Theology in Motion
In this episode we share Rev. Jeff Cloeter's plenary from the 2023 Worship Arts Leader Initiative (WALi) Summit: Worship Leaders as Loved and Sent. Be encouraged - you are much, much more than your achievements - you are loved by God in Jesus! SHOW NOTES Links to Pastor Cloeter's Book: Check-out the WALi Summit:
info_outlineTheology in Motion
In this conversation with Rev. Dr. Mike Middendorf and Kip Fox, we explore the song "Psalm 65 (Hope Has an Answer)" based upon the text of Psalm 65 - a part of The Center for Worship Leadership's Psalm Library. We discuss: 1. the exegesis of Psalm 65, 2. what it is like for a songwriter to work with an academic theologian (and vice versa), and 3. going "behind the music" of "Psalm 65 (Hope Has an Answer)."
info_outlineTheology in Motion
In this conversation with Paul Elliott, Emily Bartels and Kip Fox we explore the song "Psalm 56 (Your Promise)" based upon the text of Psalm 56 - a part of CWL's Psalm Library. We discuss: 1. the exegesis of Psalm 56, 2. what it is like for a songwriter to work with an academic theologian (and vice versa), 3. going "behind the music" of "Psalm 56 (Your Promise)."
info_outlineTheology in Motion
In this episode we share Rev. Dr. Steve Mueller's plenariy from the 2022 Worship Arts Leader Initiative (WALi) Summit: Miles to Go and the Tank's on Empty: Wny Ministers Need Ministry. SHOW NOTES Check-out the WALi Summit:
info_outlineTheology in Motion
In this episode we share one of Rev. Dr. Zac Hick's plenaries from the 2022 Worship Arts Leader Initiative (WALi) Summit: Worship as an Operating Room. SHOW NOTES Links to Zac's Recent work: Check-out the WALi Summit:
info_outlineTheology in Motion
In this episode we share one of Rev. Dr. Zac Hick's plenaries from the 2022 Worship Arts Leader Initiative (WALi) Summit: Worship as a Wormhole. SHOW NOTES Links to Zac's Recent work: Check-out the WALi Summit:
info_outlineTheology in Motion
In this episode we share one of Rev. Dr. Zac Hick's plenaries from the 2022 Worship Arts Leader Initiative (WALi) Summit: Worship as Gymnasium. SHOW NOTES Links to Zac's Recent work: Check-out the WALi Summit:
info_outlineTheology in Motion
In this conversation with Chad Bird, Ben Lange and Kip Fox we explore the song "Psalm 1 (That Man)" based upon the text of Psalm 1 - a part of CWL's Psalm Library. We discuss: 1. the exegesis of Psalm 1, 2. what it is like for a songwriter to work with an academic theologian (and vice versa), 3. going "behind the music" of "Psalm 1 (That Man)." SHOW NOTES The Psalm Library - Psalm 1 (That Man) [Official Video] Written by: Kip Fox, Chad Bird, Ben Lange CCLI# 7216472 Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon Music: Pandora: Free Charts: Instagram: Facebook:
info_outlineTheology in Motion
In this conversation with Dr. Swee Hong Lim and Rev. Dr. Lester Ruth we explore: 1. the history and impact of the "gap" movement within contemporary praise and worship (CPaW), 2. the influence of cultural considerations on CPaW, and 3. how modern Christian music is influenced by CPaW - as it appears in their new book A History of Contemporary Praise and Worship - Understanding the Movements that Reshaped the Protestant Church. If shownotes do not appear, follow this link:
info_outlineTheology in Motion
In this conversation with Dr. Swee Hong Lim and Rev. Dr. Lester Ruth we explore: 1. the history and impact of the "gift" movement within contemporary praise and worship (CPaW), 2. the influence of Reg Layzell and others on CPaW, and 3. how modern Christian music is influenced by CPaW - as it appears in their new book A History of Contemporary Praise and Worship - Understanding the Movements that Reshaped the Protestant Church. If shownotes do not appear, follow this link:
info_outlineIn this episode we share Rev. Jeff Cloeter's plenary from the 2023 Worship Arts Leader Initiative (WALi) Summit: Worship Leaders as Loved and Sent. Be encouraged - you are much, much more than your achievements - you are loved by God in Jesus!
Links to Pastor Cloeter's Book:
Check-out the WALi Summit:
WALi Summit