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Gut Health and Estrogen Balance

The Betty Rocker Show

Release Date: 05/15/2024

How walking supports your muscle and long-term fat loss show art How walking supports your muscle and long-term fat loss

The Betty Rocker Show

How does walking support your fat loss goals, support muscle and bone density and give you so many other health benefits at the same time? And where does that fit in with our cardio, cortisol levels and changing hormones when we get into our 40's and beyond? Today I'm taking a deeper dive into how our resting metabolic rate is influenced by our body composition, how we burn energy and lose body fat, the strategies around muscle preservation, and why this all matters as we age. In this episode I'm exploring... ⭐️ How your body composition impacts your resting metabolic rate ⭐️ How our...

Gut Health and Estrogen Balance show art Gut Health and Estrogen Balance

The Betty Rocker Show

A healthy and diverse gut microbiome helps support the balance of our hormones, a robust immune system and impacts how efficiently we absorb the nutrients in the food we eat. Tune in today for a tour on the ecosystem that makes up your digestive system, how you support better estrogen balance, get better results from your training and be a good steward to this diverse inner landscape that impacts us on so many levels. In this episode I'm exploring... ⭐️ How our digestive system works ⭐️ How the gut microbiome impacts our hormone balance ⭐️ How our gut is connected to our immune...

8 Walking Benefits to Get You Moving show art 8 Walking Benefits to Get You Moving

The Betty Rocker Show

I made walking more a huge priority over the past couple of years and it's helped me in so many ways! I wanted to share some of the inspiring data that shows the tremendous health benefits women get from walking more, which become especially significant in our perimenopause and postmenopausal years. Plus, I'm sharing details on how I've been able to get more steps in at home, and how walking supports our hormone balance! In this episode, I’m exploring…. ⭐️ The benefit of walking on our blood sugar and fat storage ⭐️ How walking impacts our digestive system and supports good gut...

Postmenopause: Training and Nutrition Success Guide show art Postmenopause: Training and Nutrition Success Guide

The Betty Rocker Show

In our postmenopausal years, we have achieved an important milestone as women! Let’s explore the way the inner landscape of our hormones has changed so we’re better equipped to navigate these new waters. I’m sharing my Postmenopause Training Trifecta so after you finish this episode, you’ll be armed with the specific training and nutrition strategies you need to feel like yourself and build strength, power and vitality to enjoy life to the fullest! In this episode I'm exploring... ⭐️What changes with our hormones in the postmenopausal years and how they impact our body composition...

Mastering Perimenopause: 5 Strategies You Need show art Mastering Perimenopause: 5 Strategies You Need

The Betty Rocker Show

In perimenopause, the 5-10 year period before our cycle stops entirely (menopause) it might feel like all the things that used to work for you don't work anymore, and your body just isn't responding like it used to. As our estrogen and progesterone levels begin to get off balance and decline, it has a big impact on our recovery, our body temperature, sleep, body fat, muscle and so much more. Today I'm exploring the strategies you can use to mitigate some of these symptoms, build more strength and lose body fat, support a healthy gut microbiome and so much more! In this episode I'm...

Women's Cycle Training and Nutrition Guide show art Women's Cycle Training and Nutrition Guide

The Betty Rocker Show

Training with your cycle - explained! While you’re in the phase of life where you’re having regular periods, you may feel intuitively that you just don’t have as much drive during the days leading up to your period. And you may notice that certain times of the month you are able to absolutely crush your workouts. Following the rhythm of your cycle when it comes to your training and nutrition is a great way to feel your absolute best - and see the best results - and today I'll explain exactly how! In this episode I'm exploring... ⭐️The phases of your cycle, and what your hormones are...

5 Essential Self Care Tips for Better Muscle and Joint Health show art 5 Essential Self Care Tips for Better Muscle and Joint Health

The Betty Rocker Show

Think about how you are sitting or standing right now - and the posture you are in. Is this a posture you are frequently in? What muscles are activating in this posture? Over time the muscles that work more than others can exert pulling forces across our joints, causing imbalances we're not aware of - and that show up when we're training as well if we're not aware of them. Learn more about caring for your muscles and joints in today's episode, and how common movements create patterns so you can bring your awareness to your own daily postures and stay safe and strong while you're training. In...

12 Ways to Improve Your Stress Resilience show art 12 Ways to Improve Your Stress Resilience

The Betty Rocker Show

What impact is stress actually having on our muscle tissue and our ability to lose body fat? Can a workout be too stressful, or does it actually act as stress relief? And how do our stress hormones interact with hormones like estrogen and insulin? Today I’m diving into the body’s stress response for women in different life stages, key data points to let you know if your stress levels are elevated too much, and 12 ways that you can build more stress resilience into your daily life to help you mitigate the damaging impact too much stress can have on your body. In this episode, I’m...

Adaptations and progressions show art Adaptations and progressions

The Betty Rocker Show

How do we get past plateaus in our training? If you've ever wondered how to keep progressing on the foundation you've built, or have questions about a specific program or how to tailor your training to your life stage (cycling years, perimenopause or post menopause), this episode is for you. I'm talking you through how your body responds and adapts to the stimulus you give it, and why you'll need to change that stimulus as you get stronger - and as your hormone status changes over time. In this episode, I’m exploring…. ⭐️ How to build a strong foundation and meet yourself where...

3 Ways to Get Faster Workout Results in your cycling years, in perimenopause and post-menopause show art 3 Ways to Get Faster Workout Results in your cycling years, in perimenopause and post-menopause

The Betty Rocker Show

Have you been faithfully working out, but feeling frustrated by how slow your results seem to be? Chances are, you're doing plenty of exercise....but you may be overlooking some key areas of your daily actions that are undermining your efforts! Let's talk about 3 key surrounding actions that will help your workouts pay off big time, and why this is so important in perimenopause and post menopause. In this episode I’m exploring…. ⭐️ Why overtraining backfires ⭐️Optimal training strategies for women in their cycling years ⭐️Optimal training strategies for women in peri and post...

More Episodes

A healthy and diverse gut microbiome helps support the balance of our hormones, a robust immune system and impacts how efficiently we absorb the nutrients in the food we eat. Tune in today for a tour on the ecosystem that makes up your digestive system, how you support better estrogen balance, get better results from your training and be a good steward to this diverse inner landscape that impacts us on so many levels.

In this episode I'm exploring...

⭐️ How our digestive system works
⭐️ How the gut microbiome impacts our hormone balance
⭐️ How our gut is connected to our immune system and the inflammatory response
⭐️ The specialized part of the microbiome that processes our estrogen
⭐️ How estrogen dominance contributes to more uncomfortable symptoms in perimenopause
⭐️ Tips for supporting better gut health

Links to follow up from this episode: