In the second segment of this 2-part episode, Dr. Gellis continues his discussion on functional medicine with best-selling author, professor, and neurologist Dr. Kenneth Sharlin. Sharlin dives deeper into the “The 5 R’s" Approach, neuroplasticity, oxidative stress, and numerous other topics covered in his best selling book The Healthy Brain Toolbox, as well as the groundbreaking Brain Tune Up! program.
Dr. Gellis speaks with acclaimed best-selling author, professor, and neurologist Dr. Kenneth Sharlin about functional medicine. Sharlin discusses the principles underlying his book The Healthy Brain Toolbox and groundbreaking Brain TuneUp! program - namely the emphasis on nutrition, sleep, exercise, and other practical strategies to maximize brain health
In the latest GIOTalk episode, Dr. Gellis speaks with Dr. Jonathan Maks, Doctor of Internal Medicine and Regional Medical Director of AMITA Health Medical Group (AHMG). They discuss trends in patient care, including the increased adoption of technology in medicine, the decline in physician-owned medical practices, and a marked shift in the tenor of interactions between patients and their doctors.
Stem cell research in the United States is advancing. In today's episode, we talk with one of the pioneers of regenerative medicine, Dr. Anand Srivastava. He answers some common questions about stem cells and regenerative medicine, including: • The differences between types of stem cells • Various methods used to harvest stem cells • If certain stem cells are better than others • The purpose of stem cells Stay tuned for Part 2, where we discuss the efficacy and future of stem cells.
In the second part of our Q&A with Dr. Anand Srivastava, we continue to address frequently asked questions and discuss what we can look forward to in the future of stem cell therapies. Some topics we will be covering in this episode include: • How stem cells work with auto-immune disorders, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn's disease, and Rheumatoid Arthritis • Various stem cell treatment methods • The topical use of stem cells • Stem cell treatments and insurance coverage
In this debut podcast, GIOSTAR Chicago plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Gellis explores how regenerative medicine has impacted former Major League Baseball player Arnie Costell.
info_outlineThis is the first segment of a 2-part series, in which Dr. Gellis speaks with acclaimed author, professor, and neurologist Dr. Kenneth Sharlin about functional medicine. Sharlin discusses the principles underlying his best-selling book and clinical practice, namely the emphasis on nutrition, sleep, exercise, and other practical strategies to maximize brain health.