationships than what matters most is you choose someone who is up for just that, being responsible for creating a great relationship/marriage. It’s work for sure and some of the most rewarding work you will ever do. So it isn’t so much about who that person is as it is about who you both are committed to becoming. Listen in for some insights into perhaps a paradigm shift in relationships  I am offering sessions on Tuesday...

Do Messes Really Matter show art Do Messes Really Matter

Unreasonably Grateful

This episode is for those of us who thrive on order. You like things put back where they belong, your blood pressure drops when there is a sense of order in your home, you clean up as you go, you get the idea. Now, I am not saying that those of us who can leave clothes and towels on the floor and can never find a clean glass won’t hear something for themselves or perhaps for those around them that do most of the picking cup, so listen in for a perspective that might ease your stereo and allow you to relax no matter what condition your room house, car or workplace is. I am offering sessions...

Time With Family show art Time With Family

Unreasonably Grateful

As one ages I suspect our relationship to time changes, mine has. While I used to feel like there wasn’t enough time in the day to get everything done, I now feel as if time to do nothing except “be”, especially with family and loved ones is what matters most. Listen if you are looking for more time to be with loved ones in your life you may hear something that inspires and encourages you. Thanks for listening. I am offering sessions on Tuesday mornings, if you would like someone to hold space for you and reflect just how amazing you are, you can sign up on my website.  I am always...

It’s In God’s Hands show art It’s In God’s Hands

Unreasonably Grateful

Most of us try to figure things out. That we explain away whatever might be happening, or has happened. However, what if it’s in God’s hands and all of our explanations, defenses, justifications, etc are just figments of our imagination? It/life is unfolding perfectly according to God’s plan. How do we set ourselves up to be a part of such a grand plan as His? Listen in for some ideas.  I am offering sessions on Tuesday mornings, if you would like someone to hold space for you and reflect just how amazing you are, you can sign up on my website.  I am always happy to hear from...

More Episodes

Have you ever struggled to trust that you are on the right path, that your life is unfolding just as it should be, that you are in process and the final. Product isn’t finished yet? How about doing the same for someone else’s process, especially when it impacts yours? Listen in for some new insights.

I am offering sessions on Tuesday mornings, if you would like someone to hold space for you and reflect just how amazing you are, you can sign up on my website.  I am always happy to hear from you and you can reach me at [email protected] and I will reply. Also if you would like to order my book directly from me, I am happy to send you a signed copy, just email me and I’ll get it in the mail. ($15 plus shipping)

If you know of anyone who might benefit from listening in, share a link to an episode with them, in other words, be an invitation to join us.

Connect with me on social media @terces and @unreasonablygrateful.