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my test

The Linn Drum

Release Date: 11/15/2018

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The Linn Drum

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The Linn Drum

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The Linn Drum

5 New Cool Things

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The Linn Drum

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The Linn Drum

  <iframe style="border: none" src="//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/destination/id/205149/height/80/width/400/theme/standard/autoplay/no/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/backward/no-cache/true/" height="80" width="400" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>

048: Write your own roles, Fawzia Mirza show art 048: Write your own roles, Fawzia Mirza

The Linn Drum

“You will fail, and it’s awesome.” ~Fawzia Mirza Breaking down stereotypes… Fawzia Mirza is an actor, writer, producer. She is also a Pakistani, Muslim, queer woman. And she is using her platform, her voice, and her art to break down stereotypes across a multiplicity of identities: race, religion, sexual orientation, gender and defy the concept of the “model minority”. I’ve known

047: Become a co-conspirator for social justice, Sarah Dennis & Ashley Lana Scott show art 047: Become a co-conspirator for social justice, Sarah Dennis & Ashley Lana Scott

The Linn Drum

“We’re all different and that’s part of human nature, to celebrate those differences.” -Sarah Dennis Calling in, rather than calling out… In this episode, I had the privilege to discuss the history and the current reality of racism in our society as well as the potential for change from the inside out (and the outside in) with educator Sarah Dennis

046: Use your power & privilege for good, Andrea Ranae Johnson show art 046: Use your power & privilege for good, Andrea Ranae Johnson

The Linn Drum

“We see things that are so big, they’re so daunting, we say, ‘There’s no way can change anything. Who am I to even try?’ And with that mentality, it’s not going to change.” ~Andrea Ranae Johnson You have more power than you think. This month, I made a commitment to join an initiative to build solidarity for social justice headed

045: Talking to strangers show art 045: Talking to strangers

The Linn Drum

“How can I push the boundaries and expand the possibility for what we are creating here together in this podcast relationship through this technological, magical, modern connection that we have?” ~Andrea Klunder Confidence = the decision to try, Self-doubt = the decision not to. What happens when you get bored with the thing you’re creating? You switch it up, try

044: Break patterns & shift the narrative, Elsie Escobar show art 044: Break patterns & shift the narrative, Elsie Escobar

The Linn Drum

“It was, for me, a self-help tool. It was a way in which I experienced a very deep transformation in who I was as a woman — as a person.” ~Elsie Escobar, on podcasting How do we, as content creators, begin to break the patterns and shift the narrative? It might not be what you think… Elsie Escobar is one

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