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Loft Gathering: Inner Peace & The Spiritual Practice of Saying No

The Loft LA - Progressive Christianity in Podcast Form

Release Date: 05/13/2024

Loft Gathering: The Peace that Passes all Understanding: The Love of our Enemies show art Loft Gathering: The Peace that Passes all Understanding: The Love of our Enemies

The Loft LA - Progressive Christianity in Podcast Form

Jesus’ way of nonviolent resistance and love of enemies is often dismissed as impractical and idealistic. To be sure, the persuasive power of the myth of redemptive violence is dependent upon our belief that our enemies are not worthy of love. However, if our enemies are lovable and we choose not to love them then we are morally culpable for our failure to love. It is no wonder then, that Jesus taught that we are to love our enemies because God loves us and because God loves them, and this is a sign of a mature love that can lead us towards collective peace.

Loft Gathering: Pentecost: A Vision for a Peaceful Church show art Loft Gathering: Pentecost: A Vision for a Peaceful Church

The Loft LA - Progressive Christianity in Podcast Form

At their best, Christian communities should reflect the vision laid out in Acts 2, collectively sharing our gifts, tragedies, joys, and resilience. However, we have struggled to live up to or into this vision of a peaceful Christian community. Why? Peace requires repair, and for our churches to become an oasis of peace, we must learn how to work through the obstacles that divide us so that we can live in peace with one another.

Israel, Palestine, & College Encampments Part 2 show art Israel, Palestine, & College Encampments Part 2

The Loft LA - Progressive Christianity in Podcast Form

The protests to the war in Gaza taking place on college campuses around the world remind us that students are often the conscious of our society. In part 2 of our episode discussing the war in Gaza, we focus on what is happening in Westwood California, where our church and the Univeristy of California, Los Angeles is located. 

Israel, Palestine, & College Encampments Part 1 show art Israel, Palestine, & College Encampments Part 1

The Loft LA - Progressive Christianity in Podcast Form

The suffering and violence that is taking place in Gaza is unconscionable. According to the United Nations, at least 34,560 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and 77,765 injured; nearly all of the 600,000 children now sheltering in the southern border city of Rafah are injured, sick, or malnourished. In part 1 of our episode discussing the war, we examine Rev. Dr. Carter’s suggestion that non-violent resistance that includes divestment is the appropriate progressive Christian response.

Loft Gathering: Inner Peace & The Spiritual Practice of Saying No show art Loft Gathering: Inner Peace & The Spiritual Practice of Saying No

The Loft LA - Progressive Christianity in Podcast Form

Saying “yes” rather than “no” to an invitation is much easier. A part of the pleasure of saying yes is knowing that someone wants you and wants to be in relationship with you in some way. To be sure, the spiritual practice of saying no is difficult. And yet, given the busyness of contemporary life, a “holy no” may be precisely what we need. Jesus encourages his followers to “stop worrying about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself.” What if the path towards inner peace is more about removing, rather than adding, things to our lives and spiritual practices?

Violence Will Not Save Us show art Violence Will Not Save Us

The Loft LA - Progressive Christianity in Podcast Form

Television, film, Hollywood, and popular culture tell us that vigilante heroism is necessary to save us from ourselves. But is this true? In this episode, we discuss the myth of redemptive violence and our personal struggles with the effectiveness of nonviolent resistance.

Loft Gathering: Waging Peace: Israel, Palestine, and the Roots of War show art Loft Gathering: Waging Peace: Israel, Palestine, and the Roots of War

The Loft LA - Progressive Christianity in Podcast Form

The roots of war and conflict are apparent in how we are socialized to live our daily lives. American political and economic policies and our social imagination of the “other” entice us into a zero-sum game where mutual flourishing feels impossible. This way of thinking is inconsistent with the spiritual path of Jesus and his disciples. Instead, we are invited to wage peace within ourselves and between each other because peace and justice are inextricably linked.

Loft Gathering: Childhood Lessons on Love & Peace show art Loft Gathering: Childhood Lessons on Love & Peace

The Loft LA - Progressive Christianity in Podcast Form

In her book All About Love, bell hooks writes that we ought to “view our homes as our original school of love.” Love is essential for cultivating peace, so how might we intentionally teach it in our homes? How might we reimagine our church community as a school of love? What would it look like to teach young people how to cultivate the will and the courage to love, how to extend themselves to nurture their own or another’s spiritual growth? To help us answer these questions, we will be joined by , whose most recent book, , is a children’s book whose story offers some...

Loft Gathering: Peace with the Earth show art Loft Gathering: Peace with the Earth

The Loft LA - Progressive Christianity in Podcast Form

Though our culture tends to teach and practice an approach to the natural world that seeks to control, tame, and extract resources, Jesus’ teaching suggests a different way: he asks us to “consider the lilies,” and learn from the birds. The Gospel beckons us toward a mutuality with the earth, honoring the integrity of creation.

Loft Gathering: Peace & The Myth of Redemptive Violence show art Loft Gathering: Peace & The Myth of Redemptive Violence

The Loft LA - Progressive Christianity in Podcast Form

There is something inside all of us that longs for security, stability, and peace. However, human history reveals that we tend to try to meet this longing through coercion and force. This tendency has led us to view violence as a tool for peace rather than an obstacle that prevents peace. The spiritual path of Jesus reveals to us a pathway to peace beyond the myth that violence has the power to redeem or save us. Even after his own death, Jesus still whispers peace—and not once, but over and over again, speaking directly to the fears and insecurities that arise when choosing peace over...

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Saying “yes” rather than “no” to an invitation is much easier. A part of the pleasure of saying yes is knowing that someone wants you and wants to be in relationship with you in some way. To be sure, the spiritual practice of saying no is difficult. And yet, given the busyness of contemporary life, a “holy no” may be precisely what we need. Jesus encourages his followers to “stop worrying about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself.” What if the path towards inner peace is more about removing, rather than adding, things to our lives and spiritual practices?
