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Quieting Negative Noise, Day 6: "Processing Negative News" meditation series

Daily Meditation Podcast

Release Date: 05/24/2024

Handling Bullies with Integrity, Day 6: Handling Bullies with Integrity, Day 6: "Exploring Satya in the Yoga Sutras"

Daily Meditation Podcast

This layered meditation weaves together several powerful techniques to deepen your understanding and embodiment of Satya (truthfulness), as taught in the Yoga Sutras. We'll begin with breathwork to center and ground ourselves, followed by a guided reflection on key aspects of Satya, such as honesty in thought, word, and deed. We'll then incorporate visualization to connect with the energy of truth, culminating in a loving-kindness meditation to extend compassion to ourselves and others, fostering a holistic experience of authentic living....

Embodying Truth, Day 5: Embodying Truth, Day 5: "Exploring Satya in the Yoga Sutras"

Daily Meditation Podcast

Blocked energy in the throat chakra can manifest as difficulty expressing ourselves truthfully. This meditation uses a powerful 5th chakra technique [mention the technique] to clear these blockages, allowing the energy of Satya to flow freely. Inspired by the Yoga Sutras' teachings on truthfulness, this practice will help you release any fear or inhibition that prevents you from speaking your truth with authenticity. YOUR MEDITATION JOURNEY DURING THIS WEEK'S SERIES This is episode 5 of a 7-day meditation series titled, "Exploring...

Overcoming Self-Deception, Day 4: Overcoming Self-Deception, Day 4: "Exploring Satya in the Yoga Sutras"

Daily Meditation Podcast

Self-deception can keep us trapped in cycles of untruth. This meditation uses Usha Mudra to gently illuminate these blind spots, allowing us to see ourselves with greater clarity and compassion. By connecting with the energy of new beginnings, we can break free from self-deception and embrace the path of Satya. YOUR MEDITATION JOURNEY DURING THIS WEEK'S SERIES This is episode 4 of a 7-day meditation series titled, "Exploring Satya in the Yoga Sutras" episodes 2103-2109.  THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Go on a Truth Quest Seek out what...

Breathing into Truth, Day 3: Exploring Satya in the Yoga Sutras Breathing into Truth, Day 3: Exploring Satya in the Yoga Sutras"

Daily Meditation Podcast

Your breath is a constant companion, a mirror reflecting your inner state. This meditation uses the breath as a tool for self-inquiry, guiding you to explore your relationship with truthfulness. By paying close attention to the nuances of your breath during today's specific technique, you'll gain insights into the subtle ways you may be compromising your truth and discover the courage to live with greater authenticity. YOUR MEDITATION JOURNEY DURING THIS WEEK'S SERIES This is episode 3 of a 7-day meditation series titled, "Exploring...

Affirmation for Truthful Living, Day 2: Affirmation for Truthful Living, Day 2: "Exploring Satya in the Yoga Sutras"

Daily Meditation Podcast

This meditation delves into the profound wisdom of the Yoga Sutras, exploring the principle of Satya—truthfulness—as a path to authentic living. More than just avoiding falsehoods, Satya invites us to align our thoughts, words, and actions with the deepest reality of who we are. This practice will guide you to gently examine your inner landscape, uncovering any hidden self-deceptions or inconsistencies between your inner and outer worlds. Through guided reflection and contemplation, you'll cultivate a deeper understanding of what it...

Your Unveiled Truth, Day 1: Your Unveiled Truth, Day 1: "Exploring Satya in the Yoga Sutras"

Daily Meditation Podcast

THIS WEEK'S SERIES Get ready to embark on a transformative journey into the heart of truth! This meditation series, "Exploring Satya in the Yoga Sutras," delves into the profound wisdom of the Yoga Sutras, illuminating the path to authentic living. Satya, truthfulness, isn't just about avoiding lies; it's a radical commitment to aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with the deepest reality of who you are. This isn't your average meditation series – we're going beyond surface-level honesty to uncover the subtle ways we deceive...

Keeping Hope Alive, Day 7: Keeping Hope Alive, Day 7: "Unlocking Tomorrow: Meditations for Peace and Purpose in a Changing World"

Daily Meditation Podcast

This weekly review meditation helps you integrate the experiences of the past week, both the joys and the challenges, to cultivate resilience and keep hope alive. We'll explore what strengthened you, what inspired you, and what reminded you of the goodness in the world. This process helps you learn from your experiences and approach the coming week with renewed hope and determination. THIS WEEK'S SERIES The world outside may be turbulent, but within each of us lies a wellspring of peace and resilience. "Unlocking Tomorrow" is a meditation...

The Unwavering Mind, Day 6: The Unwavering Mind, Day 6: "Unlocking Tomorrow: Meditations for Peace and Purpose in a Changing World"

Daily Meditation Podcast

Distractions are a constant challenge in our modern world, pulling us away from our intentions and scattering our energy. This meditation offers practical tools and techniques for quieting the mental chatter, managing distractions, and staying laser-focused on what truly matters to you. THIS WEEK'S SERIES The world outside may be turbulent, but within each of us lies a wellspring of peace and resilience. "Unlocking Tomorrow" is a meditation series dedicated to helping you access those inner resources. These meditations are designed to...

Embracing Your Purpose, Day 5: Embracing Your Purpose, Day 5: "Unlocking Tomorrow: Meditations for Peace and Purpose"

Daily Meditation Podcast

Fear and vulnerability can often hold you back from pursuing your passions and living a purposeful life. This meditation guides you to your fourth chakra a gesture of the open heart, to gently release these blockages. By opening yourself to love, you can cultivate courage and embrace vulnerability, allowing you to step into your full potential and pursue your passions with authenticity. THIS WEEK'S SERIES The world outside may be turbulent, but within each of us lies a wellspring of peace and resilience. "Unlocking Tomorrow" is a...

The Gift of Gratitude, Day 4: The Gift of Gratitude, Day 4: "Unlocking Tomorrow: Meditations for Peace and Purpose in a Changing World"

Daily Meditation Podcast

Today's meditation weaves together two powerful themes: gratitude and interconnectedness. You'll be using the Lotus Mudra, a symbol of the open heart, to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the blessings in your life and to recognize the threads of connection that bind us all together. This practice will help you experience the joy and peace that arise from living with gratitude and compassion. THIS WEEK'S SERIES "The world outside may be turbulent, but within each of us lies a wellspring of peace and resilience. "Unlocking Tomorrow" is a...

More Episodes

Today's meditation helps you focus on your purpose by avoiding negative news and fostering a positive, purposeful mindset.

Welcome to our 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News: A Journey to Inner Focus." In this series, we will explore techniques to help you avoid distractions, particularly those from social media and negative news, which can disrupt your peace and lead to negative feelings. By practicing mindfulness and inner focus, you can reclaim your mental space and navigate the day with clarity and positivity.
This is episode 6 of this week's 7-day meditation series, "Processing Negative News" 3121-3127.

THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Negative News Filter Quest:

When you encounter negative news, ask yourself, “How can I use this information?” “How does it make me feel?” “How can I be of service?”


Get ready for an exciting journey with a new meditation technique every day, perfectly tailored to the week's theme! Infuse these powerful practices into the most stressful moments of your day to master difficult emotions. These dynamic techniques will help you tame the "monkey mind," keeping your thoughts from interrupting your meditation and bringing peace and focus to your life.


For free meditation tools to help you meditate please head over to my website at www.SipandOm.com, and there you'll find free resources to help you on your Meditation Journey.

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***All meditations are Mary Meckley's original copyrighted content unless otherwise stated, and may not be shared without her written permission.
Music composed by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by RoyaltyFreeMusic.com, and also by musician Greg Keller.
I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're enjoying the meditations by leaving me a review on iTunes.
**All of the information shared on this podcast is for your enjoyment only. Please don't consider the meditation techniques, herbal tea information, or other information shared by Mary Meckley or any of her guests as a replacement for any medical or psychological treatment. That being said, please enjoy any peace, energy, or clarity you may experience as you meditate.