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4th Amendment is done, Bragg's make-believe law, NGO tells illegals to vote Biden and propaganda media meltdown

The Alan Sanders Show

Release Date: 04/16/2024

Tara's Top 10, drones, hoaxes, pro-Hamas rioters by no charges, Iran funding, FBI Dir fooled by Joe, BLM and a staged call show art Tara's Top 10, drones, hoaxes, pro-Hamas rioters by no charges, Iran funding, FBI Dir fooled by Joe, BLM and a staged call

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s Friday episode opens with our weekly segment, Tara’s Top 10 News Items the Legacy/mainstream media likely didn’t tell you about this week. It’s a great way to play catch-up through the news items we may have not covered this week, or covered in a way the Legacy/mainstream media refused. We then take a moment to talk about a new whistleblower to approach Senator Josh Hawley’s office. Apparently, local law enforcement offered the USSS access to drones for the Trump rally in Butler and they said they were not needed. Moving to the gaslighting by the Legacy/mainstream media of...

The Biden coup is complete, the order to scrub Kamala's history is out, ActBlue and a win for Carano show art The Biden coup is complete, the order to scrub Kamala's history is out, ActBlue and a win for Carano

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with the completion of the coup d’etat committed by high-level democrat operatives and the donor class. Joe Biden, in an attempt to put a positive spin on his withdrawal from the campaign, addressed the nation last night. It wasn’t really live. It was meant to look live, so what we got was his best attempt after who knows how many takes. Outside of the many gaffes and reading errors, we still see the delusions of grandeur he believes is his presidential legacy. We then dissect a silly comment from David Axelrod. We also breakdown that Joe Biden was the first to call...

Playing cute with the Border Czar label, some background on Harris, Nadler is a filthy POS and my two-person theory show art Playing cute with the Border Czar label, some background on Harris, Nadler is a filthy POS and my two-person theory

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with the Legacy/mainstream media proving, once again, you cannot despise them enough, let alone never trust them. Seemingly out of no where, we are being told that VP Kamala Harris was never appointed at the Border Czar by President Joe Biden. You heard that correctly. It doesn’t matter how long that label has been out there and how many news stories were written about her role at the border, we are supposed to forget about it. A cursory Google search shows that Vox.com ran with this gaslighting story six days ago. Isn’t that curious? That was a few days before Joe...

What we learned and it's not a lot, so long Cheatle, comments on a re-write, party of democracy and a win for Title IX show art What we learned and it's not a lot, so long Cheatle, comments on a re-write, party of democracy and a win for Title IX

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with my thoughts on the conclusion of yesterday’s House Oversight Committee hearing with US Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle. We are left with more questions than we have answers. Plus, as of this morning, she has tended her resignation. But, this investigation needs to move forward and we need Congress to continue one independent of the FBI. In light of the lack of transparency and the shifting of narratives from DHS, SS, local police and reporters, both Legacy and New Media, for the purpose of a satirical look at this situation, I return to Joseph Mallozzi who has...

Joe Biden withdraws but there are serious questions about it and USSS Director Kim Cheatle testifies show art Joe Biden withdraws but there are serious questions about it and USSS Director Kim Cheatle testifies

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show focuses on just two subjects, one from Sunday and one that was taking place today. The first deals with the revelation that Joe Biden, or his X account, took to social media and announced he was dropping out of the Presidential race and wanted to spend the rest of his time in office focusing on the issues of the nation. The second is today’s House Oversight Committee hearing with the Director of the US Secret Service, Kim Cheatle. Biden’s decision to step down and how he did it leaves me with questions, concerns and a warning for the GOP. First, how do you like the party of...

Tara's Top 10, final night at RNC with Trump closing, USSS upset over DEI, 1 in 3 Dems say hoax and everyone wants Joe out show art Tara's Top 10, final night at RNC with Trump closing, USSS upset over DEI, 1 in 3 Dems say hoax and everyone wants Joe out

The Alan Sanders Show

It’s Friday and so we open today’s show with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News items the Legacy/mainstream media likely didn’t cover this week – or, not cover the way we do here in the New Media. Once we run through the news job, we turn our attention to the close of the Republican National Convention. Before we get to Donald Trump accepting the nomination for his party, we get a couple of sound bites from Dana White and Hulk Hogan. We then break down some of the relevant moments from Trump’s near two-hour acceptance speech. Part of the reason for the length is he spent time re-living the...

USSS called shooter a threat 10 min before Trump, finger-pointing, Covid or cover for Biden, bury the photo, RNC and LOTR show art USSS called shooter a threat 10 min before Trump, finger-pointing, Covid or cover for Biden, bury the photo, RNC and LOTR

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with yet more revelations about the abject failures of the US Secret Service in the shooting of Donald Trump on Saturday in Butler, PA. According to Senators on a call with USSS, the shooter was listed as a threat a full 10 minutes before Donald Trump walked on stage. How was that even allowed to happen? And, to add even more confusion, a story in the NY Post suggests the shooter had a bicycle at the scene he was using to ride around the look at locations around the event. So, did he bring his bike on the back of the car that he supposedly had rigged with explosives? Then...

Shooter was on USSS radar starting at 3PM, Biden's interview with Holt, his NAACP speech and a tyrant's plan for SCOTUS show art Shooter was on USSS radar starting at 3PM, Biden's interview with Holt, his NAACP speech and a tyrant's plan for SCOTUS

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens, once again, with even more information we have learned about from the catastrophic failure of the US Secret Service in protecting Donald Trump in Butler, PA. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has announced he will form a task force in the House to begin a full investigation into the shooting with full subpoena power. We now know the shooter was on the USSS radar for over three hours. We also know that DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has told USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle to stop talking and is trying to block her from testifying before Congress on Monday, July 22. We...

More revelations over colossal Secret Service failures, JD Vance as VP, WEF and Morning Joe show art More revelations over colossal Secret Service failures, JD Vance as VP, WEF and Morning Joe

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with me starting to become a little more open to the possibility of some bad actors behind the scenes of the attempt on Donald Trump’s life. While I still see gross incompetence on display, leading to a colossal failure on the part of the Secret Service, we have learned even more in the last 24 hours and none of it is good. At this point, with all of the nonsense excuses, with no one fired or even taking responsibility, I think Congress has a duty to conduct its own investigation. And, quite honestly, with the track record the FBI has with Donald Trump, I do not think...

Attempt on Trump's life and the culture of DEI at root, dangerous rhetoric, a real leader and Cannon blows up Smith's case show art Attempt on Trump's life and the culture of DEI at root, dangerous rhetoric, a real leader and Cannon blows up Smith's case

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with how the news of the attempt on Donald Trump’s life hit me over the weekend. From my limited training in executive protection to what I know about the Secret Service, what happened on Saturday in Butler, PA is the result of only one of two possibilities. Just as with the Legacy/media issue after the CNN debate, where they had to decide whether to admit they have been hiding Biden’s cognitive decline or they were just too incompetent to notice? Well, the same seems to apply here. Could this have been the result of a some vast, Deep State scheme to convince an...

More Episodes

Today’s show opens with House Leadership motioning to table Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s (R-FL) motion for a re-vote. In essence, this killed the attempt to ask for a vote to add the 4th Amendment reminder to the FISA re-authorization bill. So much for the Bill of Rights. Of course, Congress carved out their exception for themselves.

This leads to AG Alvin Bragg who has invented a new law and found a judge who is okay using that make-believe law in an effort to go after Donald Trump. It’s great to have laws, but when those in power refuse to enforce the laws, what is our recourse? And worse, what is the recourse for those who invent law and find judges okay using those pretend laws to go after people they don’t like?

For fun, we go through the elements of the “hush money” timeline and play along with Bragg’s invented lawfare. Even if the alleged affair and alleged payoff is true, the time of the payoff could not have had any impact on the election. That’s why the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the DOJ both agreed there was no crime here. To lighten the mood a bit, we play a little ditty by Jim Gossett who recognizes this whole thing is a “Show Trial.”

An NGO in Mexico is putting up fliers encouraging illegals to vote for Biden. The group has ties to organizations like Soros’s Open Borders Foundation and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), where it just so happens DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was a former board member.

Will Biden really still be the nominee by the time of the DNC convention in Chicago? Let’s remind you how key Democrat strategists have been ramping up the pressure and suggesting Biden should step down. While the Legacy/mainstream media isn’t talking about it, the primaries are still taking place. Would it surprise you to know that around 10% of Democrats are voting “undecided” or are picking someone other than Biden. DNC representatives may be okay lying on network television, but behind closed doors they are panicking.

Looks like NPR has decided to punish Uri Berliner for speaking the truth. After his op-ed exposed the liberal groupthink that has taken over NPR, the CEO, Katherine Maher, has decided to suspend him. This is remarkably similar to the way CISA advised Twitter on how to judge if a post is spreading misinformation. If the comment, even if truthful, runs afoul of the approved government narrative, it can be considered misinformation nonetheless.

Joe Scarborough had an adult-sized temper tantrum on MSNBC’s, “The Morning Joe.” The derangement and lunacy was on full display with a rant by an empty head who doesn't get a single fact correct in his opening and by the end, is openly mocking and deriding the vast majority of Americans. When elites can't get their way, they show us the toddlers they really are.

In closing, we illustrate the same issue we saw with Joe Scarborough, only this time, with singer John Mellencamp. After pausing his show for minutes to lecture the crowd about voting for Biden, someone suggested he play some music. The crowd didn’t want to attend a lecture. So, in typical elitist fashion, Mellencamp took his ball and went home.

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