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TV Guidance Counselor Episode 604: Brian Heiler

TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

Release Date: 10/23/2023

TV Guidance Counselor Episode 675: 11th Anniversary Special, 2015 The Year In Review show art TV Guidance Counselor Episode 675: 11th Anniversary Special, 2015 The Year In Review

TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

Travel back a decade ago, to 2015 as we go week by week through the high highs (and the shocking low lows, some Trigger Warning here re: trauma, suicide, abuse etc, about half way through) of 2015. Is it the year the show peaked? You be the judge. 

TV Guidance Counselor Episode 674: Gregory Lay show art TV Guidance Counselor Episode 674: Gregory Lay

TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

April 18-24, 1998 This week Ken welcomes actor, producer, director, writer Gregory Lay. Ken and Gregory discuss growing up as a TV Guide guy, calling out sick to school for game shows, cultural markers, pop culture reflections, making the case for what you like, Press Your Luck, Classic Concentration, Savage Steve Holland, One Crazy Summer, why Late Night talk shows are totally useless now, access to stars, actors who started on TV, George Clooney, Elizabeth Shue, Michelle Pfeiffer in Delta House, Meritt Ultra Lights, pay TV channels, Break Down with Kurt Russell, being forever disturbed by...

TV Guidance Counselor Episode 673: Allen Strickland Williams show art TV Guidance Counselor Episode 673: Allen Strickland Williams

TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

May 19-25, 1979   This week Ken welcomes comedian and old buddy Allen Strickland Williams to the show.   Ken and Allen discuss Nick at Nite, Laverse and Shirley, Barney Miller, what kids watch now, Perfect Strangers, Doral II, no tar = small junk, Pall Mall decisions, disco and pyschotic breaks, Fresh sexy t-shirts, AYDS, PBS funding, Mr. Rogers, Jimmy Carter's press secretary's thoughts on Reagan, Dick Cavett, Ed McMahon, Carson, The Amazing Randi, Rubes, miracle secrets for your less attractive wife, El Producto Cigars, CHiPs, Evil Evel Kinevel, Ghost Rider, Ralph Bakshi's The...

TV Guidance Counselor Episode 672: Sandra Chwialkowska show art TV Guidance Counselor Episode 672: Sandra Chwialkowska

TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

March 19th, 1994   This week Ken welcomes TV producer, writer, and author of the new novel "The End of All Things", Sandra Chwialkowska to the show. Ken and Sandra discuss moving from Canada to the US to work in television, growing up in Toronto, the US Canadian co-productions of the 90s, the beauty of telling stories on television vs in films, the complexity of character, the move to serialized storytelling in North America, how 1994 changed the way we see television and film, fan petitions, the monumental cultural shifts of 1994, the weird wild west of 90s TV, body positivity, My...

TV Guidance Counselor Episode 671: Amy Stoch show art TV Guidance Counselor Episode 671: Amy Stoch

TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

This week Ken welcomes actor, writer, and all around great human Amy Stoch to the show.   Ken and Amy discuss fabled central time, growing up in Ohio, Love Boat, having a 9pm bedtime, the Clevland Browns, the artistic nature of Clevland, Clevland Playhouse, PhD studies, Mary Martin in Peter Pan, Rock N Roll Hall of Fame, coming into the acting business as a model, Star Search, catalog work, having a sense of humor, how to stand out from the pack, A&P, Rosie O'Donnel, Sinbad, Rebecca Bush, the acting competition on Star Search, the power of a live audience, being discovered, moving to...

TV Guidance Counselor Episode 670: Dan Does show art TV Guidance Counselor Episode 670: Dan Does

TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

Radio Times UK May 29 - June 4, 1993   This week Ken welcomes YouTuber, maker, do-er and fellow horror fan Dan Does to the show. Be sure to follow Dan on YT https://www.youtube.com/@Dan_Does/ Ken and Dan discuss road tripin' in America, The Hitcher, driving, Roger Ebert's review of The Hitcher, royalty, The Queen, TV Times, Wales editions of the Radio Times, Jubilees, growing up in Essex in South East London, being a miserable teen, how Ken is so much older than everyone, punk rock, playing guitar, Robbie Williams, Take That, odd haircuts, Busted, The Fight for Market Basket, loving...

TV Guidance Counselor Episode 669: The 2024 Year In Review show art TV Guidance Counselor Episode 669: The 2024 Year In Review

TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

It's an annual tradition as Ken goes week by week through the last year and tells you all the dirt. PLUS Listener questions and a preview of 2025!

TV Guidance Counselor Episode 668: The 2024 Christmas Special with Taffeta Darling show art TV Guidance Counselor Episode 668: The 2024 Christmas Special with Taffeta Darling

TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

This week to celebrate the Holidays Ken welcomes Taffeta Darling back to the show. Ken and Taffeta fullfill their greatest Christmas wishes as they browese three, count em THREE Sears Wishbooks, from 1983, 1989 and 1994 and each pick 12 gifts they would like from that year. Follow along by snagging the PDFs of these catalogs for FREE if you are a Patron over at patreon.com/tvguidancecounselor Happy Holidays!

TV Guidance Counselor Episode 667: Daniela Taplin Lundberg show art TV Guidance Counselor Episode 667: Daniela Taplin Lundberg

TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

July 21-27, 1990 This week Ken welcomes film producer and host of the Hollywood Gold podcast, Daniela Taplin Lundberg. Ken and Daniela discuss growing up in show business with an actress mother and producer father, producing Mean Streets, La Bamba, hating Coach, Murphy Brown, Action Jackson, the teen TV stars of the 80s and 90s, Hollywood poor, going to events for the food, Doogie Howser PI, the movie guide in the back of TV Guide, Premiere Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Tom Hanks, Bosom Buddies, telling stories you think make you look good that don't actually make you look good, Different...

TV Guidance Counselor Episode 666: Popeye Vogelsang show art TV Guidance Counselor Episode 666: Popeye Vogelsang

TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

December 8-14, 1979 This week Ken welcomes former Farside singer/guitarist, voice actor, and all around good dude Popeye Vogelsang to the show. Ken and Popeye discuss disrespecting the Fonz, leaving a legacy, where Potsy and Ralph Malph ended up, knocking out Paulie Shore, nicknames, ADR, voicing for video games, smoking, putting allen wrenches in cigarette filters, low tar, lower tar, even lower tar, growing up in Orange County, 80s SoCal punk rock, Watt, being innocent, Dick Cavett, SCTV, the greatness of Dave Thomas, Christmas with Cigarettes, how all women love Robert Redford, The Jane...

More Episodes

March 24-30, 1979

This week Ken welcomes writer, podcaster, and lover of all things Mego, the man behind Plaid Stallions, Brian Heiler to the show.

Ken and Brian discuss Canada, how long Ken has been following Brian's work, memorizing TV Guide as a kid, being the TV Oracle, late night horror and monster movies, Crestwood books, V, tourist traps, Hollywood Museum, Slim Goodbody, Mr. Rourke as devil or angel, Fantasy Island, toothless Animal House TV rip offs, fountain pens, how small pop culture used to be, being a smoker, Canada vs US buying cigarettes, loving cigarette machines even though you don't smoke, The Frozen Dead, The Last Man on Earth, Dracula '79, Cliff Hangers, Track and Field for women by Colgate, disco, Forever Night, Silk Stalkings, Steve Guttenberg, Merv Griffin, movie parodies, George Kennedy toys, Computer Dating, Rack Toys, Bruce Villanch's song writing career, Herve Valechez, Wendy Schaal, Susan Tyrell, Pyschotronic Films, Charlton Heston, marketing cases, Aydes weight loss product, made for TV Movies, SCTV, how Buddy Cole grew out of Johnny LaRue, Scott Thompson, The King of Kensington, Guy Big, Seeing Things, Canadian sitcoms, Friday the 13th the Series, Percy Rodriguez, The Starlost, Happy Days, Star Wars rip offs, Buck Rogers, Jason of Star Command, The Dark Secrets of Harvest Home, Rene Aborgenious, jiggle TV, Charlie's Angels, Vegas, monkeys on TV, Baby I'm Back, Delta House, Carter Country, pirate satellites, lessons in irony, Barnaby Jones, why Jack Kirby IS the King, 3-D comics, Barney Miller, Brian's cop dad who isn't a cop, Times Square, pen paling with James Gregory, Turnabout, body switching, Hello Larry, being forced to watch Dallas, and Mego.