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Academy Award Nominated Documentary Filmmaker // Roko Belic

The Firebelly Chronicles | What's Burning in You? | Weekly Podcast | Interviews to Inspire, Motivate, and Empower You

Release Date: 04/21/2013

Emily Chase Smith, Why Mullets are Good for Your Business show art Emily Chase Smith, Why Mullets are Good for Your Business

The Firebelly Chronicles | What's Burning in You? | Weekly Podcast | Interviews to Inspire, Motivate, and Empower You

This week's Firebelly guest—Money expert and Attorney, Emily Chase Smith—knows a lot about money and the loss of money in business. As Emily points out, for individuals who wish to be creative in their business (which includes anyone who is starting a business, but especially individuals wanting to make a living being creative—writers, filmmakers, cooks, etc.) figuring out and organizing the money piece in your business is very important, if not key.

What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast with Author Laura Vanderkam show art What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast with Author Laura Vanderkam

The Firebelly Chronicles | What's Burning in You? | Weekly Podcast | Interviews to Inspire, Motivate, and Empower You

Today's Firebelly guest, author, Laura Vanderkam and her book, What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast is a tremendous resource for those of us with a full life, eager to find the time to do those things that we know make us who we are and who we want to become. Laura has studied the productivity of thousands of individuals, and breaks down those key items successful people focus on (or don’t focus on) throughout their day. Most importantly, she brings to light the early morning hours before most of the world rises. These early morning hours — this is where you can find...

Gina Leibrecht // Following The Fire show art Gina Leibrecht // Following The Fire

The Firebelly Chronicles | What's Burning in You? | Weekly Podcast | Interviews to Inspire, Motivate, and Empower You

In this week’s Firebelly interview, Filmmaker Gina Leibrecht talks about being broke, cold calling, and working for free, all in pursuit of her dream of becoming a filmmaker. Gina knew she couldn’t work the typical 9-5 job, it just wasn’t who she was. A true inspiration, Gina is someone who felt that fire in her belly and went for it, no matter what.  She’s a documentary filmmaker — a producer, a director, an editor and a grant-writer (and she does everything else in between when it comes to filmmaking).

Bunmi Laditan, Creator of The Honest Toddler show art Bunmi Laditan, Creator of The Honest Toddler

The Firebelly Chronicles | What's Burning in You? | Weekly Podcast | Interviews to Inspire, Motivate, and Empower You

Bunmi Laditan says the key to doing what you love is to just start where you are. Bunmi created the Twitter feed, The Honest Toddler back in April 2012 and 4 short months later an agent called and offered her a book deal. Today The Honest Toddler Twitter feed has over 280,000 followers. Her Facebook page >> 198,000 followers....

Working Full-Time & Starting Your Own Business: Dawg Grog Owner, Daniel Keeton show art Working Full-Time & Starting Your Own Business: Dawg Grog Owner, Daniel Keeton

The Firebelly Chronicles | What's Burning in You? | Weekly Podcast | Interviews to Inspire, Motivate, and Empower You

Owner Daniel Keeton of Bend, Oregon had an idea. He wanted to create a healthy beer-like beverage for dogs.While working at Boneyard Brewery, one of the local breweries in his town, Daniel created Dawg Grog - a nutritional liquid treat for your best friend. It's made from Boneyard Brewery's malted barley water, liquid glucosamine, and organic vegetable broth.In only a matter of months, Dawg Grog has already gone international, even making into one of Conan O'Brien's nightly monologues.Daniel created Dawg Grog and manages Dawg Grog while at the same time, continuing to work his full-time...

Academy Award Nominated Documentary Filmmaker // Roko Belic show art Academy Award Nominated Documentary Filmmaker // Roko Belic

The Firebelly Chronicles | What's Burning in You? | Weekly Podcast | Interviews to Inspire, Motivate, and Empower You

I first heard the name "Roko Belic" when I was in graduate school in San Francisco. Years before, Belic's directorial documentary debut, Genghis Blues had been a huge hit. It won the Sundance Audience Award and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. I had been working on my graduate thesis film which explored the topic of Happiness, and several people I met throughout my research pointed me in Belic's direction. Eventually our paths crossed when I attended a voice-over recording for his most recent film's narration....

Just Brew It: Boneyard Beer's Owner & Brew Master, Tony Lawrence show art Just Brew It: Boneyard Beer's Owner & Brew Master, Tony Lawrence

The Firebelly Chronicles | What's Burning in You? | Weekly Podcast | Interviews to Inspire, Motivate, and Empower You

This Week's Firebelly Chronicle:...

15 Years in Prison > Now Owns a Multi-Million Dollar Company show art 15 Years in Prison > Now Owns a Multi-Million Dollar Company

The Firebelly Chronicles | What's Burning in You? | Weekly Podcast | Interviews to Inspire, Motivate, and Empower You


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I first heard the name "Roko Belic" when I was in graduate school in San Francisco. Years before, Belic's directorial documentary debut, Genghis Blues had been a huge hit. It won the Sundance Audience Award and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. I had been working on my graduate thesis film which explored the topic of Happiness, and several people I met throughout my research pointed me in Belic's direction. Eventually our paths crossed when I attended a voice-over recording for his most recent film's narration.

For his most recent film, HAPPY, Belic teamed up with Hollywood heavyweight Tom Shadyac (director of Bruce Almighty, Liar, Liar among other films), who executive produced, to direct the feature documentary. HAPPY combines powerful human stories from around the world with cutting edge science to give us a deeper understanding of what makes us ultimately...happy.

What I admire most about Belic (besides his outstanding filmmaking) is his steadfast focus to keep true to himself and his art. He practices what he preaches and is a true example of artists helping artists, people helping people. He is in this with us.

Go here to learn more about Roko Belic and his HAPPY movie