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S6E83: A Heart to Heart with the AmblesideOnline Advisory

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

Release Date: 05/09/2024

S6E86: Morning Time with the Aging with Tiffany Mai show art S6E86: Morning Time with the Aging with Tiffany Mai

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

This week on The New Mason Jar, Cindy and Dawn talk with homeschooling mom of 2 about using Morning Time in a local retirement home How Tiffany first came to know the Lord and also how she found out about Charlotte Mason How Tiffany started taking her children with her to do Morning Time at a local nursing home What are some of the fruits Tiffany has seen from this experience? What Tiffany includes in her morning time with the residents How can other homeschool families start this as a ministry in their own communities? What are some other areas in which families could minister to people...

S6E85: Morning Time for Moms, Part 4, with Christina Baehr show art S6E85: Morning Time for Moms, Part 4, with Christina Baehr

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

Show Summary: In today’s episode of The New Mason Jar, Cindy shares a chat she had with Christina Baehr, a second generation homeschooling mom in Tasmania, Australia A little about Christina’s background and various creative pursuits, including music and writing What is Pilgrim Hill, and why did Christina and her husband start it? How Christina’s own self-education was deeply influenced by her mother How Christina home educates her own children Why Christina never really stopped self-educating How Christina gets through difficult seasons Evaluating expectations as a homeschool mom How...

S6E84: Morning Time for Moms Part 3 with Elissa Kroeger show art S6E84: Morning Time for Moms Part 3 with Elissa Kroeger

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

On The New Mason Jar this week, Cindy and Dawn sit down to talk with veteran homeschool mom Elissa Kroeger about her own journey of self-education How Elissa first heard about Charlotte Mason Elissa’s own history with reading and self-education through her school years How Elissa’s early homeschooling community grew organically How was a Charlotte Mason lifestyle a catalyst for wholeness in Elissa’s life? How has life changed since most of Elissa’s children have grown and are no longer in her homeschool? What Elissa does now for self-education Who were the women who made the biggest...

S6E83: A Heart to Heart with the AmblesideOnline Advisory show art S6E83: A Heart to Heart with the AmblesideOnline Advisory

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

On The New Mason Jar today, we bring you a conversation Cindy and Dawn had with the AmblesideOnline Advisory members Anne White, Donna-Jean Breckenridge, Karen Glass and Leslie Laurio. How the friendship of the AO Advisory developed and has been a gift for each member throughout the years Did the Advisory members use the whole AO curriculum as written? What about those fears about missing out on something if a family doesn’t do everything in the curriculum perfectly? The simplicity of the Charlotte Mason approach to language arts Do any of the Advisory doubt Charlotte Mason’s methods now...

S6E82: Morning Time for Moms (and Dads!), Part 2, with Summer and Mike Smith show art S6E82: Morning Time for Moms (and Dads!), Part 2, with Summer and Mike Smith

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

Every plant bears fruit, ‘fruit and seed after his kind.’ All this is stale knowledge to older people, but one of the secrets of the educator is to present nothing as stale knowledge, but to put himself in the position of the child, and wonder and admire with him; for every common miracle which the child sees with his own eyes makes of him for the moment another Newton. Charlotte Mason, Home Education, p. 54 Show Summary: On The New Mason Jar this week, Cindy and Dawn continue their Morning Time for Moms series with guests Summer and Mike Smith How Summer and Mike first learned about...

S6E81: “Joy in the Morning” Summer Discipleship show art S6E81: “Joy in the Morning” Summer Discipleship

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

If mankind had not been organized into families, it would never have had the organic power to be organized into commonwealths. Human culture is handed down in the customs of countless households. It is the only way in which human culture can remain human. G. K. Chesterton, Marriage and the Modern Mind Show Summary: For this week’s episode of The New Mason Jar, Cindy and Dawn share about this year’s summer discipleship course, Gretchen Neisler tells about her own experience with past summer discipleship and why she keeps coming back for more What you can expect from this year’s...

S6E80: Spring Nature Study with Jeannette Tulis show art S6E80: Spring Nature Study with Jeannette Tulis

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

They notice for themselves, and the teacher gives a name and other information as it is asked for… In this way they lay up that store of “common information”… and what is more important, they learn to know and delight in natural objects as in the familiar faces of friends. Charlotte Mason, School Education, p. 237 Show Summary: On The New Mason Jar this week, we bring you a conversation all about spring nature study with Cindy, Dawn and Cindy’s friend Jeannette Tulis, who has been a previous guest on the podcast How can moms begin nature study when they have never done it before?...

S6E79: “A Bit of the World’s Work” with Anne White show art S6E79: “A Bit of the World’s Work” with Anne White

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

Ourselves, our Souls and Bodies is much used in the P.U.S., as I know of no other attempt to present such a ground plan of human nature as should enable the young student to know where he is in his efforts to ‘be good’ as the children say. The point of view taken in this volume is, that all beautiful and noble possibilities are present in every one; but that each person is subject to assaults and hindrances in various ways of which he should be aware in order that he may watch and pray. Hortatory teaching is apt to bore both young people and their elders; but an ordered presentation...

S6E78: Morning Time for Moms, Part 1, with Jami Marstall show art S6E78: Morning Time for Moms, Part 1, with Jami Marstall

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

The mind is a spiritual octopus, reaching out limbs in every direction to draw in enormous rations of that which under the actions of the mind itself becomes knowledge. Nothing can stale its infinite variety; the heavens and the earth, the past, the present, and future, things great and things minute, nations and men, the universe, all are within the scope of the human intelligence. Charlotte Mason, Toward a Philosophy of Education, p. 330 Show Summary: On The New Mason Jar this week, Cindy and Dawn kick off a new series of the podcast, Morning Time for Moms, with our first guest in the...

S6E77: Seeing the Big Picture with Heather Martin show art S6E77: Seeing the Big Picture with Heather Martin

The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

Three Questions for the Mother…She must ask herself Why must the children learn at all? What should they learn? And, How should they learn it? If she takes the trouble to find a definite and thoughtful answer to each of these three queries, she will be in a position to direct her children’s studies; and will, at the same time, be surprised to find that three-fourths of the time and labour ordinarily spent by the child at his lessons is lost time and wasted energy. Charlotte Mason, Home Education, p. 171 Show Summary: On this week’s episode of The New Mason Jar, Cindy and Dawn sit...

More Episodes
  • On The New Mason Jar today, we bring you a conversation Cindy and Dawn had with the AmblesideOnline Advisory members Anne White, Donna-Jean Breckenridge, Karen Glass and Leslie Laurio.
  • How the friendship of the AO Advisory developed and has been a gift for each member throughout the years
  • Did the Advisory members use the whole AO curriculum as written?
  • What about those fears about missing out on something if a family doesn’t do everything in the curriculum perfectly?
  • The simplicity of the Charlotte Mason approach to language arts
  • Do any of the Advisory doubt Charlotte Mason’s methods now that they have all graduated their children?
  • Are there any things that aren’t common knowledge that the Advisory wants to share?

Books and Links Mentioned:


Six Voices, One Story by Donna-Jean Breckenridge, et. al.

In Vital Harmony by Karen Glass

For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

AO Advisory Bios:

Anne White grew up and still lives in southern Ontario.  She anticipated David Epstein’s Range by changing her university major three times and stretching a four-year degree into seven, but she did complete a BA in creative writing, and later added a BEd in adult education. In the thirty years between those things, she (and her husband) raised three homeschooled daughters, who have each found their own Range. Anne has been associated with AmblesideOnline since its beginning, and is the author of several books about Charlotte Mason’s philosophy.

Donna-Jean Breckenridge lives with her family in northern New Jersey. She is honored to be a founding member of the AmblesideOnline Advisory, and she continues to serve AO’s community while homeschooling her granddaughters. She is a public speaker, writer (This Country of Ours – Annotated, Edited, and Updated and Six Voices, One Story: The Heart of AmblesideOnline), and audiobook narrator. She counts her greatest roles as mom to her four children, grandmother to five, and grateful friend. Her heart’s desire is to encourage others that God is safe to trust, no matter what. 

After living 25 years in Krakow, Poland, Karen Glass currently lives in Indiana with her husband and youngest daughter. She is a founding member of AmblesideOnline and home educated her four children through graduation. She is the author of several books related to Charlotte Mason and speaks and teaches on the philosophy and methods (especially narration). She reads, writes, tries to grow things, and has been known to crochet doilies and knit socks.

Leslie Laurio is an art school dropout, a veteran, a homeschool mom, and one of the founders and original creators of AmblesideOnline. She and her husband live in Tennessee and have four children who were homeschooled all the way from kindergarten through high school, and are now married and scattered across the eastern US pursuing various careers and passions. She has paraphrased the Charlotte Mason series, Parables From Nature, and other works.

The person who can live upon his own intellectual resources and never know a dull hour (though anxious and sad hours will come) is indeed enviable in these days of intellectual inanition, when we depend upon spectacular entertainments pour passer le temps [to pass the time].
If knowledge means so much to us, “What is knowledge?” the reader asks. We can give only a negative answer. Knowledge is not instruction, information, scholarship, a well-stored memory. It is passed, like the light of a torch, from mind to mind, and the flame can be kindled at original minds only. Thought, we know, breeds thought; it is as vital thought touches our minds that our ideas are vitalized, and out of our ideas comes our conduct of life…
The direct and immediate impact of great minds upon his own mind is necessary to the education of a child.

Charlotte Mason, Towards a Philosophy of Education, p. 303

Let us, out of reverence for the children, be modest; let us not stake their interests on the hope that this or that new way would lead to great results if people had only the courage to follow it. It is exciting to become a pioneer; but, for the children’s sake, it may be well to constrain ourselves to follow those roads only by which we know that persons have arrived, or those newer roads which offer evident and assured means of progress towards a desired end.

Charlotte Mason, School Education, p. 245