Episode 108 The Spirit of Regenerative Medicine
Release Date: 02/13/2025
Toward A Better Life Podcast
Episode 109 Toward A Better Life Kevin Pennell Host 0:00:10 Seven Sisters - Spiral Dance (Used By Permission) Spiral Dance 0:07:02 Episode Opening The podcast that features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. Submissions: Be a part of the show by sharing your prose, music, poetry, or storytelling. Just send them to me [email protected]. If it's audio, please send it as an MP3 file. Subscribe AND Spread the word and keep following for magical...
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Episode 108 Toward A Better Life with Kevin Pennell 0:00:11 - "Petrichor" - Alex Roberts (Used by Permission) 0:06:13 - Welcome to Episode 108 Toward a Better Life Podcast Features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. Submissions You may share your prose, music, poetry, or storytelling on the show just send them to me . If it's audio, please send it as an MP3 file. Subscibe Please subscribe to the show and keep following for magical insights into Earth Based Spirituality, self...
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Episode 107 Toward a Better Life with Kevin Pennell 0:00:06 - Episode Opening The podcast that features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. Submissions: Be a part of the show by sharing your prose, music, poetry, or storytelling. Just send them to me [email protected]. If it's audio, please send it as an MP3 file. Subscribe AND Spread the word and keep following for magical insights into Earth Based Spirituality, self development, and self care. ...
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Episode 106 Toward a Better Life - Kevin Pennell Host 0:00:06 Opening Remarks Features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on how to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. 0:00:44 Poetry Submission Imbolc by Dave MoonOak Read and Produced by Kevin Pennell Submissions: Send prose, music, poetry, or storytelling to [email protected]. Audio - Send as an MP3 file. 0:03:42 Interview wth Arlene Miller Interview Synopsis: Arlene Miller Work-Life Balance Coach Professional Certified Coach with the International...
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Episode 105 Toward A Better Life - Kevin Pennell Host 0:00:05 Damh the Bard - "Wolf In The Corn" - Raise The Flag of Green Album 0:05:00 - Episode Opening Podcast Description: Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. Submissions: Send prose, music, poetry, or storytelling to . Note: Submit Audio As MP3 file. In This Episode: Tahverlee Anglen, Author, High Priestess, and Temple Keeper of Moon Temple Mystery School. Music...
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Episode 104 of Toward A Better Life Kevin Pennell - Host 0:00:00 Open About Toward a Better Life Podcast: Features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. Submissions: You may share your prose, music, poetry, or storytelling on the show just send them to me [email protected]. If it's audio, please send it as an MP3 file. This Episode's Guest Is Jenn Johnson Been an ER nurse 16 years She's written several books that support nurses regardless if...
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Episode 103 of Toward A Better Life - - Kevin Pennell-Host 0:00:09 Spiral Dance - To Dream A Raven 0:05:36 Episode Opening Spiral Dance - To Dream A Raven From their new double album Thirteen Notes Available through their website spiraldance.com.au/thirteennotes. Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. Y Episode Submissions Prose, music, poetry, or storytelling on the show just send them to me [email protected]. If it's...
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Episode 102 of Toward A Better Life - Kevin Pennell Host 0:00:00 Episode Opening Subscribe and Follow For personal spirituality, self development, and self care Leave Your Reviews on Apple Podcast Submissions Send Submissions for prose, music, poetry, or storytelling to . If audio, send as an MP3 file. Today's Guest Victoria Gallagher A worldwide leader in Hypnotherapy Best selling author International speaker Life success coach Dedicated her life to empowering people all over the world to successfully live a life of liberty, aligned with their...
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Toward A Better Life Show Notes 00:00:11 - Damh the Bard - The Last Apple Tree 00:05:29 - Welcome to Episode 101 Toward a Better Life podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. You may share your prose, music, poetry, or storytelling on the show just send them to me [email protected]. If it's audio, please send it as an MP3 file. Please follow and subscribe Please leave your review on Apple Podcasts. This Episode's Guest Interview JJ Flizanes JJ helps...
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Episode 100 of Toward A Better Life Kevin Pennell - Host 00:00:10 Spiral Dance - Winter's Dreaming 00:06:44 Welcome Special edition of Toward A Better Life. Episode 100! Celebrating the Winter Solstice/Albun Arthan. Thanks to Listeners Podcast features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively. Show Submissions Share your prose, music, poetry, or storytelling on the show Send to [email protected]. If it's audio, please send as MP3...
info_outlineEpisode 108 Toward A Better Life with Kevin Pennell
0:00:11 - "Petrichor" - Alex Roberts (Used by Permission)
0:06:13 - Welcome to Episode 108
- Toward a Better Life Podcast
- Features like-minded people sharing stories, ideas, and activities, on what we can do to generate a Better Life individually and collectively.
- Submissions
- You may share your prose, music, poetry, or storytelling on the show just send them to me [email protected]. If it's audio, please send it as an MP3 file.
- Subscibe
- Please subscribe to the show and keep following for magical insights into Earth Based Spirituality, self development, and self care. Also remember to support the show by leaving your review on Apple Podcasts.
- Episode Synopsis
- This episode examines Regenerative Medicine, though often seen as modern breakthrough medicine, yet it's been around much longer than you think. Dr. Jeffrey Gross has been working for years on this cutting edge medicine which includes specific orthopedic concerns for the neck, back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee to name a few along with Anti-Aging, and Longevity.
0:09:26 - Dr. Jeffrey Gross Interview
- Dr Jeffrey Gross
- Regenerative stem cell medicine and anti-aging specialist.
- Spine fellowship trained neurological surgeon.
- Author of book chapters and medical research cited over 1000 times.
- Treats athletic injuries of the hip, knee, shoulders, spine, and more.
- Conservative specialist offering precision medical, longevity, and biohacking consultations to reduce disease and improve health-span.
- Undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from U.C. Berkeley Medical degree of the GeorgeWashington University School of Medicine
- International award-winning speaker at Biohacking and Stem Cell conferences.
0:55:32 - Episode Closing
- Dr. Jeffrey Gross
- Website: https://recellebrate.com/
- Regenerative Medicine Research:
- PRP in the joint (not the bone) does not improve the joint “arthritis” structurally:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQuSVXQG9-U
- Hyaluronic Acid (Lubricant) injections: https://www.google.com/search?q=hyaluronic+acid+injection+basics+video&rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBUS1023US1023&oq=hyaluronic+acid+injection+basics+video&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORigATIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRirAtIBCDcyNTNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:674dbdcd,vid:IHc9mxYPqwg,st:0
- Detailed Lecture on Exosomes used to regenerate cartilage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9xRCrVBoJ4
- Alex Roberts
- Website: https://www.alexrobertsmusic.com/
- Toward A Better Life
- Website: https://towardabetterlife.com/
- Kevin Pennell: https://towardabetterlife.com/contact/