Hack Hollywood – What Is It and Does It Work | 046 - Actors Talk - Come Inside The Acting Business
Actors Talk - Come Inside The Acting Business
Release Date: 12/17/2013
Actors Talk - Come Inside The Acting Business
Michael Bott - Marathon Man...
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Chantel Riley - From Open Call To Broadway...
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From The Novel To The Audiobook...
info_outlineActors Talk - Come Inside The Acting Business
Your success, however you may define that, is likely tied to some 'personal indelibility' some instant reaction people have to YOU, not to the part you're playing, but to YOU. That's hard to teach...in fact you can't teach it. But you can open people's eyes to it....
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info_outlineActors Talk - Come Inside The Acting Business
Audiobook Narration...
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info_outlineWhat Is Hack Hollywood
Hack Hollywood is an online community and training course for actors. It's a subscription site that costs $27 per month. So the question is: Is Hack Hollywood worth your monthly investment? Or is it just another program or system that makes big promises that it can't possibly deliver on? Is it just another of the endless ways that actors can waste their hard-earned money? Or is it a great value that might be worth every penny or even more than the subscription rate? Those were questions I had when I first heard about Hack Hollywood.
I was approached by a Hack Hollywood representative to see if I would be interested in interviewing Hack Hollywood creator, actor David Patrick Green. Of course my first move was to IMDb.
Good news there as I recognized David from his television appearances and I was able to verify that indeed he has a substantial acting career.
Still, I wanted to be certain that I wasn't being mislead. I want you to be able to trust that if someone or some organization or product is presented on Actors Talk that I have done some due diligence prior to an interview.
So, prior to setting up an interview with David Patrick Green I asked for and was given access to explore the Hack Hollywood site just as any paying customer would. I wanted to make sure before putting this information out to the Actors Talk listeners that there was true value in this effort. Call me a cynic, but I guess I've just observed too many workshops and classes and schemes that are nothing but a money pit.
I had to be sure that Hack Hollywood was not just another part of what David called the 'actor cottage industry' that makes big promises and delivers little or nothing.
After spending several hours listening to audio and watching video content on the site, watching other videos of David on YouTube and listening to testimonials, I was convinced that there is a lot of value at Hack Hollywood, especially for the beginning actor.
I was able to spend about an hour on Skype with David within the past week or so and I found him to be disarmingly candid about his own journey. That same honest approach comes through in his audio and video tutorials. I hope that comes through in the interview.
I trust this information will be helpful to you whether you are in Los Angeles or somewhere far removed from Hollywood. As always, I encourage you to contact me with questions or comments about the information presented in this episode.
We are not in competition as actors:
No one else is like you!
On Moving To Hollywood
Become as successful as possible where you are. I say, "Be a star where you are." Because if you can't succeed in your home market then L.A. is going to eat you up and spit you out in no time...
If you can create some relationships with people [where you are], who obviously have a few contacts in L.A. then they can introduce you to those people.
Then you can skip swimming through the quicksand and getting preyed upon by this sort of actor cottage industry..."
Hacks That Empower
But there are other hacks that are positive and at their best, empowering. Those are the hacks that we're exploring in this episode of Actors Talk.
The hacks that we're exploring offer a kind of insight or strategy that might be overlooked by the masses. A new way to look at an existing tool and make it better.
We're probably all familiar with hacks to certain software or hardware tablets that extend the functionality of those tools. One of the best examples I can think of is the Magic Lantern hack that adds all sorts of movie making functionality to Cannon DSLRs. It's clever, useful and adds to the functionality of its host in a non destructive way.
So how does all this apply to acting? To successfully forging a career in Hollywood?
The Personal Relationship Hack