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E241. REPLAY: 5 Steps to Handle Hard Things

April Garcia's PivotMe

Release Date: 01/18/2024

E264. REP Two Most Powerful Words You Need show art E264. REP Two Most Powerful Words You Need

April Garcia's PivotMe

In this episode, we explore the damaging effects of self-imposed limitations and negative affirmations. April reveals a simple yet powerful tool to transform these limiting beliefs: the phrase "until now." Discover how this phrase can open doors to growth and personal development, empowering you to overcome past failures and step into a brighter future. Key Points: Impact of Self-Talk: Understand how your internal and external dialogue shapes your reality and influences your outcomes. Power of "Until Now": Learn how adding "until now" to negative statements can catalyze positive change and...

E263. REP Should You Turn Down Business? Best Practices and Signs of Growth show art E263. REP Should You Turn Down Business? Best Practices and Signs of Growth

April Garcia's PivotMe

Today, we're diving into a critical topic that many new business owners face: the dilemma of whether to turn down business. If you're feeling overwhelmed with the influx of clients and unsure about saying no, this episode is a must-listen. April will guide you through understanding when and why it might be beneficial for your business to turn down new opportunities, helping you grow and avoid burnout. Key Points: Limiting Beliefs and Burnout: Discover how your limiting beliefs and old practices can hold you back. Learn why saying YES to every client as a solopreneur can lead to burnout. Sign...

E262. The Fine Line Between Sacrifice and Success with Brandon T. Adams show art E262. The Fine Line Between Sacrifice and Success with Brandon T. Adams

April Garcia's PivotMe

Today, we're diving deep into the incredible journey of Brandon Adams, a man who has mastered the art of balancing obsession and success. From humble beginnings delivering ice in a small town to becoming a two-time Emmy Award winner, Brandon's story is a testament to resilience, confidence, and relentless pursuit of success. Join us as we explore how he maintained his confidence while facing immense challenges and what it truly takes to achieve greatness. Key Points: The Early Struggles: Brandon's background from a small town of 700 people. His initial experience delivering ice for his...

E261. REP: Collaborate In Person Take Aways show art E261. REP: Collaborate In Person Take Aways

April Garcia's PivotMe

Collaborate 2024 is happening this September in Northern California! In this episode, I’ll dive into what makes Collaborate such a unique and transformative event, why you should consider joining us, and some of the incredible insights from past events. If you’re a business owner, leader, or entrepreneur ready to elevate your game, this episode is for you. Key Points: Event Announcement: Collaborate 2024 will take place in Grass Valley, CA from September 5-7. It's an invite-only event designed for founders, presidents, and corporate leaders. Purpose of Collaborate: The event focuses on...

E260. Get Help to Pedal Ahead  show art E260. Get Help to Pedal Ahead

April Garcia's PivotMe

In this episode of PivotMe, April discusses the metaphor of life as a peloton in cycling, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and perseverance. She shares insights from a mastermind teammate, highlighting that everyone has their ups and downs. April uses the peloton analogy to illustrate how leading and drafting can apply to life and business.   Key points:   1. Peloton Analogy: Life has its challenges, much like a cycling peloton, where sometimes you lead and other times you struggle at the back. 2. Strength in Numbers: Just as cyclists reduce wind resistance for each other, in...

E259. REP: Get Comfortable Running Downhill Now show art E259. REP: Get Comfortable Running Downhill Now

April Garcia's PivotMe

In this episode of PivotMe, April shares an inspiring personal story about the transformative power of "running downhill" towards opportunities. She explores the various factors that prevent us from seizing these moments, such as fear, discomfort, and procrastination. By challenging listeners to stop self-sabotaging and get comfortable with the discomfort of pursuing their goals, April emphasizes the importance of taking risks and justifying fewer reasons for inaction. This episode is a call to action to stop overthinking and start embracing the potential that lies ahead. Key Points: April's...

E258. Stop This Type of Procrastination, How High Performers Self Sabotage show art E258. Stop This Type of Procrastination, How High Performers Self Sabotage

April Garcia's PivotMe

In this episode of PivotMe, April delves into the concept of "creative avoidance," a form of procrastination that often goes unnoticed. She begins by illustrating common scenarios where individuals divert their attention from important tasks by engaging in seemingly productive activities. April then discusses the significance of self-awareness in recognizing and addressing patterns of creative avoidance. She outlines three essential steps to combat this behavior: understanding how one procrastinates, identifying when it occurs, and enlisting the support of a buddy for accountability. Through...

E257. REP: Ask Yourself These 10 Questions show art E257. REP: Ask Yourself These 10 Questions

April Garcia's PivotMe

In this episode of PivotMe, April Garcia presents a compelling framework to help listeners reflect on the past year and prepare for the one ahead. She introduces 10 thought-provoking questions aimed at fostering self-awareness and goal setting for personal and professional growth. Key Points: Reflecting on Wins: Begin by identifying your biggest achievements of the past year to uncover patterns of success. Influential Individuals: Recognize the people who had the most significant impact on your life in 2023, whether through inspiration, support, or guidance. Improved Relationships: Evaluate...

E256. Matt Drinkhahn on Transforming Anger into Optimism and Embracing Change show art E256. Matt Drinkhahn on Transforming Anger into Optimism and Embracing Change

April Garcia's PivotMe

In this episode of PivotMe, April sits down with the amazing Matt Drinkhahn, who bravely sheds light on his personal battle with anger, particularly when facing the challenges of parenting during Zoom's heyday. His compelling narrative is not just one of struggle but also of striking breakthroughs. As an admirer of resilience and change, you won't want to miss out on Matt's stories and insights about turning pivotal moments into opportunities for growth. Buckle up for this one! Keys You'll Learn: 1. The Power of Accountability: Learn how Matt sought support from Front Row Dads to...

E255. Create Your Vision, My3Y Your Life and Business 3 Years in Future show art E255. Create Your Vision, My3Y Your Life and Business 3 Years in Future

April Garcia's PivotMe

On this episode of PivotMe, April  challenges traditional business plans and goal-setting methods, offering a fresh perspective on envisioning your future. She shares why she's not a fan of typical goal-setting approaches and business plans, emphasizing the limitations they impose. Instead, she introduces the concept of My3Y, a vision for your life and business three years down the road. April encourages listeners to break free from current constraints and dream big when crafting their My3Y vision. She shares insights on why it's crucial to have a clear vision and highlights the...

More Episodes

In this episode of PivotMe, April delves into the art of navigating hard things and shares 5 easy steps to handle challenges effectively, becoming the coachman of your own brain. With the understanding that an average person generates thousands of thoughts per hour, many of which revolve around uncontrollable factors and fears, April introduces practical steps to redirect focus towards what can be changed.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Practice Strategic Visualization:

    • Channel thoughts towards visualizing things that can be changed.
    • Focus on what you want instead of what you fear.
  2. Write to Your Badass List:

    • Compile a list of personal achievements and strengths.
    • Reflect on past successes to boost confidence.
  3. Have a Mantra:

    • Develop a mantra that instills confidence and positivity.
    • Repeat the mantra during challenging situations.
  4. Manage Your State Before Walking In:

    • Prioritize emotional well-being before facing difficult situations.
    • Engage in activities that uplift mood and mindset.
  5. Break it into Manageable Chunks:

    • Divide challenging tasks into smaller, more manageable parts.
    • Tackle each segment systematically.

April shares the inspiring story of Brooklyn, a listener turned client, who became a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer. Brooklyn navigated a challenging situation by implementing these steps, showcasing the effectiveness of the strategies in real-life scenarios.

The episode concludes with the empowering message that while one may not be able to change the hard thing itself, the response to it can be transformed. By taking control of thoughts and responses, individuals can navigate challenges with resilience, ensuring that difficult situations don't dictate the course of their day.


Elevate your business with a personalized consultation by April and her team. Together, we'll map out your goals using proven strategies and tools favored by major companies. Gain clarity, identify opportunities, and create a streamlined roadmap for success. Skip the guesswork and visit www.theaprilgarcia.com for more details.

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ Connect with me here: 

Website: https://www.theaprilgarcia.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AprilGarciaPivotMe

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theAprilGarcia/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theaprilgarcia