The Ralston College Podcast
The Ralston College Podcast delivers a series of conversations and lectures aimed at fostering a deeper, livelier, and freer intellectual culture for us all.
The Enduring Consolation of Philosophy with Stephen Blackwood
The Enduring Consolation of Philosophy with Stephen Blackwood
“The Enduring Consolation of Philosophy” is the keynote lecture delivered by Dr Stephen Blackwood at the 2024 Symposium of Medieval and Renaissance studies. In this talk, commemorating the 1500th anniversary of Boethius’ The Consolation of Philosophy, Dr Blackwood shows why this work is more relevant than ever. After takinging stock of the “meaning crisis” and our dire need for depth, Dr Blackwood meditates on the first great insight of the Consolation: that the remedies of the self must emerge from the self. The complex and intricate structures and patterns of Boethius’ work are powerful, beautiful, and therapeutic precisely because its harmonies reflect the reality of both the world and the world within. Both the order of the cosmos and the order of the self unfold, for the reader of the Consolation, by way of the book’s carefully calibrated pedagogical dimension. Its therapies for the soul consist of tenderness and tough love alike, because the sight, insight, and assent that it seeks to instill cannot be induced by any other means. Instead, the liberating power of consciousness to which this work so insistently points depends on the innate freedom that we all possess—the very freedom to which the example of Boethius endures, to this day, as a singular witness. Learn more at . Authors, Artists, and Works Mentioned in this Episode: Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius The Consolation of Philosophy, H. F. Stewart & E. K. Rand, trans. (Loeb, 1918) Alfred the Great, King of the Anglo-Saxons Geoffrey Chaucer Dante Alighieri Saint Thomas Aquinas Sir Thomas More Queen Elizabeth I C. S. Lewis Pope Benedict XVI Victor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning Peter Abelard Plato, Timaeus Gospel of John Saint Augustine of Hippo Robert Crouse Aristotle
Dr Iain McGilchrist in Conversation with Ralston College’s Students
Dr Iain McGilchrist in Conversation with Ralston College’s Students
In this intimate question and answer session, conducted in March 2024 with the students enrolled in Ralston College’s MA in the Humanities, the world-renowned psychiatrist, philosopher, and literary scholar Iain McGilchrist explores topics that animate the collective intellectual life of Ralston’s student body. Answering questions that range from the metaphysical heights of theology, liturgy, and religious life to the tangible depths of scientific inquiry and medical progress, Dr McGhilchrist challenges his interlocutors to think deeper about the relationship between mind and matter, science and religion, and, ultimately, humanity and the divine. Authors, Artists, and Works Mentioned in this Episode: Iain McGilchrist, The Matter with Things Albert Einstein Aristotle Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Meister Eckhart John Donne George Herbert Thomas Traherne Rumi Henry Moore Blaise Pascal St. Augustine William Shakespeare, King Lear; The Merchant of Venice; Hamlet; The Tempest Metrodorus of Lampsacus Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling G.W.F. Hegel Alwyn Lishman St. Francis of Assisi Plotinus Thomas Edison St. Gregory of Nyssa Carl Jung Glenn Gould
The Sophia Lectures with Iain McGilchrist - Lecture 3: Finitude and the Infinite
The Sophia Lectures with Iain McGilchrist - Lecture 3: Finitude and the Infinite
In his final , “Finitude and the Infinite,” Dr Iain McGilchrist grapples with the vital role that the imagination plays in the perception of reality, and what this power can disclose about reality itself. He shows that imagination has the capacity to make contact with an illimitable, irreducible, and inexhaustible world, one that presents itself to us under the aspects of finitude and infinitude. Beginning with the English Romantic poets, McGilchrist shows how these artists resisted the habits of perception that can be associated with the brain’s left hemisphere. This part of the brain is adept at rendering, representing, and modeling, but it does so at the cost of simplifying whatever it constructs. Poets like Wordsworth, Keats, Shelley, and Blake strove to remove the film of familiarity from their vision. For them, imagination was the power that made intuitive connections and integrative “leaps,” giving access to a richer, unbounded reality not subject to the strictures of reductive categories. In dialogue with physicists, philosophers, and mathematicians, McGilchrist ultimately shows how the vision of the world offered by the Romantic poets lays claim to the infinite and the eternal. For these artists, eternity is “adverbial”: it is a way of being, a manner, and a modality. McGilchrist convincingly shows us that we, too, can decline to see the world through categories that are measurable, predictable, and countable—but finally lifeless; like the poets whom he takes as his main interlocutors in this lecture, we can, instead, open ourselves to reality’s boundless, vital, and infinite character. Authors and Works Mentioned in this Episode: William Wordsworth - Preface to the Lyrical Ballads Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Biographia Literaria Percy Bysshe Shelley - A Defence of Poetry Max Scheler William Blake Richard Feynman James A. Shapiro Denis Diderot Barbara McClintock William James Albert Einstein Leonhard Euler William Wilson Morgan Richard Feynman The Ancient of Days (William Blake, 1794, watercolor etching) Nicholas of Cusa - De Docta Ignorantia Jason Padgett Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Galileo Galilei David Hilbert Henri Bergson Richard Wagner Isaac Luria - Lurianic Kabbalah Edward Nelson Alfred North Whitehead Eugène Minkowski Heraclitus Jordan Peterson Zeno of Elea John Milton John Keats Jorge Luis Borges Martin Heidegger Tao-te Ching William Blake - “The Tyger” Emily Dickinson Marianne Moore Robert Browning - “Two in the Campagna” Bhagavad Gita Peter Cook John Polkinghorne Mary Midgley René Descartes Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling J. B. S. Haldane Lee Smolin Eugene Koonin Hildegard of Bingen - The Choirs of Angels Christ Pantocrator and Signs of the Zodiac C. S. Lewis Johannes Kepler Jesus
The Sophia Lectures with Iain McGilchrist - Lecture 2: Symmetry and Asymmetry
The Sophia Lectures with Iain McGilchrist - Lecture 2: Symmetry and Asymmetry
In his second Sophia Lecture, Dr Iain McGilchrist gives a bracing, counterintuitive account of the fundamental categories of our experience of the world. McGilchrist shows how fundamental binaries—such as stasis and motion, simplicity and complexity, order and randomness, and even straight lines and curves—do not occur in nature in ways that conform to our assumptions about an inert, independent, and predictable universe. Drawing from disciplines as disparate as physics, mathematics, biology and art, McGilchrist shows that asymmetry is not simply a principle of vitality, harmony, and beauty. McGilchrist argues that asymmetry is primary, a reality that is prior to symmetry and which forms the basis of the very symmetries in nature and the arts to which it gives rise. The dynamism which results from the drive to balance and to resist balance is at the root of the vigor of natural systems, the beauty that they embody, and which the arts then reflect. With examples ranging from the elegance of the golden ratio to the structure of the human brain, McGilchrist’s lecture offers a fresh perspective on the nature of patterns in complex systems and human creations. His work invites us to search for wholeness, harmony, and connection from a set of starting points which are as surprising as they are fruitful; as always, he challenges us to see our world in new—and newly unified—ways. Authors and Works Mentioned in this Episode: Johann Sebastian Bach John Donne - “Holy Sonnet 7: At the round earth’s imagin’d corners” Gerard Manley Hopkins - “Carrion Comfort” Werner Heisenberg - Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations with Einstein, Planck, Dirac, Bohr, and Other Physicists of Our Time Alexander Pope - “The Rape of the Lock” Iain McGilchrist - The Master and his Emissary Pierre Curie Chien-Shiung Wu Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder Aesop Heraclitus Democritus Leonardo da Vinci Louis Pasteur Rong Li & Bruce Bowerman - “Symmetry breaking in biology” Arthur Koestler Aristotle Oliver Sacks Thomas Holstein Tim Crow Onur Güntürkün Jane Clark & Daniel Simons (Christopher Chabris) - Gorillas in Our Midst Jonathan Rowson Alastair McIntosh Richard Dawkins Nikolaj Nikolaenko Luciano Laurana Giorgio Martini - Ideal City Raphael - The School of Athens Andrea Palladio William Blake - “The Tyger” Theodosius II Christ Pantocrator Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel John P. McGovern William Osler William Alwyn Lishman William Shakespeare - King Lear John Cleese Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sir Roger Scruton
The Sophia Lectures with Iain McGilchrist - Lecture 1: Division and Union
The Sophia Lectures with Iain McGilchrist - Lecture 1: Division and Union
This lecture, like the very essence of Ralston College’s mission, explores the profound interplay between division and union—a relationship that illuminates the nature of wholeness itself. Dr Iain McGilchrist delves into the insight that the whole is far more than the sum of its parts; it is a dynamic synthesis, a living interplay that transcends reductionism. Drawing on analogies from music, nature, and the human brain, McGilchrist reveals the delicate harmony between separation and connection, a truth exemplified most vividly in the brain’s two hemispheres. Here, division and union are not adversaries but partners, each essential to the vitality of the other, enabling the brain to function as a unified and life-giving organ of thought and perception. Such a model reflects the very spirit of Ralston College’s aim to unify what modernity has fractured—the intellectual and the spiritual, the individual and the communal, the ancient and the urgent. The lecture also engages with the concept of emergence, a phenomenon where systems reveal qualities and capacities far beyond what their components alone could predict. Ultimately, McGilchrist’s argument aligns with the vision of this College: that division and union are not contradictory but complementary forces, driving the renewal of meaning and vitality. It is through this synthesis, through holding the tension between opposites, that true wholeness and innovation emerge—a principle as foundational to the functioning of the human brain as it is to the regeneration of our civilization. Authors and Works Mentioned in this Episode: Pythagoras: 00:09:02:20 Heraclitus: 00:21:34:04 Goethe: 00:23:14:21 Whitehead: 00:24:36:18 Robert Rosen: 00:27:08:02 Rowan Williams: 00:28:44:05 Vesalius: 00:29:37:01 Camillo Golgi: 00:35:14:22 Santiago Ramon y Cajal: 00:35:47:05
Dr Iain McGilchrist on the Cultivation of Wisdom
Dr Iain McGilchrist on the Cultivation of Wisdom
A conversation between Dr Iain McGilchrist, neuropsychiatrist, philosopher, and literary critic, and Dr Stephen Blackwood, President of Ralston College, on the occasion of Dr McGilchrist’s March 2024 visit to Savannah to deliver Ralston College’s annual Sophia Lectures. Dr McGilchrist discusses his experience spending time with Ralston College students, his reasons for accepting the College’s invitation to deliver the Sophia lectures, and the necessity of leisure for deep thought. Applications for Ralston College’s MA in the Humanities program are now open.
The Education of Iain McGilchrist, Part II: Medical School and Beyond
The Education of Iain McGilchrist, Part II: Medical School and Beyond
The second part of a conversation between the renowned literary scholar and psychiatrist Dr Iain McGilchrist and Ralston College president Dr Stephen Blackwood about Dr McGilchrist’s remarkable educational trajectory. In this episode, Dr Iain McGilchrist explains how he left his successful career as a literary scholar to pursue training as a psychiatrist and how his combined study of literature, philosophy, and neuroscience informed his later academic work, including his books The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World (Yale University Press, 2009) and The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World (Perspectiva, 2021). List of people referenced in this episode: Ted Hughes William Wordsworth Samuel Johnson John Boswell Laurence Sterne William Shakespeare Oliver Sacks John Cutting Louis Sass Jan Zwicky Robert Bringhurst Erwin Schrödinger Martin Heidegger Max Planck Niels Bohr Michael Levin
The Education of Iain McGilchrist, Part I: From Winchester College to All Souls
The Education of Iain McGilchrist, Part I: From Winchester College to All Souls
A conversation between Dr Iain McGilchrist, the renowned polymath, and Dr Stephen Blackwood, President of Ralston College, about Dr McGilchrist’s formative experiences at Winchester College, the prestigious British public school, and his subsequent training as a literary critic at Oxford University and his appointment as a Fellow at All Souls. Drs McGilchrist and Blackwood emphasize the vital role of freedom, friendship, and the expectation of excellence in providing students with an authentic education. This conversation was recorded during Dr McGilchrist’s visit to Ralston College in March 2024 to deliver The Sophia lectures for the 2023-24 academic year. List of People Mentioned in the Episode: Cicero George Herbert John Donne John Clare Guido d’Arezzo Alexander Pope Freeman Dyson Gerard Manley Hopkins Friedrich Schelling G.W.F. Hegel John Bayley Christopher Tolkien John Milton Edmund Spenser William Wordsworth Samuel Taylor Coleridge Georg Chritoph Lichtenberg Derek Parfit Thomas Hardy Oliver Sacks Roger Scruton
We Live in the Flicker: T. S. Eliot and Dante on the Spaces Between
We Live in the Flicker: T. S. Eliot and Dante on the Spaces Between
Ralston College presents a talk by Christopher Snook, Lecturer in the Department of Classics at Dalhousie University, on the influence of Dante’s Purgatorio on two of T.S. Eliot’s most important works: The Waste Land and Four Quartets. Mr Snook attends, in particular, to how Eliot’s treatment of fragments represents at once both a departure from and a return to medieval understandings of the whole. This medieval understanding is evidenced in the “manifold articulation” of particulars within the architecture of the Gothic cathedral, the literary shape of the Divine Comedy, and the logical structure of the Summa Theologicae. Mr Snook’s lecture was given in the final term of the 2023-24 year of Ralston College’s MA in Humanities program, which focused on the concept of the Whole. Applications are now open for the upcoming year of the MA in the Humanities program, which will focus on the theme of Fellowship. Authors, Artists, and Works Mentioned in this Episode: Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologicae René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness Charles Baudelaire, “The Painter of Modern Life” T. S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men” T. S. Eliot, The Waste Land T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot Dante, The Divine Comedy T. S. Eliot, The Family Reunion Ezra Pound William Shakespeare, Macbeth John Donne, “No Man is an Island” Charles Baudelaire, “À une passante” William Shakespeare, The Tempest George Herbert Nicene Creed Augustine, Confessions Charles Williams Filippo Tommaso Marinetti Franz Kafka, “Before the Law” (from The Trial) Freidrich Schlegel Pascal, Pensées Michel de Montaigne Plato, Republic
The Other Side of Despair: The Search for Meaning in T.S Eliot’s “The Waste Land”
The Other Side of Despair: The Search for Meaning in T.S Eliot’s “The Waste Land”
Ralston College presents a talk by Christopher Snook, Lecturer in the Department of Classics at Dalhousie University, on T.S. Eliot’s modernist masterpiece The Waste Land. The lecture explores the personal, historical, and literary contexts of Eliot’s poem. Through an engagement with the Western tradition that is simultaneously rich and fragmented, The Waste Land confronts cultural and personal crises that have atrophied both memory and desire. Snook finds in Eliot’s work a mournful modernism that serves as a serious and searching rejoinder to the more frivolous and enervated responses present in some modernist schools, most notably Dadaism. This lecture was delivered on April 15th, 2024 at Ralston College’s Savannah campus, during the final term of the second year of the MA in the Humanities Program. Applications are now open for next year’s MA program. Full scholarships are available. Mentioned in this episdoe: T. S. Eliot “The Waste Land”The DialKathleen RaineVirgil, AeneidEliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”Eliot, “Tradition and Individual Talent”Eliot, The Family Reunion Henri BergsonBertrand Russell Virginia Woolf, Jacob’s RoomLeonard WoolfEzra PoundJames Joyce, Ulysses Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Oswald Spengler, Decline and Fall of the West Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past Claude McCay, Harlem Shadows August Strindberg Neo-impressionism Cubism Dadaism Surrealism Futurism Taxi Driver (film) Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, War, the World’s Only Hygiene Hugo Ball, Dada Manifesto “That Shakespearian Rag” William Shakespeare, Hamlet World War I Henry James F. H. Varley Punic Wars Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy The Tempest Modernism Collage Pablo Picasso Georges BraqueMarcel Duchamp, Nude Descending Staircase; Fountain Montage F. H. BradleyHegel, Phenomenology of Spirit Plato The Matter of Britain Jessie Weston James Frazer Richard Wagner, Parsifal Augustine, Confessions Charles Dickens, Hard Times Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness Eliot, “The Hollow Men” Tower of Babel Petronius, The Satyricon Michelangelo, frescoes of Sistine Chapel Virgil, Eclogues Ovid, Metamorphoses Franz Kafka Chaucer, Canterbury Tales Thomas Middleton, Women Beware Women; A Game at Chess Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra Charles Baudelaire, “Au Lecteur” Fredrich Nietzsche, Genealogy of Morals
Jay Parini on Why Poetry Matters
Jay Parini on Why Poetry Matters
A conversation between Dr Jay Parini, a prolific author and the D.E. Axinn Professor of English and Creative Writing at Middlebury College, and Dr Stephen Blackwood, the founding president of Ralston College, recorded on the occasion of the release of a Ralston College short course, “Robert Frost: The American Voice,” taught by Dr Parini. Dr Parini discusses the film adaptation of his most recent book Borges and Me (2020), shares stories of his friendships with literary figures including Jorge Luis Borges, W. H. Auden, and Iris Murdoch, explains why poetry matters, and shares the fruits of a life “lived in literature.” Applications are now open for next year’s MA program. Full scholarships are available. Authors, Artists, and Works Mentioned in this Episode: Jay Parini, Borges and Me Alan Cumming Jorge Luis BorgesBeowulf Robert Burns Isaiah Berlin Homer Aeschylus Dante Michel de Montaigne William Wordsworth W. B. Yeats Brian Friel, Dancing at Lughnasa Robert Burns, “A Red, Red Rose” William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet Iris Murdoch, The Bell W.H. Auden Boethius Jay Parini, Robert Frost: A Life Robert Frost, “Fire and Ice” Jay Parini, Robert Frost: 16 Poems to Learn by Heart Robert Frost, “The Road Less Traveled” Robert Frost, “After Apple-Picking” Robert Frost, “Birches” Robert Frost, “Directive” Robert Frost, “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” Gerard Manley Hopkins Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets
Polytheism and the Polis: The Drama of the Individual Before the Self with Paul Epstein | Ralston College
Polytheism and the Polis: The Drama of the Individual Before the Self with Paul Epstein | Ralston College
Dr Paul Epstein is a distinguished classicist and Professor Emeritus of Classics at Oklahoma State University, renowned for his extensive knowledge of Greek and Latin literature. In this lecture and discussion—delivered in Savannah during the x term of the inaugural year of Ralston College’s MA in the Humanities program—classicist Dr Paul Epstein considers how Sophocles’s tragedy Women of Trachis and Aristophanes’s comedy Frogs arise from—and reflect upon—the polis-centered polytheism of ancient Greece as it appeared during the Athenian flourishing of the fifth century BC. Professor Epstein explores how these Greek dramas articulate the relationship between human beings, the gods, and the community. Tragedy, in Professor Epstein’s account, is about the overall structure of the community, while comedy starts with the individual’s exploration of that community. Yet both forms ultimately reveal an understanding of the individual that is inseparable from the polis in which he or she lives. Professor Epstein argues that our contemporary notion of the self as an entity fundamentally separate from context would be entirely alien to the ancient Greeks. Grasping this ancient understanding of the individual is vitally necessary if we are to correctly interpret the literary and philosophical texts of Hellenic antiquity. *In this lecture and discussion, classicist Dr. Paul Epstein considers how Sophocles’s tragedy Women of Trachis and Aristophanes’s comedy Frogs arise from—and reflect upon—the polis-centered polytheism of ancient Greece during the Athenian flourishing of the fifth century BC. Professor Epstein explores how these Greek dramas articulate the relationship between human beings, the gods, and the community. Tragedy, in Professor Epstein’s account, is about the overall structure of the community, while comedy starts with the individual’s exploration of that community. Yet both forms ultimately reveal an understanding of the individual that is inseparable from the polis in which he or she lives. Professor Epstein argues that our contemporary notion of the self as an entity fundamentally separate from context would be entirely alien to the ancient Greeks. Grasping this ancient understanding of the individual is vitally necessary if we are to correctly interpret the literary and philosophical texts of Hellenic antiquity. — 0:00 Introduction of Professor Epstein by President Blackwood 6:25 The Polytheistic World of the Polis 01:09:35 Dialogue with Students on Polytheism and the Polis 01:22:40 Sophocles’s Women of Trachis 01:44:10 Dialogue with Students About Women of Trachis 01:56:10 Introduction to Aristophanes' Frogs 02:24:40 Dialogue with Students About Frogs 02:49:45 Closing Remarks for Professor Epstein's Lecture — Authors, Ideas, and Works Mentioned in This Episode: Athenian flourishing of the fifth century BC Sophocles, Women of Trachis Aristophanes, Frogs William Shakespeare Plato, Symposium Aristophanes, Lysistrata Homer, Odyssey Aristotle, Poetics Peloponnesian War Plato, Apology nomizó (νομίζω)—translated in the talk as “acknowledge” nous (νοῦς) binein (Βινέω) Johann Joachim Winkelman Nicene Creed Titanic v. Olympian gods Hesiod Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility Sigmund Freud Existentialism techne (τέχνη) logos (λόγος) eros (Ἔρως) hubris (ὕβρις) Philip Larkin, “Annus Mirabilis” Athansian Creed psuche (ψυχή)—translated in the talk as “soul” thelo (θέλω)—translated in the talk as “wishes” Aristophanes, Clouds mimesis (μίμησις) — Additional Resources — Thank you for listening!
Levels of Intelligibility, Levels of the Self: Realizing the Dialectic with Dr John Vervaeke | Ralston College
Levels of Intelligibility, Levels of the Self: Realizing the Dialectic with Dr John Vervaeke | Ralston College
Dr John Vervaeke is a cognitive scientist and philosopher who explores the intersections of Neoplatonism, cognitive science, and the meaning crisis, focusing on wisdom practices, relevance realization, and personal transformation. Ralston College presents a lecture titled “Levels of Intelligibility, Levels of the Self: Realizing the Dialectic,” delivered by Dr John Vervaeke, an award-winning associate professor of cognitive science at the University of Toronto and creator of the acclaimed 50-episode “Awakening from the Meaning Crisis” series. In this lecture, Dr Vervaeke identifies our cultural moment as one of profound disconnection and resulting meaninglessness. Drawing on his own cutting-edge research as a cognitive scientist and philosopher, Vervaeke presents a way out of the meaning crisis through what he terms “third-wave Neoplatonism.” He reveals how this Neoplatonic framework, drawn in part from Plato’s conception of the tripartite human soul, corresponds to the modern understanding of human cognition and, ultimately, to the levels of reality itself. He argues that a synoptic integration across these levels is not only possible but imperative. — 00:00 Levels of Intelligibility: Integrating Neoplatonism and Cognitive Science 12:50 Stage One: Neoplatonic Psycho-ontology and the Path to Spirituality 41:02 Aristotelian Science: Knowing as Conformity and Transformation 46:36 Stoic Tradition: Agency, Identity, and the Flow of Nature 01:00:10 Stage Two: Cognitive Science and the Integration of Self and Reality 01:04:45 The Frame Problem and Relevance Realization 01:08:45 Relevance Realization and the Power of Human Cognition 01:20:15 Transjective Reality: Affordances and Participatory Fittedness 01:23:55 The Role of Relevance Realization: Self-Organizing Processes 01:31:30 Predictive Processing and Adaptivity 01:44:35 Critiquing Kant: The Case for Participatory Realism 01:53:35 Stage Three: Neoplatonism and the Meaning Crisis 02:00:15 Q&A Session 02:01:45 Q: What is the Ecology of Practices for Cultivating Wisdom? 02:11:50 Q: How Has the Cultural Curriculum Evolved Over Time? 02:26:30 Q: Does the World Have Infinite Intelligibility? 02:33:50 Q: Most Meaningful Visual Art? 02:34:15 Q: Social Media's Impact on Mental Health and Information? 02:39:45 Q: What is Transjective Reality? 02:46:35 Q: How Can Education Address the Meaning Crisis? 02:51:50 Q: Advice for Building a College Community? 02:55:30 Closing Remarks — Authors, Ideas, and Works Mentioned in this Episode: Antisthenes Aristotle Brett Anderson Byung-Chul Han Charles Darwin Daniel Dennett D. C. Schindler Friedrich Nietzsche Galileo Galilei Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Heraclitus Henry Corbin Immanuel Kant Iris Murdoch Isaac Newton Igor Grossmann Johannes Kepler John Locke John Searle John Spencer Karl Friston Karl Marx Mark Miller Maurice Merleau-Ponty Nelson Goodman Paul Ricoeur Pierre Hadot Plato Pythagoras Rainer Maria Rilke René Descartes Sigmund Freud W. Norris Clarke anagoge (ἀναγωγή) Distributed cognition eidos (εἶδος) eros (ἔρως) Evan Thompson’s deep continuity hypothesis Generative grammar logos (λόγος) Sensorimotor loop Stoicism thymos (θυμός) Bayes' theorem Wason Selection Task The Enigma of Reason by Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber The Ennead by Plotinus Explorations in Metaphysics by W. Norris Clarke Religion and Nothingness by Keiji Nishitani The Eternal Law: Ancient Greek Philosophy, Modern Physics, and Ultimate Reality by John Spencer — Additional Resources — Thank you for listening!
Knowing God in the Book of Job | Dr David Novak with Ralston College
Knowing God in the Book of Job | Dr David Novak with Ralston College
Dr David Novak is a distinguished professor at the University of Toronto, renowned theologian, and esteemed rabbi. He has authored numerous books, delivered the prestigious Gifford Lectures, and bridges ancient philosophical traditions with modern ethical issues. Recorded live at Ralston College in Savannah, GA in November of 2022. Dr David Novak—Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto—offers a lecture on the Book of Job followed by an extended question and answer session with students enrolled in Ralston College’s Master’s in the Humanities Program. In his lecture, Dr Novak explores the complex position of Job in the canon of Jewish scriptures, surveys diverse scholarly accounts of the concluding passages of the book, and offers his own interpretation of Job’s “face-to-face” interaction with God, one that emphasizes direct knowledge over abstract understanding and finds in the book’s conclusion a vision of the resurrection of the body. — 00:00 Introduction 08:20 Dr. David Novak’s Lecture on the Book of Job 53:25:00 Question and Answer Session with Ralston College Students and Dr. Novak 54:45 Question: Does Job’s Vision Occur Before or After Death? 59:40 Question: Why are Job’s Friends Punished for Their Conceptual Understanding? 01:03:00 Question: How Does This Align With the Belief That No One Can See God and Live? 01:09:05 Question: What is the Purpose of the Dialogues Between Job and His Friends? 01:13:05 Question: Did Job’s Friends Hear God’s Voice During the Appearance? 01:14:55 Question: What is the Significance of God Doubling Job’s Possessions? 01:15:30 Question: Is There a Visual Aspect to God’s Response to Job, or Is It Only Auditory? 01:15:30 Question: What Does it Mean for God to Make a Bet with the Adversary? 01:19:10 Question: Is Job’s Refusal to Curse God a Prerequisite for His Later Vision? 01:25:15 Question: What Do You Make of the Relationship Between Satan and God? 01:29:05 Did God Use Job to Prove a Point to Satan, Knowing the Outcome? 01:31:20 Question: Can Man Question God and Express Grievances? 01:35:40 Question: Does Elihu Suggest People Perceive God Through Suffering and Visions? 1:41:30 Question: How Has Your Belief in Providence Impacted Your Life? 01:44:45 Closing Remarks — Authors, Ideas, and Works Mentioned in this Episode: The Book of Job The Book of Ezekiel The Book of Leviticus The Book of Esther The Book of Ecclesiastes Robert Gordis, The Book of God and Man: A Study of Job mashal (משל)—Hebrew, “parable” Katagoros (Hebrew—קָטִיגור; Greek—κατήγορος)—”accuser” Fredrich Nietzsche Johann von Rist, “O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid” G.W.F. Hegel Richard Rorty Reinhold Niebuhr, The Nature and Destiny of Man Leo Strauss Plato, Republic Yehuda Haleri Aristotle Thomas Aquinas The Book of Isaiah via negativa John Rawls Eric Gregory Chaim ibn Attar Tzimtzum (צמצום) — Additional Resources — Thank you for listening!
Unlocking Consciousness with Dr Stephen Wolfram: AI & Philosophy | Ralston College
Unlocking Consciousness with Dr Stephen Wolfram: AI & Philosophy | Ralston College
Dr Stephen Wolfram is a renowned computer scientist, physicist, and entrepreneur who earned his PhD in particle physics at 20 and became the youngest MacArthur Fellow at 21. As the founder of Wolfram Research, he has developed groundbreaking technologies widely used by university researchers in engineering, physics, mathematics, and computing. How can computational thinking and philosophy together unlock the mysteries of human consciousness and the universe? In this Q&A session, conducted in February 2024 with students enrolled in Ralston College’s MA in the Humanities program, the renowned physicist and computer scientist, Dr Stephen Wolfram, explains his own intellectual trajectory and explores the intersection of computational and philosophical inquiry, particularly in the age of AI. In the course of this wide-ranging conversation, Dr Wolfram discusses computational irreducibility, the nature of mind, the ethics of AI governance, and the growing value of a liberal arts education. — 00:00 Introduction: Dr. Stephen Wolfram's Genius and AI's Impact on Humanities 01:30 Welcoming Dr. Steven Wolfram 02:15 Steven Wolfram's Early Life and Achievements 05:10 The Power of Computational Thinking 07:20 The Ruliad, Philosophy, and Computational Language 15:15 Q: Exploring Computational Irreducibility and Emergence 21:25 The Ruliad and the Nature of Reality 32:30 Q: The Role of Computational Thinking in Education 41:05 AI Governance and Ethics 46:35 Q: Bridging STEM and Humanities for Better AI Ethics 48:40 Building Wolfram Alpha 50:35 Q: Plato and Balancing Innovation in AI 01:05:25 Q: Probability and Unpredictability: Insights from Nassim Taleb 01:09:35 Q: Human Consciousness and the Computational Soul 01:22:35 Conclusion: Reflections on Learning, Philosophy, and the Future of Education — Authors, Ideas, and Works Mentioned in this Episode: Gestalt entities Computational irreducibility Computational equivalence The second law of thermodynamics Plato, Republic AI Governance Utilitarianism Arrival (film) ChatGPT Nassem Talib, The Black Swan Colin Maclaurin — Additional Resources Join the conversation and stay updated on our latest content by subscribing to the Ralston College . — Thank you for listening!
From Homer to Gutenberg: Ancient Greek and Its Afterlives with Dr David Butterfield
From Homer to Gutenberg: Ancient Greek and Its Afterlives with Dr David Butterfield
David Butterfield is a renowned classicist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Cambridge. His work centres on the critical study and teaching of classical texts. How did the Renaissance revival of Greek language study transform Western Europe's intellectual landscape and shape our modern understanding of the Classics? In this talk, delivered on the island of Samos in Greece in August 2023 as part of Ralston College’s Master’s in the Humanities program, Dr. David Butterfield—Senior Lecturer in Classics at the University of Cambridge—charts how Western Europe came to appreciate the language and culture of ancient Greece as an integral part of its own civilizational inheritance. Dr. Butterfield explains that large-scale technological and cultural changes in late antiquity led to a gradual loss of Greek language proficiency—and a waning interest in the pagan world—among Western European intellectuals during the Early Middle Ages. While the Scholasticism of the High Middle Ages was invigorated by the rediscovery of the Greek philosophical tradition, this encounter was mediated almost entirely through Latin translations. It was only in the Renaissance—when a renewed appreciation of the Hellenic world on its own terms led to a revitalization of Greek language study—that our contemporary conception of Classics was fully established. — 00:00 Introduction: A Journey through Classical Literature with Dr. Butterfield 04:05 Preservation and Valuation of Greek Culture 06:55 The Evolution of Writing Systems 14:50 Greek Influence on Roman Culture 20:25 The Rise of Christianity and Advances in Book Technology 27:40 Preservation and Transmission of Classical Texts in the Middle Ages 32:50 Arabic Scholars: Preserving Greek Knowledge and Shaping Western Thought 36:00 The Renaissance and Rediscovery of Greek Texts 43:10 Conclusion: The Printing Press and the Spread of Classical Knowledge — Authors, Ideas, and Works Mentioned in this Episode: Homer Magna Graecia Pythagoras Odyssey Cato the Elder Third Macedonian War Great Library of Alexandria Great Library of Pergamum Horace, Epistles Emperor Augustus Codex Sinaiticus Constantine Neoplatonism Plato Charlemagne Carolingian Renaissance Virgil Ovid Abbasid Caliphate Avveroës Avicenna Thomas Aquinas Petrarch Ottoman Conquest Epicurus Lucretius Aristotle Gutenberg — Additional Resources - Explore Ancient Greece and Rome with Modern Insights Join the conversation and stay updated on our latest content by subscribing to the Ralston College .
Education without Indoctrination: Can It Exist? Stephen Blackwood, John Vervaeke & David Butterfield
Education without Indoctrination: Can It Exist? Stephen Blackwood, John Vervaeke & David Butterfield
Stephen Blackwood is the founding President of Ralston College, with advanced degrees in Classics and Religion and visiting positions at Harvard, Toronto, and Cambridge. David Butterfield is a renowned classicist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Cambridge. His work centres on the critical study and teaching of classical texts. John Vervaeke, PhD, is an award-winning professor of psychology, cognitive science, and Buddhist psychology at the University of Toronto. What are the fundamental principles required to cultivate an educational environment free from ideological bias? In this episode, Stephen Blackwood, David Butterfield, and John Vervaeke explore the current landscape of higher education and its pervasive ideological influences. They discuss the importance of fostering genuine freedom of inquiry, intellectual diversity, and non-coercive teaching practices. Through personal anecdotes and reflections on academic experiences, the conversation examines the conditions that make real dialogue and meaningful education possible. This episode challenges listeners to reconsider the essence of true education and its role in developing critical, independent thinkers. — 00:00 Introduction and Exploring Education Without Indoctrination 02:20 Defining Indoctrination in Education 05:25 Current State of Higher Education 09:05 Neo-Marxism and Power Dynamics in Education 16:30 Teaching and Parenting: Fostering Realization and Free Agency 26:05 John Vervaeke:Exploring Logos, Love, and the Meaning Crisis 35:35 The Dual Aspects of Free Speech: Good Faith and Inquiry 38:30 Audience Q&A: Handling Classroom Dynamics and Approaches 53:45 Conclusion: University Traditions and Political Orientations — Authors, Ideas, and Works Mentioned in this Episode Friedrich Nietzsche Thomas Jefferson Martha Argerich Descartes Jordan Peterson Education without Indoctrination Freedom of Speech The New Criterion Meaning Crisis Dialectic into Dialogos The Vervaeke Foundation — Additional Resources Join the conversation and stay updated on our latest content by subscribing to the Ralston College .
Self and Story: In Conversation with Gregg Hurwitz
Self and Story: In Conversation with Gregg Hurwitz
Gregg Hurwitz, the New York Times bestselling author of the Orphan X series and a storyteller whose work spans many mediums and genres, in conversation with Stephen Blackwood, the founding president of Ralston College, and with students enrolled in the inaugural year of the College’s MA in the Humanities program. In this live event—recorded on [date] at Ralston College—Hurwitz discusses the concrete details of his own writing practice and explains how his training in literature and psychology have informed his craft. He reflects on how storytelling helps us to understand the self and on the real-world value of learning to speak with honesty and authenticity. Authors, Ideas, and Works Mentioned in this Episode: Sigmund Freud Carl Jung Joseph Campbell Gregg Hurwitz, You’re Next The Sixth Sense (film) Romanticism William Wordsworth, “Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood” William Blake, Songs of Innocence and of Experience Transcendentalism Kurt Vonnegut James Joyce, “The Dead”; Ulyssess F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night William Faulkner, Light in August; As I Lay Dying; The Sound and the Fury Raymond Chandler Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment Edgar Allan Poe, “The Tell-Tale Heart” Albert Camus, The Stranger James M. Cain, The Postman Always Rings Twice Carl Rogers Lord Byron Batman (comic series) Punisher (comic series) Richard Wagner, Der Ring des Nibelungen Pablo Picasso Joan Didion The Book of Henry (film) Alan Moore
Language, Thought, and Style: The Articulated Logos in Victorian Literature with Michael D. Hurley
Language, Thought, and Style: The Articulated Logos in Victorian Literature with Michael D. Hurley
Dr Michael Hurley, Professor of Literature and Theology at Trinity College in the University of Cambridge, delivers a lecture to students in Ralston College’s inaugural Master’s in the Humanities program on the intertwining of language and thought in the work of three major Victorian authors: Walter Pater, John Henry Newman, and Gerard Manley Hopkins. Prof. Hurley argues that, far from being merely ornamental, in these authors style is constitutive of thought and the difficult pursuit of beauty is inextricable from the pursuit of truth. — Ralston College Website: Ralston College Humanities MA: YouTube: X: — 00:00 Introduction to the Lecture and Its Significance 01:40 The Special Context of the Lecture 02:00 Exploring the Relationship Between Language and Thought 04:20 Diving Into the Logos Through Literature 21:00 Examining the Dual Nature of Logos 34:00 Analyzing Texts: A Deep Dive into Aestheticism, Truth, and the Logos 43:40 Concluding Reflections and Open Discussion — Authors, Ideas, and Works Mentioned in this Episode: Pythagoras Anti-Empiricism St. John the Evangelist Logos Heraclitus Romanticism David Jones Matthew Arnold, “Dover Beach” Sophocles Peloponnesian War John Henry Newman William Blake W.B. Yeats Margot Collis G.K. Chesterton William James, “The Present Dilemma in Philosophy” Pragmatism Walter Pater, Studies in the History of the Renaissance Walter Pater, “Style” Aestheticism Oscar Wilde Harold Bloom Melos Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa Prolepsis Hypotaxis Parataxis Cicero Virgil Gerard Manley Hopkins, “God’s Grandeur”; “As Kingfishers Catch Fire”; “Carrion Comfort” William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Radical Thoughts on Human Nature: Stephen Blackwood at Hillsdale College
Radical Thoughts on Human Nature: Stephen Blackwood at Hillsdale College
In this lecture, delivered on March 30, 2023, as part of the Drummond Lecture Series at Hillsdale College, Dr. Stephen Blackwood—the founding president of Ralston College—argues that we must first understand something’s nature before we can properly care for and cultivate it. This principle holds true for all living things—including plants and animals—but it is seen in its fullest complexity in human beings as they seek to realize their unique potential through the concrete challenges and conditions of their individual lives. Drawing richly upon both text and images, Dr. Blackwood explains that the actualization of our potential is not inevitable but instead relies upon us being rooted in a culture that can nurture, sustain, and challenge us as we seek to orient our subjective and finite experiences of the world toward eternal and infinite realities. Dr. Blackwood’s lecture is a call to action for both individuals and institutions, reminding us of our sacred duty to both realize our own gifts and to accompany and support others as they seek to do the same. Resources Ralston College Website: YouTube: X: Ralston College Humanities MA: Authors, Ideas, and Works Mentioned in this Episode radix (Latin, “root) William Shakespeare, Hamlet The Biblical book of Ezekiel Ugo da Carpi cultus, (Latin, “cultivation, culture, education, devotion”) Aristotle, De Anima Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics St. Augustine Anthony Daniels / Theodore Dalrymple thaumazein (θαυμάζω) (Ancient Greek, “wonder”) Sigrid Undset, Kristen Lavransdatter Gerard Manley Hopkins, “The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo” Homer, Odyssey Pythagoras Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy Cal Newport, Deep Work Cal Newport, Digital Minimalism Gerard Manley Hopkins, “As Kingfishers Catch Fire” Quotes “Life can only be lived for itself. And only you can live that life." - Stephen Blackwood [00:15:54] "We need a true radicalism. A return to root as both anchor and nourishing source." - Stephen Blackwood [00:16:07] "You must string the bow, the bow of your soul, and let it sing. That irreducible particularity, that finite smallness of you, the intricacy and difficulty of your own life, is also where the greatness is. I encourage you, with everything I've got, to go out and find it." - Stephen Blackwood [00:53:15] Chapters 00:00:00 - Introduction: Realizing Human Potential through Education: A Vision for Culture and the Human Person 00:06:30 - Hillsdale's Outsized Influence: How a Small College Cuts Through Noise to Seek Truth 00:09:00 - Rediscovering the True Meaning of Radical: Uncovering the Fundamentals of Human Nature 00:17:10 - Realizing Potential: The Dynamics of Growth in Natural Beings 00:28:30 - The Quest for Self-Knowledge: Exploring the Depths of Human Nature 00:35:00 - Transcending Self: The Search for Meaning Beyond the Empirical 00:40:00 - Integrating Self and Transcendence: Navigating Human Complexity and Connection 00:50:40 - Conclusion: The Infinite Particularity: Embracing the Unique Symphony of the Soul 00:54:10 - Q&A Session: Providence, Self-Determination, and Cultural Meaning at Hillsdale College
The Medieval Cosmos as Permanent Apocalypse with Jonathan Pageau
The Medieval Cosmos as Permanent Apocalypse with Jonathan Pageau
In his lecture, Jonathan Pageau presents a thoughtful examination of the Last Judgment through the lens of a late-11th-century mosaic, challenging the traditional view of it as solely an end-time event. He suggests that this imagery symbolizes an ongoing process of identity formation, where every entity acts as a judge, continually evaluating its alignment with its essence. This interpretation casts the Last Judgment in a new light, with the ideal human being as the ultimate measure of this alignment. Pageau further delves into how this imagery interacts with its placement within the church, enhancing the narrative of creation and ultimate fulfillment. He draws attention to the layered symbols within the scene, such as the crucifixion and harrowing of Hades. By exploring the cosmic symbolism—Christ as the source, the sheep and goats as symbols of inclusion or exclusion, and the strategic placement of figures—Pageau encourages a view of the Last Judgment not as a daunting reckoning but as a powerful allegory for the continuous formation and evaluation of identity against a higher ideal. This perspective not only demystifies the traditional fears associated with the Last Judgment but also prompts a personal reflection on how we align with broader, universal truths. Jonathan Pageau is a renowned artist and the host of The Symbolic World podcast. He specializes in the interpretation of symbolic patterns across various cultural and historical contexts. Learn more about Jonathan Pageau and embark on a journey into the symbolic universe by visiting his podcast at and his website at . Glossary of Terms Iconography: The visual images and symbols used in a work of art or the study or interpretation of these. Byzantine Art: A style of art developed in the eastern Mediterranean, characterized by its religious themes and extensive use of icons. Resources Ralston College Website: YouTube: X: Images The Church of Santa Maria Assunta, Torcello, Italy: The Last Judgement, Apse Mosaics Church of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, Italy: 6th century Mosaic The Basilica of Saint Sabina, Rome, Italy: Wooden door panels depicting The Ascension Ascension of Christ, Rabbula Gospel Book (fol. 13v) The Monastery of Apollo at Bawit, Egypt Chapel of the Domus Galilaeae, Israel Russian the Last Judgment Icon (Novgorod version, 15th century) Quotes "I believe that the image of the Last Judgment is actually a way to understand how identity formation functions." - Jonathan Pageau [00:09:00] "We have to transform people; that's real. And that is undeniable when you meet someone that is transformed." - Jonathan Pageau [00:57:00] Chapters 00:00:00 - Introduction to the Medieval Cosmos and Jonathan Pageau 00:06:30 - The Image of the Last Judgment and Its Significance 00:13:40 - Exploring the Fractal Nature of Medieval Symbols 00:17:40 - Understanding the Last Judgment and Its Structure 00:24:40 - Iconographic Representation of Christ, the Virgin, and Saints 00:29:00 - The Right Hand and Left Hand of Christ in the Last Judgment 00:37:00 - The Hetoimasia and the Prepared Throne 00:39:20 - Depictions of Paradise and Hell in the Last Judgment 00:50:20 - The Problem of Fragmentation and the Nature of Sin 00:55:00 - From Division to Unity: The Path Forward 00:57:50 - Q&A Session: Symbolism, Imagery, Rationality, and Integration
Serious Play: Renaissance Wisdom and Cosmic Choreography | Sophia Lecture 2023 Part 5/5
Serious Play: Renaissance Wisdom and Cosmic Choreography | Sophia Lecture 2023 Part 5/5
In the culminating fifth lecture of the Sophia Lecture series, Professor Douglas Hedley culminates his exploration by delving into play's theological dimension, engaging with Marsilio Ficino, Desiderius Erasmus, and Plotinus to dissect 'serious play', a pivotal concept in Renaissance thought. Throughout the lecture series, Hedley has traversed play's philosophical terrain, examining its roots, the vital role of language in human development, the journey into self-awareness, and the allure of aesthetics. In this lecture, he weaves together the interplay of wisdom and play within cultural narratives, delves into Plotinus' portrayal of the cosmos as a divine ballet, and highlights the synergy between divine ecstasy and human creativity. Additionally, he probes the impact of symbolic play in spiritual realms and underscores the critical role of femininity in the discourse on wisdom and play. Professor Hedley's contributions provide a rich, interconnected view of play as a gateway to a deeper understanding of our selves and the cosmos. Douglas Hedley is a Professor in the Philosophy of Religion at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow at Clare College. His work spans the fields of philosophy, theology, and psychology, focusing on the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern thought. Glossary of Terms Kenosis: The self-emptying of one's own will and becoming entirely receptive to God's divine will. Resources Ralston College Website: YouTube: X: Douglas Hedley Living Forms of the Imagination -Douglas Hedley Sacrifice Imagined: Violence, Atonement, and the Sacred - Douglas Hedley The Iconic Imagination - Douglas Hedley The Ages of the World 1811 - Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Von Schelling Man at Play - Hugo Rahner S.J. Plotinus: Myth, Metaphor, and Philosophical Practice - Stephen R. L. Clark Quotes "While our Plato often discusses in a hidden matter, the duty belonging to mankind, it sometimes seems as though he's joking and playing. But platonic games and jokes are much more serious than the serious things of the Stoics." - Douglas Hedley, originally from Marsilio Ficino [00:10:20] “All fleeting things are just an image. The imperishable is here an event. The indescribable is thus done. The eternal feminine draws us upwards.” Douglas Hedley, paraphrasing Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [00:45:40] Chapters [00:00:00] Introduction and Musical Performance [00:04:00] Formal Introduction of Professor Douglas Hedley [00:09:35] Exploring the Philosophical and Theological Dimensions of Play [00:16:40] The Renaissance Connection: Erasmus and the Play of Wisdom [00:22:20] Plotinus and the Cosmic Dance of Creation [00:27:00] Playfulness in Theology and Philosophy [00:32:00] Sacred Play: The Intersection of Divine Joy and Human Creativity [00:36:40] The Iconic Imagination: Symbols and Play in Spiritual Life [00:42:00] Femininity, Wisdom, and Play in Cultural Traditions [00:52:00] Concluding Thoughts on Play and Human Development [00:56:12] Audience Q&A: Insights on Play, Culture, and Society
Unveiling Aesthetics: Art, Suffering, and Transcendence | Sophia Lectures 2023 Part 4/5
Unveiling Aesthetics: Art, Suffering, and Transcendence | Sophia Lectures 2023 Part 4/5
In the fourth Sophia Lecture, Professor Douglas Hedley explores the transformative power of play in art and human consciousness, examining its philosophical significance across various cultures and traditions. Hedley highlights play's role in fostering aesthetic appreciation and creativity, embarking on a historical and philosophical journey from ancient wisdom to modern interpretations. He scrutinizes the aesthetic crisis in contemporary art, noting its departure from traditional notions of beauty and creativity, and weaves together intriguing concepts from evolutionary psychology, post-structuralist theories, and sacred art dimensions. Central to his discussion are the contributions of Kant, Schiller, and Gadamer, which shed light on art's role in society and individual lives. The lecture culminates in a compelling argument to reignite beauty's appreciation, urging a re-embrace of art's transformative potential in contemporary discourse. By positioning art as a conduit for truth and moral reflection, Hedley calls for a rediscovery of the deep connections between art, beauty, and the human condition. Douglas Hedley is a Professor in the Philosophy of Religion at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow at Clare College. His work spans the fields of philosophy, theology, and psychology, focusing on the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern thought. Glossary of Terms Aesthetics: The branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste. Resources Ralston College Website: YouTube: X: Douglas Hedley Living Forms of the Imagination -Douglas Hedley Sacrifice Imagined: Violence, Atonement, and the Sacred - Douglas Hedley The Iconic Imagination - Douglas Hedley Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture - Johan Huizinga Truth and Method - Hans-Georg Gadamer Likeness and Presence: A History of the Image before the Era of Art - Hans Belting Quotes "Friedrich Schiller observes that man only plays when he is in the fullest sense of the word a human being, and he is only fully a human being when he plays." - Douglas Hedley [00:15:49] There has emerged a widely documented crisis of aesthetics. In the wake of Duchamp, or Warhol, it becomes more difficult to speak of the artwork, or indeed, aesthetic experience, more broadly." - Douglas Hedley [00:03:52] Chapters 00:00:00] Introduction to the Aesthetics of Play [00:02:25] Philosophical Significance of Art, Beauty, and Aesthetics [00:17:00] Kant's Contribution to Aesthetics and the Concept of Genius [00:24:00] Schiller's Aesthetic Education of Man and the Concept of Play [00:33:40] Gadamer's Exploration of Art's Ontology and the Critical Role of Play [00:52:56] Audience Questions and Reflections
Wisdom in Paradox: The Seriousness of Play | Sophia Lectures 2023 Part 3/5
Wisdom in Paradox: The Seriousness of Play | Sophia Lectures 2023 Part 3/5
In the third lecture of the Sophia Lecture series, Professor Douglas Hedley embarks on an intellectual journey that explores the enigmatic nature of play and its profound impact on human life, drawing from ancient philosophies and modern psychological theories. Delving into the works of Heraclitus and Plato, Hedley examines the paradoxical relationship between play and seriousness and how this dynamic shapes our understanding of life's deepest questions. He discusses the transformative power of poetic language, the importance of embracing the child's soul, and the role of play as a bridge between our inner realities and the external world. Furthermore, Hedley reflects on mental health, cultural shifts, and the significance of the humanities in providing a sense of purpose and meaning, ultimately arguing that engaging with foundational texts and embracing play can help us navigate the complexities of modern life and contribute to our overall well-being. Douglas Hedley is a Professor in the Philosophy of Religion at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow at Clare College. His work spans the fields of philosophy, theology, and psychology, focusing on the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern thought. Glossary of Terms Ion: Time period, sometimes interpreted as "lifetime" or "eternity." Sophrosyne: Excellence in character; moderation; self-control; leading to well-being. Resources Ralston College Website: YouTube: X: Douglas Hedley Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture - Johan Huizinga The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure - Greg Lukianoff Jonathan Haidt Playing and Reality - D. W. Winnicott Civilization and Its Discontents - Sigmund Freud Modern Man in Search of a Soul - C. G. Jung The Red Book - C. G. Jung Poetic Diction: A Study in Meaning - Owen Barfield Plato. "Laws." Translated by Benjamin Jowett, The Internet Classics Archive. Homer. "The Iliad." Translated by Samuel Butler, The Internet Classics Archive. Quotes "Does it mean a lifetime, time, or eternity is nothing but a child playing? Playing checkers or draughts. Kingship belonging to the child. Does this mean that living like a child is somehow to live like a king? Or is it a claim about the universe that all is chance?" - Douglas Hedley (on the enigmatic utterance of the ancient philosopher Heraclitus) [00:03:34] “Meaning cannot be generated by human conventions… but only on the assumption that meaning is grounded in the logos and indeed the transformation of consciousness through poetic language." - Douglas Hedley [00:08:29] Chapters [00:00:00] - Introduction to the Sophia Lecture Series and Professor Hedley [00:02:00] - The Enigma of Heraclitus' Riddles on Time and Play [00:05:00] - Plato's Laws on Play and its Role in Life [00:08:00] - The Transformation of Consciousness Through Language [00:10:00] - The Significance of Mental Health and Play in Contemporary Society [00:19:00] - Exploring Donald Winnicott's Theory of Play [00:29:00] - Carl Jung and the Concept of the Daimon [00:54:00] - The Legacy of Play in Philosophical and Psychological Thought [00:58:00] - Q&A Session: Academia, Play, Suffering, and Self-Understanding [01:12:00] - Concluding Reflections
Exploring the Inner Word: Play, Poetry, Philosophy | Sophia Lectures 2023 Part 2/5
Exploring the Inner Word: Play, Poetry, Philosophy | Sophia Lectures 2023 Part 2/5
In this second episode of the Sophia Lectures, Professor Douglas Hedley from the University of Cambridge embarks on a deep exploration into the theme of "play" and its relationship to consciousness, language, and poetic expression. Drawing upon the intellectual legacies of Owen Barfield and Hans-Georg Gadamer, Hedley explores the philosophical and theological dimensions of language, highlighting its role in shaping our understanding of existence. He discusses the concept of the "inner word" as described by Augustine and how poetry serves as a bridge between the tangible and the abstract, allowing for playful exploration of meaning. Hedley critiques modern perspectives on consciousness, suggesting that they often overlook the importance of play in human experience. Through discussions on the significance of metaphor, the societal role of poetry, and the collective versus individual nature of consciousness, Hedley offers a comprehensive examination of how language and poetry are fundamental to our comprehension of the world and how play is a vital aspect of this process. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersections of language, consciousness, and the human condition, providing a rich tapestry of philosophical inquiry and reflection. Douglas Hedley is a distinguished philosopher at the University of Cambridge, celebrated for his extensive research in the philosophy of religion and Platonism. He is the author of multiple influential works on imagination and religious experience. Glossary of Terms Language games: A concept introduced by Ludwig Wittgenstein that highlights the importance of usage and practice in shaping meaning Resources Ralston College Website: YouTube: X: Douglas Hedley Philosophical Investigations - Ludwig Wittgenstein The Trinity (Works of Saint Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century) - Saint Augustine Saving the Appearances: A Study in Idolatry - Owen Barfield Truth and Method - Hans-Georg Gadamer Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature - Richard Rorty Augustine-Confessions-vol-1.pdf - Augustine. (n.d.). Confessions, Vol. 1. Plato. (n.d.). Alcibiades 1. Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture - Johan Huizinga Quotes "The great archetypal activities of human society are all permeated with play from the start." - Johann Huizinga, Homo Ludens [00:02:30] “I think consciousness is fundamental to existence. In fact, it's the great philosophical question of our age.” - Douglas Hedley [01:01:24] Chapters [00:00:00] - Introduction to Sophia Lectures: Overview and Introduction of Professor Douglas Hedley [00:02:00] - Exploring Play and Language: Merging Huizinga’s Play Concept with Wittgenstein’s Language Games and Investigations to Reveal Language’s Essence in Shaping Human Culture and Thought. [00:20:00] - The Inner Word and the Play of Meaning: Exploring Augustine’s Inner Word and Poetry’s Power to Unveil Transcendent Truths. [00:26:00] - Tradition, Interpretation, and the Essence of Language: Exploring the Intellectual Legacies of Barfield and Gadamer, Their Critique of Modernism, and the Philosophical Significance of Language's Transcendental Source. [00:52:00] - Participation, Aesthetics, and the Divine Word: Navigating Gadamer's Concept of Participation through Platonic Light, Aesthetic Experience, and the Theological Depths of Language. [01:00:00] - Audience Q&A and Concluding Reflections
The Spirit of Play in Shaping Culture, Creativity, and Spirituality | Sophia Lectures 2023 Part 1/5
The Spirit of Play in Shaping Culture, Creativity, and Spirituality | Sophia Lectures 2023 Part 1/5
University of Cambridge philosopher, Professor Douglas Hedley, delves into the concept of play and its vital role in understanding the human condition. Drawing on Johann Huizinga, Hermann Hesse, and Josef Pieper's ideas, Hedley links play to the divine act of creation, asserting it as an essential element of our existence associated with freedom, creativity, and spirituality. He considers various viewpoints from Christian and Eastern traditions, addressing criticisms and underscoring play's civilizing role. Through Hermann Hesse's "The Glass Bead Game," Hedley probes into play's societal function, its ties to leisure and festivals, and its life-enriching effects. The lecture's Q&A session offers additional insights, marking it as a significant resource for those intrigued by play's profound meanings. Douglas Hedley is a distinguished philosopher at the University of Cambridge, celebrated for his extensive research in the philosophy of religion and Platonism. He is the author of multiple influential works on imagination and religious experience. Glossary of Terms Sophia: Greek word for wisdom, used in the context of the lecture series to signify the exploration of wisdom through philosophy. The Delphic Oracle: The ancient Greek oracle at Delphi, famous for its cryptic predictions and guidance, including the maxim 'know thyself.' Resources Website: YouTube: X: Instagram: Douglas Hedley Plato. (n.d.). Symposium. Plato. (n.d.). Phaedo. Plato. (n.d.). Laws. Quotes "Platonic games and jokes are much more serious than the serious things of the Stoics." - Marsilio Ficino [00:09:20] "Play may well be a key to understanding something about ourselves." - Douglas Hedley [00:09:00] Chapters [00:00:00] - Introduction [00:01:00] - Welcome and introduction of Sophia lectures series [00:06:40] - Topic introduction: The Spirit of Play [00:08:13] - Guest speaker introduction: Professor Douglas Hedley [00:09:40] - Distinguishing play and game [00:15:00] - Play as an intimation of the sacred [00:20:40] - The link between play and freedom [00:26:40] - Essentialism and play as an essential part of human condition [00:31:20] - Critique of play within the Christian tradition [00:36:50] - The glass bead game by Hermann Hesse [00:45:00] - Critique of Mandarin culture in the glass bead game [00:51:00] - Religious aspect of play [01:02:00] - Suspicion of leisure in Anglo-American culture [01:04:00] - Q&A session [01:37:19] - Conclusion of Q&A session and end of the lecture
The Spirit of Play: A Conversation with Professor Douglas Hedley and Dr Stephen Blackwood
The Spirit of Play: A Conversation with Professor Douglas Hedley and Dr Stephen Blackwood
In the inaugural episode of the Sophia Lecture Series, Ralston College President Stephen Blackwood and distinguished Cambridge Professor Douglas Hedley explore "The Spirit of Play", delving into the enigmatic nature of play, its historical and philosophical significance, and its intricate connection with human culture and imagination. This discussion highlights that concept's relevance in today's society, its role in fostering a comprehensive understanding of human experience, and its importance in addressing fundamental questions of human existence. By examining the playful foundations of philosophical inquiry and the significance of imagination, this conversation encourages listeners to embrace a richer, more nuanced view of the world, ultimately challenging our understanding of human culture and intellectual pursuits. Douglas Hedley is a distinguished philosopher at the University of Cambridge, celebrated for his extensive research in the philosophy of religion and Platonism. He is the author of multiple influential works on imagination and religious experience. Resources Ralston College Website: YouTube: X: Instagram: Douglas Hedley Quotes "The concept of play...straddles evolutionary history, psychology, ethics, aesthetics, even religion." - Douglas Hedley [00:01:24] "Play, perhaps surprisingly, has quite a significant role in the history of philosophy." - Douglas Hedley [00:02:53] "Metaphysics is our spiritual oxygen." - Douglas Hedley [00:17:35] Chapters [00:00:00] - Introduction to Professor Douglas Hedley and the Sophia Lecture Series [00:01:20] - Discussion on the choice of “The Spirit of Play” as the lectures' topic [00:02:00] - Explanation of play's multifaceted nature [00:04:40] - Importance of play in understanding human experience [00:05:00] - Recommendation of Johan Huizinga's Homo Ludens [00:07:00] - Connection between play and the history of philosophy [00:08:20] - Kant, Schiller, and Gadamer's perspectives on play [00:09:20] - Ralston College as a vision of Christian humanism [00:10:40] - Philosophy as a way of life and the importance of friendship [00:11:20] - Learning through imitation and the educational experience [00:12:40] - Joy from immersion in the philosophical tradition [00:13:20] - Challenges to traditional humanities in contemporary culture [00:14:20] - The richness of the Christian Platonic tradition [00:15:20] - Discussion on ultimate questions independent of social constructs [00:16:40] - The significance of beauty in the cosmos [00:18:00] - Conclusion and appreciation for Hedley's contributions
Ep. 30 - From the Cave of Pythagoras: A Lecture and Discussion with Douglas Hedley
Ep. 30 - From the Cave of Pythagoras: A Lecture and Discussion with Douglas Hedley
Ralston College presents a lecture by University of Cambridge Professor Douglas Hedley on the influential and mysterious pre-Socratic philosopher Pythagoras. Given in the very cave in Samos in which Pythagoras taught, this brief lecture touches on the philosopher’s influence on the Western tradition and the importance of the cave as an imaginative motif. Professor Hedley explores this recurring symbol as a place of birth and rebirth, of contemplation and illumination, and of tremendous inspiration to later figures such as Plato and many early Christian thinkers. The lecture took place during the first term of Ralston College's inaugural MA in the Humanities in autumn of 2022. Authors, Ideas, and Works Mentioned in this Episode Eusebius Werner Jaeger Ralph Cudworth Kabbalah Pythagoras The Lyceum Lloyd P. Gerson St Ambrose Johannes Reuchlin St Augustine Metempsychosis Orphism Empedocles Plato’s Cave Socrates Mithraism Cave of the Apocalypse in Patmos Parmenides Aristotle Pindar Immanuel Kant Gottlob Frege Links of Possible Interest Douglas Hedley’s Cambridge Profile Living Forms of the Imagination Dr Stephen Blackwood Dr James Bryson Ralston College (including newsletter) Ralston College Short Courses
Ep. 29 - Marie Kawthar Daouda: Baudelaire and the Creation of the Poetic Self
Ep. 29 - Marie Kawthar Daouda: Baudelaire and the Creation of the Poetic Self
Ralston College presents a lecture by Marie Kawthar Daouda on the infamous French poet, Charles Baudelaire. Baudelaire published one collection of poems in his lifetime, 'Les Fleurs du mal,' which was met by outrage and led to a scandalous lawsuit because of some poems’ graphic content. The problem with Baudelaire was not so much that he was writing about sex, drunkenness, and violence; it was that he wrote about ugly things—at times horrible things—while using the classical perfection of the French verse, and merged the longing for a lost ideal with the modernity of Haussmanian Paris. As such, Baudelaire's art is not about gruesome indecency, but about acknowledging horror as a non-negotiable part both of the human condition and of the creation of the self. Dr Daouda’s lecture focuses on two particular sonnets, 'À une passante' and 'Recueillement,' which offer emblematic examples of Baudelaire’s poetic technique and his philosophical heritage, and help to explain why, although he died in utter misery, he was one of the most influential artistic figures of the century that followed. This lecture and discussion were recorded with a live online audience on June 23rd, 2022. Authors, Ideas, and Works Mentioned in this Episode Charles Baudelaire Eugene Delacroix, 'La Liberté guidant le peuple' Chateaubriand Benjamin Constant Alphonse de Lamartine Victor Hugo, 'Les Miserables' George Sand Jean-Jacques Rousseau Voltaire Victor Hugo, 'Les Chansons des rues et des bois' Édouard Manet Blaise Pascal Joseph de Maistre Edgar Allan Poe Platonism Neo-Platonism Edgar Allan Poe, 'The Imp of the Perverse' Charles Baudelaire, 'L’art romantique' Charles Baudelaire, 'Les Fleurs du mal' Carlos Schwabe, 'Spleen et idéal' Oscar Wilde Charles Baudelaire, 'À une passante' Petrus Borel, 'Champavert' Charles Baudelaire, 'Recueillement' Charles Baudelaire, 'Le Spleen de Paris' Michael Edwards, 'Bible et poésie' Vladimir Jankélévitch, 'La Mort' Carlos Schwabe, 'Les Noces du poete et de la Muse ou L’Ideal' Gustav Maureau Lord Byron Links of Possible Interest Dr Marie Kawthar Daouda's biography Dr Stephen Blackwood Ralston College Ralston College Short Courses Ralston College Humanities MA
Ep. 28 - Arif Ahmed on David Hume’s Disturbing Conception of the Self
Ep. 28 - Arif Ahmed on David Hume’s Disturbing Conception of the Self
Ralston College presents a lecture by Arif Ahmed on David Hume’s conception of self in Book I of his ‘Treatise of Human Nature.’ The idea of ‘the self’ or ‘soul’ as an enduring subject of experience seems very natural, indeed almost inevitable. Hume, however, argues that it is a mistake; and he gives a novel account of what it means for you or me to exist at any one time or across different times. In his lecture, Dr Ahmed assesses Hume's central argument and discusses whether it sheds any light on related questions concerning responsibility, the morality of life and death, and the nature and rationality of 'self-interest.' This lecture and discussion were recorded with a live online audience on May 19th, 2022.