The Art of Sales with Art Sobczak
Asking prospects “Do you have a problem?” is ineffective, and causes conversations to die. A better approach that gets them to open up is using "assumptive problem quesitons. These get them to relive their challenges, and create urgency for a solution. Art breaks down the psychology behind these questions, shares examples from different industries, and provides an actionable exercise to create your own. Learn how to turn conversations into results and position yourself as the trusted expert every prospect needs. Art also announced the opening of the new, revised Smart Calling College...
info_outlineThe Art of Sales with Art Sobczak
There are four pillars that comprise being the Ultimate Sales Professional, and not someone who just does sales. Being fearless and rejection-proof, Being others-focused in your thinking and actions, Mastering a proven prospecting and sales process, and messaging, Having the discipline, habits, and radical responsibility to do the work. You'll hear the problems and challenges you might experience when someone is lacking in any of these areas, and what to do to excel in all of them. To learn about Art's new Smart Calling Ultimate Sales Pro Mastery coaching and training program mentioned in...
info_outlineThe Art of Sales with Art Sobczak
We explore the art of being genuinely interested in others—both in social settings and sales conversations. Inspired by observations at recent holiday parties, Art shares how most people fail to listen effectively, turning conversations back to themselves instead of encouraging others to share. This behavior isn’t just socially frustrating—it’s costly in sales. Learn to recognize critical "problem/trigger words" like “We’re noticing…” or “The problem is…,” and discover simple, powerful questions to dig deeper, uncover pain points, and build trust. By staying curious,...
info_outlineThe Art of Sales with Art Sobczak
MK Mueller has changed lives worldwide with her "8 to Great" simple methodology for having a positive attutude, ALL of the time. As salespeople, we know that our attitude has more of an effect on our results, and income, than any sales process or technique. MK shares tips, stories, and how-to exercises than anyone can implement right now to get and keep our attitude at high levels.
info_outlineThe Art of Sales with Art Sobczak
The election is over. Some are ecstatic, others angry. Those who rely on the results to determine their happiness and success will be greatly disappointed. Ultimately, if you want change, YOU need to change. No outside influence affects your destiny like you do. In this episode you'll hear how to take control of your own success. And, if this message resonates, get notified of my new coaching program that covers this very necessary aspect that is absolutely required to be the Ultimate Sales Professional.
info_outlineThe Art of Sales with Art Sobczak
Asking someone "Why?" they do or say something has the potential to put someone on the spot and feel like they need to defend themselves. A scientifically-proven better option is to word questions with "How?" In this episode you hear the reasoning, and specific examples of how to use "How?" to get more and better information, build relationships, and make more sales.
info_outlineThe Art of Sales with Art Sobczak
Probably the biggest roadblock to success for most salespeople is the fear of rejection. But, rejection doesn't actually exisit. It is the story that someone attaches to an experience. When we take control, and tell ourselves different, better, and positive stories, rejection doesn't happen. You'll hear exactly how to do this, and how to never be rejected again.
info_outlineThe Art of Sales with Art Sobczak
Someone who is always the victim has little chance to succeed in professional sales. Sales, when done at the highest level is all about taking responsibility, ownership, and leading. If someone is not getting the results they want, it is on them. Not because of anything, or anyone else. In this episode you'll hear what to do to identify victim tendencies, and specific actions to take full ownership, all of the time.
info_outlineThe Art of Sales with Art Sobczak
An objection some salespeople hear is, "I only want to pay if I get the results you say we'll get." Art shares how he suggested a fellow coach handle that actual objection that she received from a prospect, and the exact process that you can use to prepare for and address your own objections. And it's not by using silly, adversarial objection "rebuttal" techniques, but instead getting someone talking and explaining the reason behind their belief. The process is covered more in-depth in Art's free objections masterclass that you can get access to immediately at...
info_outlineThe Art of Sales with Art Sobczak
A famous saying is that "You can't NOT communicate." Meaning that everything you do or say that is observed by someone, whether it is intentional or not, is creating feelings in others. We can be much more successful in sales, and in life, by focusing on how we can make more of those feelings positive. Art shares contrasting examples from a recent vacation to Cabo San Lucas where he experienced both great and negative feelings from simple interactions. You'll also hear simple things you can do right now to make the lives of others better every day, including yours in the process.
info_outlineThe worst sales advice you could ever get is, "Just be yourself. Don't have a script. Let it flow."
What if a doctor or lawyer did that?
You'll always sound smoother when you're prepared, and the ultimate goal is to reach the level of "knowing" what to say. You'll hear how to do it in this episode.