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Ep. 14 - The Morality of Satire: Andrew Doyle and Stephen Blackwood

The Ralston College Podcast

Release Date: 01/06/2021

Ep. 30 - From the Cave of Pythagoras: A Lecture and Discussion with Douglas Hedley show art Ep. 30 - From the Cave of Pythagoras: A Lecture and Discussion with Douglas Hedley

The Ralston College Podcast

Ralston College presents a lecture by University of Cambridge Professor Douglas Hedley on the influential and mysterious pre-Socratic philosopher Pythagoras. Given in the very cave in Samos in which Pythagoras taught, this brief lecture touches on the philosopher’s influence on the Western tradition and the importance of the cave as an imaginative motif. Professor Hedley explores this recurring symbol as a place of birth and rebirth, of contemplation and illumination, and of tremendous inspiration to later figures such as Plato and many early Christian thinkers.   The lecture took place...

Ep. 29 - Marie Kawthar Daouda: Baudelaire and the Creation of the Poetic Self show art Ep. 29 - Marie Kawthar Daouda: Baudelaire and the Creation of the Poetic Self

The Ralston College Podcast

Ralston College presents a lecture by Marie Kawthar Daouda on the infamous French poet, Charles Baudelaire. Baudelaire published one collection of poems in his lifetime, 'Les Fleurs du mal,' which was met by outrage and led to a scandalous lawsuit because of some poems’ graphic content. The problem with Baudelaire was not so much that he was writing about sex, drunkenness, and violence; it was that he wrote about ugly things—at times horrible things—while using the classical perfection of the French verse, and merged the longing for a lost ideal with the modernity of Haussmanian Paris....

Ep. 28 - Arif Ahmed on David Hume’s Disturbing Conception of the Self show art Ep. 28 - Arif Ahmed on David Hume’s Disturbing Conception of the Self

The Ralston College Podcast

Ralston College presents a lecture by Arif Ahmed on David Hume’s conception of self in Book I of his ‘Treatise of Human Nature.’ The idea of ‘the self’ or ‘soul’ as an enduring subject of experience seems very natural, indeed almost inevitable. Hume, however, argues that it is a mistake; and he gives a novel account of what it means for you or me to exist at any one time or across different times. In his lecture, Dr Ahmed assesses Hume's central argument and discusses whether it sheds any light on related questions concerning responsibility, the morality of life and death, and...

Ep. 27 - Alan Charles Kors: Voltaire’s ‘Philosophical Letters,’ Part II show art Ep. 27 - Alan Charles Kors: Voltaire’s ‘Philosophical Letters,’ Part II

The Ralston College Podcast

Ralston College presents a lecture by Alan Charles Kors on Voltaire's great work 'The Philosophical Letters.' Profoundly impressed by the English scientific and philosophical revolutions of the seventeenth century, Voltaire sought to explain and to popularize new British thinking to his French readers. He argued that sound and innovative thinkers were more important to humanity than its political or military heroes and that preferring the philosophers of one’s native land over those of another nation was a barrier to truth and knowledge. In this second part of a broader lecture on Voltaire's...

Ep. 26 - Alan Charles Kors: Voltaire’s ‘Philosophical Letters,’ Part I show art Ep. 26 - Alan Charles Kors: Voltaire’s ‘Philosophical Letters,’ Part I

The Ralston College Podcast

Ralston College presents a two-part series of lectures by Alan Charles Kors on Voltaire's great work 'The Philosophical Letters.' Profoundly impressed by the English scientific and philosophical revolutions of the seventeenth century, Voltaire sought to explain and to popularize new British thinking to his French readers. He argued that sound and innovative thinkers were more important to humanity than its political or military heroes and that preferring the philosophers of one’s native land over those of another nation was a barrier to the advance of truth and knowledge. In this first...

Ep. 25 - Theodore Dalrymple on H. G. Wells's 'The Time Machine' show art Ep. 25 - Theodore Dalrymple on H. G. Wells's 'The Time Machine'

The Ralston College Podcast

Ralston College presents a lecture delivered on March 17th, 2022 by Theodore Dalrymple (aka Anthony Daniels) on H. G. Wells’s extraordinary 'scientific romance,' 'The Time Machine'.  A brilliant seer and prophet with a very pessimistic view of humanity, Wells was, nevertheless, a naive and shallow political thinker. The two sides of his mind—the artistic and the ideological; the 'unofficial' and the 'official'—were in conflict. In his writings and personal life, Wells embodied the cultural and philosophical schisms underlying the most important political and sociological questions...

Ep. 24 - Vernon Smith: Self-Interest Reconsidered show art Ep. 24 - Vernon Smith: Self-Interest Reconsidered

The Ralston College Podcast

Stephen Blackwood speaks with the Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, Vernon L. Smith. They begin by defining and exploring commonly misunderstood economic terms—markets, capitalism, equilibrium—and then unpack the discoveries of Dr Smith’s pioneering experiments in economics, which—against widely held assumptions—revealed the operation of beneficence and non-zero-sum reciprocity at the heart of free exchange. ‘Self-interest’ is thus profoundly re-evaluated. Paradoxically, the only way to self-realization is through concern for others.  Also, Vernon recommends for further...

Ep. 23 - Iain McGilchrist: The Coincidence of Opposites show art Ep. 23 - Iain McGilchrist: The Coincidence of Opposites

The Ralston College Podcast

Ralston College presents a lecture delivered on October 26th, 2021 by Dr Iain McGilchrist followed by a discussion with Dr Stephen Blackwood and questions from the audience. In his lecture Dr McGilchrist deals with certain themes that are treated at greater length in his recent book The Matter With Things. He focuses especially upon the coincidence of opposites (coincidentia oppositorum), which he explores (providing an extraordinary range of illustrative examples) in such a way as to make manifest both its universality and its particular relevance to our present historical moment.

Ep. 22 - Marwa Al-Sabouni: Architecture as a Matter of Life or Death show art Ep. 22 - Marwa Al-Sabouni: Architecture as a Matter of Life or Death

The Ralston College Podcast

Ralston College presents a conversation between Stephen Blackwood and award-winning architect and author Marwa Al-Sabouni, followed by an audience Q&A. A voice of penetrating clarity and prophetic power, Al-Sabouni discusses the role of architecture in cultivating or undermining our social fabric, arguing that the seeds of the devastating Syria Civil War were sown by the choices of architects and city planners. Though born of particular and painful experience, Al-Sabouni's insights on the nature of human life and community are universal, and offer consolation and hope amidst the civic...

Ep. 21 - Alexander Stoddart: Culture as Communion with the Dead show art Ep. 21 - Alexander Stoddart: Culture as Communion with the Dead

The Ralston College Podcast

In Part II of their discussion Stephen Blackwood and Alexander Stoddart speak about the transhistorical community of past, present, and future. Stoddart explicates his Schopenhauerian view of art as life-denying and thus paradoxically able to help us relinquish our own will to power. He contrasts this view with that of a shallow presentism, a self-absorbed modernist outlook that views the present as inherently superior to both past and future, cutting off its own vital resources and neglecting its fundamental obligations. Stoddart shows another way. Artists, Art, and Writings...

More Episodes

How does humor work and why is it needed more than ever? Stephen Blackwood talks with comedian and political satirist Andrew Doyle (aka, Titania McGrath) as they explore the sovereignty of truth, the metaphysical implications of satire, the role of humor in friendship, and why the asking of real questions is always a reason for hope.