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The dawn of a new era

In Him was Life!

Release Date: 04/08/2021

“My Lord and my God!” show art “My Lord and my God!”

In Him was Life!

The risen Jesus appears to the disciples again, including to Thomas who would not believe unless he saw for himself. Jesus commands him to ‘Stop doubting and believe’. Thomas moves out of doubt into belief and adoration. After Jesus reinstates Peter, he once again invites him, and us, to follow him.

The dawn of a new era show art The dawn of a new era

In Him was Life!

Mary Magdalene discovers the tomb is empty! Peter and John find out for themselves that her account is true, but it is to Mary that two angels and the resurrected Jesus first appear. Why?

The Glory of the Cross show art The Glory of the Cross

In Him was Life!

“It is finished!” Jesus echoes Moses, who also built exactly according to pattern. Both were filled with glory.

What is Truth? show art What is Truth?

In Him was Life!

As the lambs are being prepared for Passover, Jesus the true Passover Lamb is tried. Pilate interrogates Jesus and wants to set him free, but his fear of the people is stronger and so he yields to their demands. Jesus is handed over to be crucified.

Jesus is arrested show art Jesus is arrested

In Him was Life!

He came from the glory and now goes through the ordeal of being arrested by the governing authorities. Remaining totally in control, he reveals his own authority in another ‘I AM’ statement, causing the whole detachment of soldiers to fall to the ground.

The Road Map show art The Road Map

In Him was Life!

Having mandated his disciples to bear fruit, Jesus now warns and encourages them about what’s ahead. He prays to his Father that he may be glorified, so that in turn he can glorify God.

Who is God? show art Who is God?

In Him was Life!

Jesus speaks of going away so that the Holy Spirit can be sent. He tells of the part the Advocate will play in convicting the world, guiding Jesus’ disciples into all truth and pointing to Jesus. We see the intimate relationship within the Godhead as we look deeper into who this God of love is.

The True Vine show art The True Vine

In Him was Life!

Israel is often referred to as a vineyard in the Old Testament. Jesus now declares that he is the true vine, his Father is the gardener and his disciples, the branches. His father prunes even the fruitful branches so that they can bear even more fruit.

The Way, the Truth and the Life show art The Way, the Truth and the Life

In Him was Life!

We now begin to get insight into Jesus’ relationship with his Father and the Holy Spirit as he speaks his final words to his disciples. It is only through Jesus that we can know God and receive his life! We learn more about the Advocate who he will send and who will never leave us, and he encourages the disciples to live in the peace which comes from knowing him.

Love in action show art Love in action

In Him was Life!

He came from the highest place, bringing the glory, and now Jesus humbly demonstrates real love. One of his disciples however is preparing to betray him.

More Episodes

Mary Magdalene discovers the tomb is empty!  Peter and John find out for themselves that her account is true, but it is to Mary that two angels and the resurrected Jesus first appear.  Why?


Watch out for the next Podcast: "Come up Here!"  An epic journey through the whole book of Revelation.