Rogues of L.A.- with MARKUS FLANAGAN | 059 - Actors Talk - Come Inside The Acting Business
Actors Talk - Come Inside The Acting Business
Release Date: 03/03/2015
Actors Talk - Come Inside The Acting Business
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From The Novel To The Audiobook...
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Your success, however you may define that, is likely tied to some 'personal indelibility' some instant reaction people have to YOU, not to the part you're playing, but to YOU. That's hard to fact you can't teach it. But you can open people's eyes to it....
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info_outlineActors Talk - Come Inside The Acting Business
Audiobook Narration...
info_outlineActors Talk - Come Inside The Acting Business
When I found out that actor-writer-teacher Markus Flanagan was doing ROGUES OF L.A., a new web series, I was immediately intrigued.
At first, I admit, I was a little confused. Perhaps because I learned of the project via social media and didn't have all the details, I wasn't sure exactly how Markus was involved.
I assumed he was acting in the show but didn't realize until doing some investigating that his involvement ran much deeper than 'just' another acting gig.
You see, Markus Flanagan isn't only part of the cast, he created and produces the show. That really should have been my first inclination.
Rogues trailer from Rogues of LA on Vimeo.
Over the past couple of years I've gotten to know Markus a bit, first as my guest on Actors Talk (Episode 12 - One Less Bitter Actor) then at an all too brief meeting here in Austin and also by watching some of his teaching videos online.
Through these points of contact I've come to trust Markus as an artist who truly has the heart of a teacher...the kind of person you'd want to mentor your kid if they were pursuing the actor's journey.
So what kind of web series would this guy create? And why would he even go down this road? With a resume as robust as his, isn't a web series somehow beneath him?
Sometime I make myself laugh out loud.
See, the Markus Flanagan I've come to know is not about the surface stuff that blinds many people in the acting business. It's not about how cool it must be to work on this or that hit show. It's about the experience. Is it remembered fondly for all the right reasons, or is it remembered as just another payday that really wasn't all that rewarding.
His character, his values, his connection to ACTING go deeper. He is a teacher in the best sense of the word. He is a mentor. He is an artist. But he's also a DOER.
Not satisfied to just come up with the idea for the show and try to sell it off, not interested in waiting for someone to give him 'permission' to do the show at a traditional network, Markus made the decision from the getgo to produce ROGUES OF L.A. as a web series.
The web series is the result of too many creative people frustrated over the thought that becoming successful at acting is now more about marketing than actually acting. When anyone with desire to contribute can’t find a suitable outlet they begin the slow progress into living the mundane life that’s presented.
The premise is beautifully simple: what if a group of twenty-somethings look around at their world, their immediate community and decide that they will be givers not takers; helpers not the helped? Why? Because they can.
“Rogues” are about finding a place to contribute, by fixing other people’s problems. It’s risky and it’s exciting and it’s being done by characters that aren't specialists in this sort of thing.
Simple premise, yes? But brilliantly so. For a series, the story possibilities are almost endless.
From a practical point of view, and in order to keep the budget manageable, Markus Flanagan has tapped into all the resources he has at hand : He is a teacher at both his own Westlake Acting Studio and at California Lutheran University. These resources provide a ready supply of locations on campus and he is able to tap into his database of current and former students to act in the show.
But lest you think the show is acted only by beginning actors and students, know that Flanagan has asked for and received strong support from seasoned professional colleagues from in front of and behind the camera. Another benefit of the show: younger actors getting on set with seasoned pros who are there for the love of the work.
Did I mention that because ROGUES is produced under a SAG-AFTRA New Media Agreement,