The Ari & Syd Show
We took a week off, and that’s okay. But are we petty for talking about consistency this week? LOL! Here’s another bestie talk with Ari and Syd, and we’re talking about the ways and woes of staying consistent, because why is this shit so hard?! Tap in and let us know in the comments what you’re hoping to stay consistent with this month!
info_outlineThe Ari & Syd Show
Who are you, really? And how do you maintain that person while navigating your many roles and relationships. This week, we check in to share about our personal rituals and the many ways we honor all of our identities. What are ways you’ve learned to maintain your sense of self in relationships? (Romantic, platonic and professional). Drop a line below!
info_outlineThe Ari & Syd Show
All relationships ebb and flow. On this episode of The Ari & Syd Show, we share our experiences with friendship breakups and how they affect us. Are friend breakups just as hard as romantic breakups? Hang out with us this week and hear what we think.
info_outlineThe Ari & Syd Show
Being vulnerable, honest and consistent - all with yourself. Prioritizing yourself can be tough, especially with life throwing bows left and right. On this episode of the Ari & Syd Show we’re talking about the art of showing up so we can be our best selves as we venture through through our dirty thirties.
info_outlineThe Ari & Syd Show
We're backkkkk! It's been a long year and we're so excited to get back to it. In this espisode we give y'all life updates (the spark notes version, we promise) and talk about how 30 has been treating us! We also share what we'd name our 30th chapter and the advice we'd give to our younger selves. Tap in, season 3 is hereeee!
info_outlineThe Ari & Syd Show
Family! This season has been a ball! We’ve had incredible guests, inspiring movements to highlight and we both agree that we’ve shared a bit of vulnerability in this season - which is lowkey new territory for us. We’re looking forward to going behind the scenes and preparing for season 3, but also using this time as a reset. We highlight July as National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month so y’all know we are going to be doing our best to raise awareness, check in with our folks and ourselves!
info_outlineThe Ari & Syd Show
Back again with another great episode and another great guest! This week we had the pleasure to be joined by our friend and podcast fam @simplyasianoelle, Entrepreneur and creator/co-host of the one and only @donewithadultingpod. And if you haven’t guessed it yet, this week we are talking about the trials and tribulations of whatever this “adulthood” thing really is.
info_outlineThe Ari & Syd Show
May is a wrap! We wrapped up the month of May talking about Periods! It can really be rough out here for us folks who menstruate. We spend our time this week talking about our personal experiences, our thoughts about shitty stigmas, and we share a few ways you can get involved and become a menstrual equity advocate! Be sure to follow us on Instagram to access the resources we discuss this week, and other week’s too!
info_outlineThe Ari & Syd Show
Welcome back, family! We took a week off to honor Mother’s Day weekend. And when we got back to the office, we wanted to do some catching up (and maybe there’s a tad bit of ranting about virtual life just for razzle dazzle). Our chat this week includes us discussing recent feelings about Covid and “post-Covid” life, sharing personal updates and as always we leave y’all with a good quote or two!
info_outlineThe Ari & Syd Show
Y’all are in for a treat! To round out our April theme of wellness and spirituality (we know it’s May already, mind your business), we got to sit down with Justina Trim and learn more about astrology and how it can be used as a healing modality. We shared a bit about our Big 3 signs (Sun, Moon and Rising) and Justina broke down just how the planets truly ground us!
info_outlineFamily! This season has been a ball! We’ve had incredible guests, inspiring movements to highlight and we both agree that we’ve shared a bit of vulnerability in this season - which is lowkey new territory for us. Season two is full of dope shit and we always are up for a good walk down memory lane. We’re looking forward to going behind the scenes and preparing for season 3, but also using this time as a reset - which we also talk about in this week’s episode. We highlight July as National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month so y’all know we are going to be doing our best to raise awareness, check in with our folks and ourselves! We can’t wait to show y’all what we have in store for season 3. Stay tuned! Catch up on season 2 episodes available now. Catch you in October!