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J6 Reality TV and Secret Service, Garland squirms, biased coverage, Biden's border, black voters and Lady Maga

The Alan Sanders Show

Release Date: 06/05/2024

More bad polling news, deeply flawed DoD, FCC hasn't connected one rural home and soft bigotry of low expectations show art More bad polling news, deeply flawed DoD, FCC hasn't connected one rural home and soft bigotry of low expectations

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show, I open with more polling data that has CNN beside themselves over how much of the Democrat base has shifted toward Trump. Just like with Reagan Democrats, I think we are going to have Trump Democrats and I believe a big piece of that is the tone of messaging from Trump versus Biden. I did want to remind you about what one of the whistleblowers said about the “deeply flawed” investigation the Department of Defense conducted around the failures of the National Guard being deployed on January 6, 2021. It’s important to remember just how insidious elements of our...

Dems are okay sacrificing Americans to stay in power, plus more lawfare, faux deep fakes and why Trump continues to win show art Dems are okay sacrificing Americans to stay in power, plus more lawfare, faux deep fakes and why Trump continues to win

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show, I open with more proof that the Democrat strategists behind the scenes have decided an acceptable number of Americans are going to be maimed, injured, victimized or killed in order to allow for a new, permanent underclass of voters. The illegal invasion continues to prove that with more innocent deaths, most of them violent and horrific, at the hands of repeat offenders and repeat border-crossers. The other lie they hope you believe is that their use of “lawfare” is only meant for Donald Trump. Even if that was their only intended victim, it is still wrong and...

Tara's Top 10, Yellen misleading, Biden lying and led off stage, debate, polling, voting, CNN's war on Republic and fake burgers show art Tara's Top 10, Yellen misleading, Biden lying and led off stage, debate, polling, voting, CNN's war on Republic and fake burgers

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News items the Legacy/mainstream media likely didn’t tell you about this week. We usually drop that on Friday, but her list didn’t come out until late afternoon, so I put in Monday’s show. Janet Yellen found herself once again having to admit prices are high, but we are told the Biden Administration is ready to do something about it. Well, they have already had 3 ½ years. It’s a little late to pretend to care now. I do play a soundbite from around four years ago. The Morning Joe mocked and scolded anyone who believed the Hunter Biden...

Joe's debilitations, FEC and jurisdiction, a curious coincidence, redacted ghostwriter, not a democracy and big Fani's feewings show art Joe's debilitations, FEC and jurisdiction, a curious coincidence, redacted ghostwriter, not a democracy and big Fani's feewings

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with a campaign spokeswoman for Biden saying the video and commentary of how he’s walking around and talking is all disinformation from MAGA people. In other words, we are not supposed to see just how lost, frail, slow and addled our President is at the G7 meeting. They want you to believe the footage is somehow doctored? Who was it that leaned in and put his forehead against the forehead of the Pope? I want to cover some of the discussion that was had in the House Weaponization Committee regarding the Alvin Bragg hush money case against Donald Trump. We get word...

Lying Yellen, Global Joe, 10 years of aid, Petrodollar, Wade in murky water, Fani's fit, House contempt and dumb AOC show art Lying Yellen, Global Joe, 10 years of aid, Petrodollar, Wade in murky water, Fani's fit, House contempt and dumb AOC

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen lying to the American people. But, when pressed about the state of the economy admits how bad things really are. President Biden is in Italy at the G7 summit and while there, made a creepy-laugh statement in praise of Larry Fink of Blackrock and the CEO of Microsoft and their globalist agenda. At the same time while there, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Biden was going to sign a 10 year support deal with Ukraine. While we have the most fiscally irresponsible people in government spending money like water, they let...

Inflation, terrorists allowed inside the US, reaction to Hunter Biden conviction and why we need Joe's audio show art Inflation, terrorists allowed inside the US, reaction to Hunter Biden conviction and why we need Joe's audio

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with the latest inflation numbers. While the Biden regime is wanting to take a victory lap for a CPI that didn’t go up (or down), the number still represents a sharp increase from four years ago. In fact, if you are not making at least $12,000 more a year than what you were making four years ago, then you are not even breaking even. Speaking of breaking, it seems the news from last night is 8 members of ISIS-K were arrested across three cities here in the United States. All of them came across our southern border. In fact, the rise of people on the known terrorist...

Pelosi says she's responsible, Hunter waits on jury, DHS importing illegals and the panic and projection of Leftists show art Pelosi says she's responsible, Hunter waits on jury, DHS importing illegals and the panic and projection of Leftists

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with a newly discovered clip of Nancy Pelosi, apparently taken while being driven in a car on January 6, 2021, admitting it was her responsibility to have called out the National Guard. This is a stark contrast and is a complete opposite message from what she has said publicly. She even appeared on MSNBC last night and dodged the question through two minutes of mindless drivel. The Hunter Biden gun case is now in the hands of the jury. I still see it as the same, but opposite, side of the lawfare coin. If the DOJ were really trying to go after his crimes, there are at...

Tara Bull's Top 10, prevailing propaganda and lies, IDF rescue, PPP theft and Fani Willis and General Milley implicated in J6 show art Tara Bull's Top 10, prevailing propaganda and lies, IDF rescue, PPP theft and Fani Willis and General Milley implicated in J6

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News list. It did drop just before 4PM on Friday, but well after I published my Friday show. The list did allow me to go through a few rabbit-trails along the way. It’s also important to remind you of the Joseph Goebbels quote for propaganda. That very quote was just echoed by George Soro’s son, Alex. A lot of what we cover today is looking at news cycles through the lens of propaganda versus truth. The first is looking at Joe Biden’s E.O. to control the border. Not only did we tell you it isn’t working, we now have a memo proving...

Best and worst cases for jobs report, Biden squat, Gov Hobbs, Fani Willis, trans terrorist, rule of law, elites and global warming show art Best and worst cases for jobs report, Biden squat, Gov Hobbs, Fani Willis, trans terrorist, rule of law, elites and global warming

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with how the government and the Left is trying to paint the jobs report in the best way possible, yet they have to overlook all of the problems. In fact, nearly every subject today runs the gamut between best and worst case scenarios. While I never said, for a fact, that President Biden pooped in his pants, how sad is it that the worst case scenario here is that he really did poop in his pants in front of the world, while the best case is his wife dragged him off the stage as fast as possible, leaving a foreign president to have to shake hands with American WWII vets...

D-Day anniversary, welcome to the nation of lawfare, a fake bill and Ronald Reagan show art D-Day anniversary, welcome to the nation of lawfare, a fake bill and Ronald Reagan

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with the recognition that today is the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Today, Joe Biden once again embarrassed our nation by his shuffle, his awkward moment of half-squatting for several seconds, his cringy speech and then he completely ignored shaking hands with any of the WWII veterans assembled, instead being led out by the hand by his wife.  Prior to the event, Biden did get asked to clarify the change of position of allowing Ukraine to use US weapons inside of Russia. Biden confirmed that policy shift, but added, so long as they were not being used to attack...

More Episodes

Today’s show open’s with new revelations from Rep. Barry Loudermilk’s (R-GA) J6 subcommittee investigation that the Secret Service driver was not allowed to testify for months after Cassidy Hutchinson lied about Donald Trump trying to take control of The Beast. On top of that, it looks like former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WO) was communicating with Hutchinson through Alyssa Farah Griffin, co-host of The View. So, Loudermilk has asked for copies of all communication they had.

We then look at a few more moments from yesterday’s Judiciary Committee hearing with AG Merrick Garland. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) wanted to know under what law or authority was Jack Smith’s office created? Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN) wanted to know Garland’s plan if the SCOTUS rules against the DOJ misusing 18USC1512(c)(2) on the J6 participants. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) wanted to know if Garland was disappointed in Jack Smith given his admission to tampering with evidence. Garland did not like any of those questions, nor did he deal well with them.

The nation’s chief law enforcement officer, Merrick Garland, is really the nation’s chief lawfare officer. That’s that current state in which we are living. A simple analysis done by the Media Research Center shows just how one-sided their coverage was of the lawfare in the Alvin Bragg case in NYC. It turns out, 96% of people who only watched the news on ABC, CBS and NBC would not have known that “star witness” Michael Cohen was a convicted perjurer. And no one would have been told about the Judge’s partisan issues and how his daughter was raising millions for Democrats on the case and on anti-Trump messaging.

Joe Biden wants us to believe he just now found out he has the authority to pass Executive Orders. He held a presser about his desire to (finally) do something at the border. Well, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) had some thoughts about that and tried to school the members of the Legacy/mainstream media about their bias.

On a positive note, Black Panthers founding member David Hilliard is backing Donald Trump for president, calling him an “ally of the black population.” If polling holds, Trump is currently garnering the most black support for a Republican presidential candidate since Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Finally, a gay, cross-dressing man who calls himself Lady Maga USA has been schooling pro-Palestinian supporters at various Pride parades. He is helping to illustrate how the radical Left has been using and abusing these young people both on and off campus.

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